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Chronicle of Gregory 1462 is in Chronicle of Gregory.
26 Feb 1462. And this same year the Erle of Oxforde (age 53), the Lord Abbry, the lord of Oxforde (deceased) is sone, Syr Thomas Todenham (deceased) knyght, John Mongomery, and William Terelle (deceased) squyer, were takyn in Esex, and brought unto Lundon to the Towre [Map]. Ande thenne they were ledde to Westemyster to the Kings palys, and there they were attaynte of hyghe and mighthy treson that they ymagenyd agayne þe King. And then they were drawe to the Towre from Westemyster. And at the Towre hylle was made a schaffolde for them, and there her heddys were smetyn on, and her bodys beryd, as it plesyd them to be qwethe her bodys.
Jul 1462. Thys year Quene Margarete (age 32) com owt of Frauns with lij [52] schyppys, with Freynysche men and some Engelysche men in the schyppys. And they londyd in Northe Humberlonde, it was vij dayes be-fore Alle Halwyn tyde. And there sche toke the castelle of Anwyke [Map] and put it full of Fraynyschemen. And then she retornyd in to Schotlonde by water. And there rosse suche a tempaste uppon her that she for soke her schippe, and a schapyd with the bote of þe schyppe. And the schyppe was drownyd with moche of her stuffe and iij [3] grete schippys moo. And iiij c and vj [406] Fraynysche men were take in the chyrche of Hooly Ylond [Map]. Thenn Kyng Edward (age 20) hyrde telle of thys, and made him redy towarde the Northe with many lordys, gentellys, and comyns with hym. And there he layde a sege to Anwyke Castelle [Map], and to the castelle of Bamborowe [Map], and to Dunsterborowe [Map]. Bamborowe [Map] and Dunsterborowe [Map] was kept by Syr Raffe Persy (age 37) and Syr Harry Bewforde (age 26), late Duke of Somersett, and the castelle of Anwyke [Map] with the Lord Hungerforde (age 31). And Bamborowe [Map] and Dunsterborowe [Map] were yoldyn be Syr Raffe Percy and Syr Harry Beuford, late Duke of Somersett, to the Kyngys wylle, whythe the condyscyons that the said Raffe Percy schulde have the kepynge of the ij castellys, Bamborowe [Map] and Dunstarborowe [Map]. The said Syr Raffe Percy and Syr Harry Beuforde, late Duke of Somersett, were sworne to be trewe and faythefulle as trewe lege men unto owre King and sovereign lord Edwarde the iiijthe. And they com to Derham [Map], and there they were sworne byfore owre King. And the King gaffe them his levery and grete rewardys. See 1464 Suppressing the Lancastrian Northern Resistance.
Jul 1462. Ande then the for said Raffe Percys (age 37) retornyde a-gayne in to Northehumberlond, and hadde the kepynge of the said ij [2] castellys accordynge unto the poyntment. And the said Syr Harry Beuforde (age 26) a-bode stylle whithe the King, and roode with him to Lundon. And the King made full moche of hym; in soo moche that he loggyd whythe the King in his owne bedde many nyghtys, and some tyme rode a huntynge be hynde the King, the King havynge a boute him not passynge vj [6] hors at the moste, and yet iij [3] were of the Dukys men of Somersett. The kyng lovyd him welle, but the duke thought treson undyr fayre chere and wordys, as it apperyd. And for a grete love the kyng made a grete justys at Westemyster, that he shuld se some maner sporte of chevalry aftyr his grete labur and hevynys. And with grete instans the King made him to take harnys uppon hym, and rode in the place, but he wolde nevyr cope whithe no man and no man might not cope whythe hym, tylle the King prayd him to be mery and sende him a tokyn, and then he ranne full justely and merely, and his helme was a sory hatte of strawe. And then every man markyd him welle.
12 Dec 1462. But within schorte tyme aftyr the said Syr Raffe Percy (age 37) by fals colysyon and treson he lete the Fraynysche men take the castelle of Bamborowe [Map] fro him nolens volo [Note. voluntarily]. As for the castelle of Anwyke [Map] alle the men of werre that were of worschip brake out of the castelle by fors and warre and rescuyd Syr Perys de Brasylle (age 52) on xij day by [v] the morne, and they that were with yn the castelle gaffe hit uppe by a-poyntement, &c.
Dec 1462. And then Kyng Edward (age 20) made Syr John Ascheley, the knyght that fought so manly in Smethefylde with an alyon that calengyd, he was made captayne of the castelle, and Syr Raffe Gray (age 30) constabylle of the said castelle of Anwycke [Map]. And withyn iij or iiij monythys aftyr that fals knyght and traytoure, Syr Raffe Graye, by fals treson toke the said Syr John Ascheley presoner, and delyveryd him to Quene Margarete (age 32), and then delyveryde the castelle to the Lord Hungerforde (age 31) and unto the Fraynysche men accompanyd whythe hym; and by this mene he put the kyng owre sovereign lord out of possessyon.
1462. And then my Lord of Warwycke (age 33) and his brother the Lord Montegewe (age 31) put them in devyr to rescewe [t]e said castelle of Norham, and soo they dyd, and put bothe King Harry and the Kyng of Schotys (age 10) to flyghte. And Quene Margarete whythe alle hir consayle, and Syr Perys de Brasey (age 52) whythe the Fraynysche men, fledde a-wey by water with iiij balynggarys; and they londyd at the Scluse [Map] in Flaundyrs, and lefte Kyng Harry that was be hynde hem, and alle her hors and her harneys, they were so hastyd by my lord of Warwycke, and his brother the lord Mountegewe, and by her feleschippe with them accompanyde. And at the departynge of Syr Perys de Brasyl and his feleschippe was on manly man that purposyd to mete with my lord of Warwycke, that was a taberette, for he stode a-pon an hylle with his tabyr and his pype, taberyng and pyping as merely as any man might, stondyng by him selfe, tylle my lord come unto him he wold not lesse his grownd; and there he be-come my lordys man; ande yet he is with him full good and to his lorde.
1462. Thenn the King Edward the iiij (age 19) purposyd to make an arme into Schotlonde by londe and by water, that the grete rebellyous Harry ande the Quene Margarete shulde not passe a way by water. And the kyng made the Erle of Worseter (age 34) captayne by water. And then there was ordaynyd a grete navy and a grete armye bothe by watyr and by lond. And alle was loste and in vayne, and cam too noo purposse, neyther by water ne by londe.
1462. Alle so the King (age 19) son aftyr dysposyd hym, and was purposyd to ryde into Yorke schyre and to the contray a boute, to see and understonde the dysposyscyon of the pepylle of the Northe. And toke with him the Duke of Somersett (age 25), and ij C [200] of his men welle horsyd and welle i-harnaysyd. Ande the said Duke, Harry of Somersett, ande his men were made the Kyngys garde, for the Kyng hadde that duke in moche favyr and trustyd him welle. But [t]e garde of him was as men shulde put a lombe a monge wolvysse of malyscyus bestys; but Alle mighty God was the scheparde. And whenn the King departyd from London he toke his way to Northehampton [Map], and thedyr the King com a Syn Jamys day the Apostylle, ande that fals duke with hym. And the comyns of the towne of Northehampton [Map] and of the schyre a-boute sawe that the fals duke and traytoure was so nyghe the Kyngys presens and was made his garde. The comyns a rosse uppon that fals traytur thee Duke of Somersett, and wolde have slayne him with yn the kyngys palys. And then the King with fayre speche and grete defeculte savyde his lyffe for that tyme, and that was pytte, for the savynge of his lyffe at that tyme causyd mony mannys dethys son aftyr, as ye shalle heyre. And then the Duke sende that fals Duke of Somersett in to a castelle of his owne full secretly, for save garde of his the dukys lyffe, and the dukys men unto Newe Castelle [Map], to kepe the towne, and gave them goode wages full treuly payde. And the Kyng full lovyngly gave the comyns of Northehampton [Map] a tonne of wyne that they shulde drynke and make mery. And [t]e wyne was drunkyn merely in the market place, for they hadde many fayre pecys of sylvyr. I darsay ther is no taverne that hathe not so moche of stuffe as they occupyde in his her tavernys. For some fette wyne in basynnys, and some in caudryns, and some in bollys, and some in pannys and some in dyschys. Loo, the grete tresoure that they scheuyd that tyme.
1463. Mayor of London: Matthew Philip. Sheriffs: Muschampe, Basset.