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Books, Calendars of Parliamentary Rolls, Close Rolls Edward II 1307-1313

Close Rolls Edward II 1307-1313 is in Close Rolls Edward II.

1308 Coronation of Edward II and Isabella

1308 King Edward II and Isabella of France arrive in England

06 Aug 1307 King Edward II (age 23). Dumfries [Map]. To the treasurer and the barons of the Exchequer. Order to discharge the Abbot of Hayles of £50 Yearly, which he used to pay for the town of Leechelade [Map] to the late Edmund Earl of Cornwall, and, after his death, to the late King, the king having granted the earldom of Cornwall and all the lands of the said Edmund to Peter de Gavaston (age 23), knight.

To the like favour of Michael de Meldon for 4 marks annually for his lands in Worton.

12 Dec 1307 King Edward II of England (age 23). Westminster Palace [Map]. To John de Brittania, Earl of Richmond, [keeper] of Scotland. Order to restore to Aymer de Valencia (age 32), Earl of Pembrok, his lands, etc., in the counties of Sellekyrk [Selkirkshire] and Twedale and in the forest of Sellekyrk, which he has seized into the king's hands because the men and tenants of the same had late traitoroursly adhered to Robert de Brus (age 33), the king's enemy and rebel.

08 Jan 1308 King Edward II of England (age 23) To the Sheriff of Leicester. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of John de Noveray, of Burton, lately elected in the late King's reign, who is insufficiently qualified.

Memorandum, that on Sunday before the Feast of St Vincent the Martyr [22 Jan], at Dover, Kent [Map] in the King's chamber in the Priory of St Martin, Dover [Map], in the evening (crepsusculo noctis), in the presence of William Inge, knight, William de Melton and Adam de Osgoodby, clerks, Bishop John Langton, the King's Chancellor, delivered under his seal to the said King his great seal; and the King received the said seal in his own hands, and delivered it to Sir William Melton (age 33) to be carried with him in the wardrobe beyond sea; and the King straightaway delivered by his own hand another seal of his shortly before made anew at London for the government of the realm in the King's absence in a red bag (bursa) sealed with the seal of William Inge to the chancellor. With which seal the chancellor caused writs to be sealed, after the King's passage, in the hospital of Domus Dei, under the testimony of Piers Gaveston 1st Earl Cornwall (age 24) then Keeper of the realm of England, on the Monday next following, on which day the King in the early morning (summo mane) passed the sea at Dover, Kent [Map].

22 Jan 1308 King Edward II of England (age 23). Dover, Kent [Map]. Robert Terry, of Whytefield, imprisoned at Northampton [Map] for the death of Galianus de Bek, has letters to the Sheriff of Nottingham to bail him until the first assize. Witness: Piers Gaveston 1st Earl Cornwall (age 24).

22 Jan 1308 King Edward II of England (age 23). Dover, Kent [Map] To the Sheriff of Kent. Order to provide 75 thousands of wood and 200 quarters of charcoal for the expenses of the King's household on his return from parts beyond the sea, so that he have at Dover, Kent [Map] against the King's return 25 thousands of wood and 30 quarters of coal, and at Canterbury, Kent [Map] 30 thousands of wood and 100 quarters of coal, and at Rochester, Kent [Map] (Rofham) 20 thousands of wood and 70 quarters of coal; to be delivered by indenture to John de Sumery, scullion (scutell') of the king's household, or such as supply his place. Witness: Piers Gaveston 1st Earl Cornwall (age 24).

24 Jan 1308 King Edward II of England (age 23). Canterbury, Kent [Map]. To the Sheriffs of London. Order to deliver John de la Dune, Roger de Hopton, Richard le Harpour, Roger de Soppewalle, Roger le Keu, Rober le Hunt, Thomas de Sydenham, Henry le Gardener, Thomas de la More, Philip Kemp, John le Wayt, and John le Wodeward, the men and servants of Adam de Kyngeshemede, in the King's prison of Newgate [Map] for a trespass committed by them upon the King's men at Westminster [Map], from prison upon their finding sufficient mainpernor's to have them before the King or his Lieutenant in the quinzaine of the Purification of St Mary to stand to right concerning the said trespass. Witness: Piers Gaveston 1st Earl Cornwall (age 24).

24 Jan 1308 King Edward II of England (age 23). Westminster Palace [Map]. To John Sampson (age 61), constable of the king's castle of Scardeburgh [Map]. Order to permit Henry Percy (age 34) and his consort and their household to dwell in the houses within the said castle, provided that the castle be safely guarded.

03 Feb 1308 King Edward II of England (age 23). Ewell, Surrey [Map]. To the Treasurer and the Barons of the Exchequer. Whereas the king lately commanded them to put into execution all the writs of the late King pending in the exchequer, and although the late King commanded his treasurer and barons of the exchquer, at the supplication of the burgesses of Great Yarmouth, Norfolk [Map], by his writ now in the exchequer, as the said burgesses assert, to allow them 1,000 marks in which the late king was bound to them for a loan in the time when John de Kirkeby was his treasurer, and 1,£760 for the arrears of the wages of divers men sent by them to the late King's command into Gascony for the expedition of this war and for remaining there for a great time, and also for £250which they expended, by the order of the late King, in the making of two galleys (galiarum) in the said town, and also £780 for the wages of certain sailors and divers other costs expended by them at divers times for the expedition of the war in Scotland, to be allowed to them out of the debts owing by them to the said late King, as well as the tenth, eleventh, sixth, seventh, twentieth, and thirtieth granted by the community of the kingdom to the late King, as from other causes whatsoever; they are ordered to execute the said writs. Witness: Piers Gaveston 1st Earl Cornwall (age 24).

Coronation of Edward II and Isabella

08 Feb 1308 King Edward II of England (age 23). Dover, Kent [Map]. To William Leybourne. Order to attend the king's coronation with his wife on Sunday next after the feast of St Valentine.

The like to seventy others in various counties.

King Edward II and Isabella of France arrive in England

09 Feb 1308 King Edward II of England (age 23). Dover, Kent [Map]. To Alice, late wife of Roger Bigod, Earl of Norfolk and Marshall of England. Order to meet the king at Dover, Kent [Map] on his return from France with his consort about Sunday next after the Feast of the Purification of St Mary. Witnessed by Piers Gaveston 1st Earl Cornwall (age 24).

The like to:

Elizabeth, Countess of Hereford and Essex (age 25).

Henry de Lancastre (age 27).

Robert de Monte Alto.

Almaric de Sancto Amando[Ibid].

To R Archbishop of Canterbury (age 63). Order to attend the king's coronaion on Sunday next after the feast of St Valentine [14 Feb] at Westminster [Map], to execute what pertains to his office.

To the Sheriff of Surrey. Order to proclaim in market towns, etc., that no knight, esquire, or other shall, under pain of forfeiture, pressure to tourney or make jousts or bordices (torneare, justos seu burdseicas facere), or otherwise go armed at Croydon, Surrey [Map] or elsewhere before the king's coronation.

06 Mar 1308 King Edward II of England (age 23). Westminster Palace [Map]. To Thomas de la Hide, late steward of Cornwall and Sheriff of the same. Order to deliver to Peter de Gavaston (age 24), knight, all the ferms, rents, and issues of the said County from Michaelmas last, and of the lands of the late Edmund Earl of Cornwall, the king having granted to the said Peter the county of Cornwall, and all the lands of the said Edmund.

The like to John de Tresimple, for the ferms, etc., of the manor, etc.

The like to Walter de Gloucester, escheator this side of Trent, for the ferms, etc., of the manors.

17 Mar 1308 King Edward II of England (age 23). Westminster Palace [Map]. To John Sampson (age 61), constable of the king's castle of Scardeburgh [Map]. Order to permit Henry Percy and his consort and their household to dwell in the houses within the said castle, provided that the castle be safely guarded.

On 01 Aug 1309 King Edward II of England (age 25). Stamford [Map]. Order to proclaim in his full county [court] and elsewhere that no merchant or other, shall, under pain of forfeiture, carry armour, corn, meat, or other victuals to the king's enemies the Scots, who have brokern the truce, or communicate with them in any way.

To all like sheriffs in England.

On 16 Jan 1310 King Edward II of England (age 25). Stamford [Map]. To the Sheriff of York. Order to proclaim that the king does not intend to change the money current in the Kingdom in the late King's time, as had been rumoured, and to forbid anyone from thinking little of it, whereby victuals and other necessaries may be sold more dearly.

The like to all the Sheriffs of England [Ibid].

Enrolment of deed of Peter de Gavaston (age 26), knight, surrendering to the king the castle, manor, and honour of Knaresborough [Map], with the free chase of Knaresborough, and the manors of Routheclyve and Auldburgh, lately granted to him by the King for his lifetime. Witnesses: Gilbert de Clare 8th Earl Gloucester 7th Earl Hertford (age 18), Henry Lacy 4th Earl Lincoln, Earl Salisbury (age 59), John Warenne 7th Earl of Surrey (age 23), John de Brittania, Earl of Richmond, Hugh "Elder" Despencer 1st Earl Winchester (age 48), Henry Percy 9th and 1st Baron Percy (age 36), Robert son of Walter, Robert son of Payn, William de Burford, William Inge. Dated at Stamford [Map] July 26, 3 Edward II.

Enrolment of like surrender by the said Peter of the county of Gaure and the castles of Talanon, Tantalon, and Mauleon, the provostships (preposituras) and Camparian(um) called 'la Cointal' and of the city of Bayonne, the manor of Erebafaveyra, Born, Comtad, Salmun, Dagenes, and the island of Oleron, and the lands of Marempne and of Lancras in Saintogne, and all rights, appurtenances, etc., etc., thereto pertaining to the king, which the king lately granted him for life. Witnesses as above. Dated August 4, 3 Edward II.

Memorandum, that this deed was delivered to the king in his chamber in the House of the Friars Preachers, Stamford [Map] at Stamford, by the hands of the said Peter and the king delivered the said deed to J his chancellor, to be enrolled in the chancery, and it was afterwards delivered to Ingelard de Warle, keeper of the King's Wardrobe to be kept in the king's wardrobe, but the king's charters that the said Peter hereof were not then restored.[CONTINUES].

16 Jan 1310 King Edward II of England (age 25). The Grove, Watford [Map]. To the Treasurer and the Barons of the Exchequer. Order to discharge the Abbot of Hayles of £100yearly, the rent of the manor of Lychelad [Map], as the King granted it to Piers Gaveston 1st Earl Cornwall (age 26) and Margaret his wife.

To the same. Order to discharge the men of Wallingford, Oxfordshire [Map] of the ferm of that town from August 5 last, to Piers Gaveston 1st Earl Cornwall and Margaret his wife.