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Books, Calendars of Parliamentary Rolls, Patent Rolls Edward IV 1461

Patent Rolls Edward IV 1461 is in Patent Rolls Edward IV.

12 Mar 1461. Westminster Palace [Map]. Commission to the king's kinsman Richard, Earl of Warwick (age 32), to receive deserters from the party of King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 39) and to cause proclamations to be made to the effect, and to seize the possessions of all recusants. By K (age 18) by word of mouth.

18 Mar 1461. Westminster Palace [Map]. Grant, during the King's pleasure, to the King's kinsman Henry, Viscount Bourchier (age 57), was appointed the office of treasurer of the Exchequer in the same manner as Walter Hungerford, knight, late treasurer.

21 Mar 1461. Westminster Palace [Map]. Protection for two years for Edmund Grey of Ruthyn (age 44), knight, going beyond the seas, and his men, and possessions.

20 Apr 1461. York [Map]. Grant for life to Thomas Witham (age 41) of the office of Chancellor of the Exchequer, with the accustomed fees.

20 Apr 1461. York [Map]. Appointment for life of Henry Sotehill (age 43) as attorney general in all courts of record in England, receiving the accustomed fees, with power of appointing deputies. By ps.

Vacated by surrender and cancelled 11 July, 11 Edward IV.

29 Apr 1461. Durham, County Durham [Map]. Grant to Cecilia, late wife of Thomas Kyriell, knight, and executrix of his will, during the minority of Giles (age 9) the son and heir of William Daubeney late of Southpederton, co Somerset, esquire, deceased, of all the possessions of the latter, with the custody and marriage of the heir, saving to Alice (age 29) the late wife of the said William her reaonsable dower. If the heir dire during the minority she hsall have the same during the minority of the next heir, and so on. By p.s.

02 May 1461. Westminster Palace [Map]. The like (Grant for life) to the king's (age 19) kinsman John Neville of Montagu (age 30), knight, from Easter last, of the king's mines in Decon and Cornwall in which gold and silver can be found or worked for, at a rent of 110l yearly, as the king's father used to pay, with power of demise the same for 10, 15 or 20 years, provided that after his death the holders pay a tithe of the pure silver or lead to the king or his farmer. By p.s.

04 May 1461. Westminster Palace [Map]. Grant for life to the king's (age 19) kinsman George (age 29), Bishop of Exeter, from Easter last of the custody of the king's manor manor or lordship of Chiltern Langley in Hertfordshire, with mills, rents, vert and other profits, excepting 250 rabbits yearly for the king's hosehold, at a yearly rent of 50 marks 20d as formerly and 6s 8d besides; with acquittance of repairs and allowance for any annuity granted out of the manor. By K.

07 May 1461. Middleham Castle [Map]. Grant for life to the king's kinsman Richard (age 32), Earl of Warwick, of the office of constable of the king's castle of Dover, and al rents and services called 'castelwarde', and herbage and advowsons pertaining to the same, and the wardenship of the Cinque Ports and all forfeitures, 'shares', wreck of sea and other profits; and also 300l yearly for the sustenances of himself and priests, servants, watchmen, and other officers there, in the same manner as Humphey, late Duke of Gloucester, viz 146l frin the wards pertaining to the castle and 154l from the fee farm of the town of Southampton. By other latters patent.

07 May 1461. Middleham Castle [Map]. The like (Grant for life) to the said earl (age 32) of the offices of steward of the manor or lordship of Fekenham, co Worcester, and master forester and rider of the kings forst of Fekenham with the custody of the king's park of Fekenham and the stank there, with the accustomed fees. By other latters patent.

07 May 1461. Middleham Castle [Map]. The like (Grant for life) to the said earl (age 32), the office of Master of the King's Mews and Falcons and a messuage called 'le Mewehous' at Charryng by Westminster, co Middlesex, with all houses and other profits pertaining to the same, in the same manner as John, duke of Bedford, deceased; and appointment of him to take the king's right prises of falcons, goshawks, sakers, sakrets, lanners, lannerets and ger-falcons sold within the realm, paying the accustomed price viz 20s for each tercel of goshawk, saker, lanner or lanneret. By other latters patent.

07 May 1461. Middleham Castle [Map]. Appointment for life of the said earl (age 32), as great chamberlain of England, with the accustomed fees. By other latters patent.

07 May 1461. Middleham Castle [Map]. Grant to the king's (age 19) kinsman Richard, Earl of Warwick (age 32), of the custody of all lordships, manors and lands with knight's fees and advowsons held by the king's uncle George Neville (age 54), knight, lord Latymer, within the county of York or elsewhere, during the idiotcy of the latter, even though no inquisition has been taken. By other letters patent.

08 May 1461. York [Map]. Grant for life to William Herbert (age 38), knight, of the offices of office of chief justice and chamberlain of South Wales, steward of the commontes in the counties of Caermarthen and Cardigan, and chief forester in those counties (Carmarthenshire,Cardiganshire).

08 May 1461. York [Map]. Commission to John Haryngton (age 47), esquire, John Kyrton, Thomas Banke and William Boleyn to arrest Thomas CLaymond, esquire, Robert Heryng, 'sowter' and John Hedale, carpenter, and bring them before the king (age 19) in Chancery.

On 05 Jun 1461. Westminster Palace [Map]. Grant for life to Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury (age 43), of the custody of the lordship, manor and park of Langle by Maydeston, co Kent [Map], rendering 5 marks yearly. By K (age 19).

On 10 Jul 1461. Westminster Palace [Map]. Ratification for life of the estate of Master Robert Stillyngton (age 41), king's clerk as deacon of the king's free chapel of St Martin le Grand, London, archdeacon of Colchester in the cathedral of London and of Taunton in the cathedral of Wells, prebendary of Wetewang in the cathedral of York, Marther (possibly typo since 'Martha' unknown) in the cathedral of St Davids and the prebend which John Luca lately had in the king's free chapel of St Stephen within his palace of Wesminster, and person of the church of Aysshebury, in the diocese of Salisbury.

21 Jul 1461. Westminster Palace [Map]. The like to John Howard (age 36), king's knight, the office of the constableship and custody of Norwich Castle [Map] from Exeter lats, with the fees as in the times of Edward III and Richard II from the issues of the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk.

25 Jul 1461. Westminster Palace [Map]. Exemption for life of Geoffrey Boleyne (age 55), alderman of London, for his good service to the king's father, from being put on assizes, juries, inquisitions, attaints or recognisances and dfrom being made trier of them, taxer, collector, or assesor of customs, taxes, tallages, fifteenths, tenths or other subsidies, knight, major, sheriff, escheator, commissioner, constable, sheriff, bailiff or other officer or minister of the king against his will. By p.s.

28 Jul 1461. Westminster Palace [Map]. Appointment, during good behaviour, of John Howard (age 36) knight, as one of the king's carvers, receiving 40lyearly, viz 20l from the far of the town of Ipswich, co Suffolk, ad 20l from the issues of the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. By p.s.

19 Nov 1461. Grant, during office, to Robert Stillyngton (age 41), king's clerk, keeper of the privy seal, an office for which he ought to have 20s. a day, of £365 yearly from 1 November, viz. £40 from the issues of the counties of Somerset and Dorset, £40 from the issues of the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, £33 from the issues of the counties of Oxford and Berks, £100 from the customs and subsidies of wools, hides and wool-fells in the port of London, £100 from the like in the port of Southampton, £32 from the issues of the county of Wilts, and £20 from the issues of the counties of Cambridge and Huntingdon. If the said assignments are or shall be insufficient to pay the said 20s. a day, the chancellor shall have power to make other assignments without warrant or suit to the king or council.

26 Nov 1461. Westminster Palace [Map]. The like (Grant for life) to Margaret, duchess of Somerset (age 51), of 166l 13s 4d yearly from Michaelmas, 39 Henry VI, from the king's petty custom in the port of London and the same at the same at the receipt of the Exchequer, in lieu of a grant and confirmation to her of the same sums in pdwer by latters atent dated 9 July, surrendered. By K (age 19).

02 Dec 1461. Westminster Palace [Map]. Grant for life to the king's (age 19) kinsman John, Earl of Worcester (age 34), of the office of the constable of the Tower of London, with the accustomed fees.

03 Dec 1461. Westminster Palace [Map]. Appointment of the king's (age 19) kinsman Richard, Earl of Warwick (age 33), to execute the office of steward of England at the trial of Henry VI and other rebels who murdered the King's father Richard, duke of York, at Wakefield.

12 Dec 1461. Westminster Palace [Map]. Grant for life to Richard Wydevill (age 56), lord of Ryvers, of the office of chief rider of the king's forest of Saucy. co Northampton, with all trees and profits, viz dry trees, dead trees, blown down, old hedges or copice-hedges, boughs fallen without date, cahettels, waifs, strays, pannage of swine, 'derefall wode', 'draenes' brushwood and brambles, prerquisites of courts, swainmote and other issues within the forest, from the time when he had he same by letters patent of Henry VI.

21 Dec 1461. Westminster Palace [Map]. The like to Robert Ingleton of the reversion of the office of chancellor of Westminster, the Exchequer, with the accustomed fees, immediately after the decease, resignation or dismissal of Thomas Witham (age 41), to whom the same has been granted for life.