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Biography of Arthur Plantagenet 1st Viscount Lisle 1464-1542

Paternal Family Tree: Anjou aka Plantagenet

1483 Death of King Edward IV

1532 Henry VIII and Francis I meet at Calais

1533 Coronation of Anne Boleyn

1535 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1536 Trial of Brereton, Norris, Smeaton, and Weston

1536 Marriage of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour

1539 Anne of Cleves Journey to England

Around 01 May 1464 Arthur Plantagenet 1st Viscount Lisle was born illegitimately to King Edward IV of England (age 22) and Elizabeth Waite.

Death of King Edward IV

On 09 Apr 1483 [his father] King Edward IV of England (age 40) died at Westminster [Map]. His son [his half-brother] King Edward V of England (age 12) succeeded V King of England. Those present included Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England (age 46), William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings (age 52) and Thomas Grey 1st Marquess Dorset (age 28).

On 12 Nov 1511 Arthur Plantagenet 1st Viscount Lisle (age 47) and Elizabeth Grey Viscountess Lisle (age 31) were married. He the illegitmate son of King Edward IV of England and Elizabeth Waite.

In 1513 [his daughter] Bridget York was born to Arthur Plantagenet 1st Viscount Lisle (age 48) and Elizabeth Grey Viscountess Lisle (age 33). She a granddaughter of King Edward IV of England.

In 1516 [his daughter] Elizabeth Plantagenet was born to Arthur Plantagenet 1st Viscount Lisle (age 51) and Elizabeth Grey Viscountess Lisle (age 36). She a granddaughter of King Edward IV of England.

In 1519 [his daughter] Frances Plantagenet was born to Arthur Plantagenet 1st Viscount Lisle (age 54) and Elizabeth Grey Viscountess Lisle (age 39). She a granddaughter of King Edward IV of England.

In 1523 Arthur Plantagenet (age 58) was created 1st Viscount Lisle. Elizabeth Grey Viscountess Lisle (age 43) by marriage Viscountess Lisle.

In 1524 Arthur Plantagenet 1st Viscount Lisle (age 59) was appointed 283rd Knight of the Garter by King Henry VIII of England and Ireland (age 32).

In 1529 Arthur Plantagenet 1st Viscount Lisle (age 64) and Honor Grenville Viscountess Lisle (age 35) were married. She by marriage Viscountess Lisle. The difference in their ages was 29 years. He the illegitmate son of King Edward IV of England and Elizabeth Waite.

Henry VIII and Francis I meet at Calais

Annales of England by John Stow. 11 Oct 1532. The eleuenth of October King Henrie landed at Calleis, with the Duke of Richemonde (age 13) hys bastarde sonne, the Duke of Norffolke (age 59) Lord Treasurer of England, the Duke of Suffolke (age 48), the Marquesse of Excester (age 36), the Erles of Darby (age 23), Arundale (age 56), Oxforde, Surrey and Rutlande (age 40), the Vicount Lisle (age 68) King Edwarde the fourth his bastarde sonne, the Lord Matrauers, the Lord Sands Lorde Chamberlaine of the Kings house, the Lorde William Hawarde, the Lorde Bray, the Lorde Montague, the Lorde Cobham, the Lorde Mordant, the Lorde Dawbney, the Lorde Grey, the Lord Clinton, the Lorde Vaux, the Lorde Mountegle, the Lorde Rocheford (age 29), wyth diuers other Lordes: the Bishoppes of Winchester, London, Lincolne, and Bathe: sir William Fitz William treasourer of the kings house, sir William Pawlet Comptroller, sir William Kingstone Capitaine of the Guarde, sir Iohn Page, sir Iames Boleine, sir Anthony Browne, sir Edwarde Neuell, sir Thomas Cheyney▪ sir Iohn Russell, sir Richard Page, sir Ralph Eldercare, sir Edward Baynton, sir Edwarde Santener, sir Griffyth Deene, sir Iohn Dudley, sir Iohn Femer, sir Henry Long, sir Anthony Hungerforde, sir Iohn Brudges, sir Arthur Hoptō, sir Anthony Wingfielde, sir William Paston, sir Edmonde Bedingfielde, sir Thomas Strange, sir William Hawte, sir Edwarde Wotton, sir William Askewe, sir Iohn Marleant, sir William Barington, sir William Essex, sir Giles Strangweis, sir Edwarde Chamberlaine, sir Giles Caple, sir Iohn Sent-Iohn, sir Walter Hungerforde, sir William Gascoine, sir Lionel Norrice, sir Edwarde Boloine, sir Thomas Lisle, sir Iohn Ashton, sir Thomas Palmer, sir William Boloine, sir William Finche, sir William Pellam, sir Thomas Rotherham, sir Iohn Norton, sir Richarde Sandes, sir Iohn Neuell, and thyrtie Esquiers, with manye Gentlemenne, and all theyr traines.

Calais in the Hands of the English. [11 Oct 1532]. The xj. day of Octobar Henry the Eighth kynge of England landyd at Caleis, with the duke of Richemond his bastard sonne, the duke of Norfolke lord tresorar of England, the duke of Suffolke, the bysshope of Wynchestar (age 49), the bysshope of London (age 57), the bysshope of Lyncolne (age 59), the bysshope of Bathe, the marques of Exceter (age 36), the erle of Derbye (age 23), the erle of Arundell (age 56), the erle of Oxenforde (age 61), the erle of Surrey (age 16), the erle of Rutland (age 40), the vicount Lisle (age 68) kynge Edward the Fowrthes bastard sone, the lorde Matrevers, the lord Sands lord chambarlen of the kyng’s howse, the lord William Howard, the lorde Braye, the lorde Montague, the lord Cobham, the lord Mordante, the lord Dawbney, the lorde Greye, the lorde Clinton, the lorde Vauxe, the lorde Mountegle, the lorde Rocheforde, with dyvars other lords, ser William Fitzwilliam tresurar of the kyng’s howse, ser William Pallett comptrowlar of the kyng’s howse, ser William Kyngston capitayne of the garde, ser John Page, ser James Boleyne, ser Anthony Browne, ser Edward Nevell knight herberjur, ser Thomas Cheny, ser John Russell, ser Richard Page, ser Raffe Eldercare, ser Edward Baynton, ser Edward Santener, ser Griffethe Doon, ser John Dudley, ser John Semer, ser Henry Longe, ser Anthony Hungarford, ser John Bruges, ser Arthur Hopton, ser Anthony Wyngfilde, ser William Paston, ser Edmond Bedingfeld, ser Thomas Strange, ser William Hawte, ser Edward Wotton, ser William Askughe, ser John Markam, ser William Baryngton, ser William Essex, ser Gyles Strangweis, ser Edward Chamberleyne, ser Giles Caple, ser John Seint John, ser Waltar Hungarford, ser William Gascoyne, ser Lionell Norreis, ser Edward Boleyne, ser Thomas Lisle, ser John Assheton, ser Thomas Palmar, ser William Boleyne, ser William Finche, ser William Pellam, ser Thomas Rotherham, ser John Norton, ser Richard Sands, ser John Nevell, and xxx. esquyers de quyrry and many gentlemen; every duke had x1. men, every marques XXXv. men, every erle xxiiij., every vicount xx., every bysshope xxiiij., every baron and lorde xij., every knight x., the treswrar of the kyng’s hows, xx., the comptrowlar of the kyng’s howse hathe xx. men, every counselar x. men, the clarke of the citchen x. men, every doctor viij. men, every esquier for the body viij. men, every sewar to the kynge vj. men, every gentleman usshar iiij. men, the clerke of the grene clothe xij. men, the clerke comptrowlar hathe vj. men, the cofferer viij. men, the clerke of the citchen j--the clerke of the spicery vj., the clerke of the ewrye iiij., the second clerke iij., every sargiant at armes on man, and every sargiant of cvery office in the kyng’s howse one man, the yeman of the comptinghows hath one grome, and every one of the iiij. officers of the bake howse iiij. men, the officers of the pantrye, buttrye, and sellar have xxxiij. men, the officers of the pitcherhowse hathe xij. men, the officers of the waffers and condutis v. men, the officers of the chandry x. men, officer of the confectionary have vij. men, the officers of the lawndrye have viij. men, the officers of the kechen have xx. men and xv. servants, the officers of the lardar have Xvj. men, officers of the boylinge hows have v. men, officers of the pultrye have xiij. men, officers of the sqwllerye have xx. men, officers of the scaldynghows viij. men, officers of the pasterye are xiiij., the officers of the woodyarde are xx. men, officers of the halle are ix. men, the officers of the herbengers are x. men, besyds othar officers.

Coronation of Anne Boleyn

Wriothesley's Chronicle. 01 Jun 1533. Memorandum, the first dale of June,d Queene Anne (age 32) was brought from Westminster Hall to the Abbey of Sainct Peeter's [Map] with procession, all the monkes of Westminster going in rytch copes of golde with 13 abbotts mitred; and after them all the Kinges Chappell in rych copes with fower bushopps and tow archbishopps mittred, and all the Lordes going in their Perliament roabes,e and the crowne borne afore her by the Duke of Suffolke (age 49), and her tow scepters by tow Earles, and she herself going under a rytch canapie of cloath of golde, apparailed in a kirtell of crymson velvett powdred with ermyns, and a robe of purple velvett furred with powdred ermines over that, and a rich cronett with a calla of pearles and stones on her hedde, and the olde Dutches of Norfolke (age 56)b bearing upp her traine in a robe of scarlett with a cronett of golde on her bonett, and the Lorde Boroughe,c the Queenes Chamberlaine, staying the traine in the middes; and after her tenne ladies following in robes of scarlett furred with ermins and rounde cronettes of golde on their heades; and next after theim all the Queenes maides in gownes of scarlett edged with white lettushe furre; and so was shee brought to Sainct Peeters Church [Map] at Westminster, and their sett in her seate riall, which was made on a high scaffolde before the highe aulter; and their shee was anoynted and crowned Queene of Englande by the Archbishopp of Canterberied1 and the Archbishoppe of Yorke, and so sate crowned in her seate riall all the masse, and offred also at the said masse; and the masse donne, they departed everie man in their degrees to Westminster Hall [Map], she going still under the cannapie crowned with towe septers in hir handes, my Lorde of Wilshire, her father,e1 and the Lorde Talbottf leadinge her, and so theire dynned; wheras was made the most honorable feast that hath beene seene.

The great hall at Westminster was rytchlie hanged with rych cloath of Arras, and a table sett at the upper ende of the hall, going upp twelve greeses,a2 where the Queene dyned; and a rytch cloath of estate hanged over her heade; and also fower other tables alongest the hall; and it was rayled on everie side, from the highe deasse in Westminster Hall to the scaffold in the church in the Abbaj.

And when she went to church to her coronation their was a raye cloath,b2 blew, spreed from the highe dessesc of the Kinges Benche unto the high alter of Westminster, wheron she wente.

Note B. the Lorde William Howard, Lord Chamberlen (age 23), in a purse of crymsen silk and gold knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

And when the Queenes grace had washed her handes, then came the Duke of Suffolke, High Constable that daie and stewarde of the feast, ryding on horsebacke rytchlie apparailed and trapped, and with him, also ridinge on horsebacke, the Lorde William Howarde as deputie for the Duke of Norfolke (age 60) in the romthd2 of the Marshall of Englande, and the Queenes servicee2 following them with the Archbishopps, a certaine space betwene which was bornef2 all by knightes, the Archbishopp sitting at the Queenes borde, at the ende, on her left hande.g2 The Earle of Sussex (age 50) was sewer, the Earle of Essex carver, the Earle of Darbie (age 24) cuppbearer, the Earle of Arrondell (age 57) butler, the Viscount Lisle (age 69) pantler, the Lord Gray almoner.

Att one of the fower tables sate all the noble ladies all on one side of the hall, at the second table the noble men, at the thirde table the Major of Londonh2 with the Aldermen, att the fowerth table the Barons of the Fortes with the Masters of the Chauncerie. The goodlie dishes with the delicate meates and the settles which were all gilt, with the noble service that daie done by great men of the realme, the goodlie sweete armonie of minstrells with other thinges were to long to expresse, which was a goodlie sight to see and beholde.

And when shee had dined and washed her handes she stoode a while under the canopie of estate, and behelde throwghe the hall, and then were spices brought with other delicates, which were borne all in great high plates of gold, wherof shee tooke a litle refection, and the residue geavinge among the lordes and ladies; and that donne she departed up to the White Hall, and their changed her apparell, and so departed secreetlie by water to Yorke Place [Map], which is called White Hall, and their laie all night.

Note d. Whitsanday. Compare this with the account of the receiving and coronation of Anne Boleyn in MS. Harleian. Cod. 41, arts. 2-5, and MS. Harleian. 543, fol. 119.

Note e. Henry's (age 41) first wife, Katharine of Aragon (age 47), was crowned with him, and a magnificent ceremony was ordained for her successful rival Anne Boleyn, but none of the other wives of Henry were honoured with a coronation.

Note a. A caul was a kind of net in which women inclosed their hair.

Note b. Grandmother of Anne Boleyn, being widow of Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, whose daughter Elizabeth (age 53) married Sir Thomas Boleyn (age 56), afterwards Earl of Wiltshire, the father of Anne.

Note. b, immediately above, appears to be a mistake? The grandmother of Anne Boleyn was Elizabeth Tilney Countess of Surrey, first wife of Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk. He, Thomas, married secondly his first wife's first cousin Agnes Tilney Duchess Norfolk who must be the old Duchess of Norfolk referred to since Elizabeth Tilney Countess of Surrey died in Apr 1497.

Note c. Thomas, Lord Bnrgh of Gainsboroogh (age 45).

d1. In Sir Henry Ellis's Collection of Original Letters occurs a very interesting letter written by Cranmer to the English ambassador at the Emperor's court, giving his own account of the pronouncing of sentence on Katharine and of the coronation of Anne Boleyn.

e1. Anne Boleyn's father had been created Earl of Wiltshire and Ormond on the 8th December, 1529.

a2. Steps or stain, Latin gressus.

b2. Striped cloth.

Note c. Desks.

d2. Room.

e2. Suite.

f2. Occupied.

g2. Stow expressly states that Archbishop Cranmer sat on the right hand of the Queen at the table's end. Ed. 1631, p. 567.

h2. Sir Stephen Pecocke.

Letters and Papers 1534. 11 Jun 1534. R. O. 823. Sir Edward Ryngeley to Lord Lisle (age 70).

The King and Queen are in good health. I came to the Court on Tuesday last about 3 o'clock. I was not there half an hour before his Grace sent for me into a garden which he has just made. He asked me heartily how you did, and whether the town was free from sickness and clean kept, of which I assured him. It would be well for you to speak to master Mayor for the mending of the two gutters from the market to Our Lady Church. If he lack paviours I can send them from London. The King is well conttented that his works go so well forward. I told him in the Treasurer's presence how much more is done in thickness than appears in the book, both in the two towers and the walls. The King is well contented with the pains you have taken about them and the sandhills, and is pleased with the conduct of his retinue, as I think they will see when he comes thither. I advise you to let the drags and ploughs go still upon the sandhills till you can shoot level over them from the mount at Becham Tower. I have not asked the King for wood or anything else, because the letters you promised to send have not come. I wish they were, for I trust to be shortly at Calais. As to my own business, the market was done before I came. We have a new lord Warden of "the Porche," Lord Rochford (age 31). Sir John Dudley is master of the armery, Sir Antony Browne standard-bearer, and master Harper has the "awnage," that is the sealing of the cloth in Kent. Today the King comes to York Place to supper and dines there tomorrow, and to Waltham to bed, and on Saturday to Hunsdon, where he will remain all next week. He will not be at Hampton Court till Saturday week. I have given all your recommendations to your friends except to master Kingston and master Norrys. The former is at Wanstead, and the latter came to the Court late on Tuesday night. A great sum of money has been stolen from him, so that he is not pleasantly disposed to be spoken with. I have no other news, but I hope to know more before I come out of Essex. Recommendations to the Mayor, lord Edmund, master Wynkefeld, Mr. Porter, Mr. Treasurer (age 44), Mr. Undermarshal and Mr. Ruckwode. Hampton Court, 11 June. Signed.

I pray you be contented with my meaning, for my inditing is but reasonable.

Pp. 2. Add.: Deputy of Calais. Endd.

Note 1. His patent was not passed till the 23 June. See Grants in June, No. 16.

Letters and Papers 1534. 17 Oct 1534. R. O. 1273. George Lord Rochford (age 31) to Lord Lisle (age 70).

I desire your favor to the bearer, my servant William Atkyns, that he may pass into Flanders with such small baggage as he shall bring with him, which he is to sell there and with the proceeds purchase me certain hawks, Hampton Court, 17 Oct. Signed.

P. 1. Add. Endd.: 17 Oct. 1534.

Letters and Papers 1534. 06 Nov 1534. R. O. 1396. George Lord Rochford (age 31) to Lord Lisle (age 70).

I have sent the bearer, the King's servant, only to bring me sure word in what sort the Admiral will cross the sea, and whether he will send his train before him or come first himself. I beg you to inquire and send word by the bearer, and that he may have the first passage after the Admiral has arrived at Calais. Vaghan, the bailly of Dover, whom you have required to come to Calais as one of the retinue there, cannot be spared, as the Admiral is lodged in his house. Commend me to my lady. Dover, 6 Nov. Signed.

P 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais. Endd.

Around 1535 [his son-in-law] John Bassett IV of Umberliegh (age 15) and [his daughter] Frances Plantagenet (age 16) were married. She a granddaughter of King Edward IV of England.

Letters and Papers 1535. 07 Jan 1535. R. O. 24. John Husee to Lord Lisle (age 70).

Wrote to you this day by Sir Oliver of Mr. Saymer's (age 35) award, and the delivery of your mule to Mr. Secretary, and how Tison was rewarded by his kinsman for the carriage of the mule, which pleased him but easily. Sir Edward Saymer hath not received the award. I wish he would refuse it. Has made Boyes' bill for 8d. There is no news of the King's going over. Had it not been for Mr. Syllyard, Mr. Basset would have been appointed of the Chamber in Lincoln's Inn. London, 7 Jan.

Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.

Letters and Papers 1535. 13 Jan 1535. R. O. 45. John Husee to Lord Lisle (age 70).

Is glad to hear that Mr. Highefield is recovered. If he had died, I hoped that Whethill should not have enjoyed "it" (his place). Has delivered the piece of Orleans to Mr. Secretary. You may send him the mule as she is. The King's coming to Calais depends on the return of Mons. l'Admiral. Wishes to know what prices he must give for the 70 liveries. Asks what he shall do with the two horns he has received. Has advertised Mr. Secretary of your charges in Mr. Seymour's (age 35) matter. He will consult with the lord Chancellor. Has no answer yet touching Mr. Hacket's funeral and burial. Thinks Jenyne will bring orders for the same. Is promised the Commission of Sewers by Mr. Secretary. Has had no answer of the toll of Mark and Oye. Such suits are long, as Lacy knows. I send the Acts last passed. My lord William [Howard] is going to Scotland, with presents to the Scotch king, and William Polle to Ireland as provostmarshal. Gives an account of his fees. Would rather stay at home, for his wife's sake. Your servant Smyth is with Mr. Secretary. London, 13 Jan.

Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.

Letters and Papers 1535. 19 Jan 1535. R. O. 65. John Husee to Lord Lisle (age 70).

Wrote by Lacy of all things till that day requisite. Mr. Secretary has since promised that I should be despatched of the money to be bestowed for Hacket's obsequies, but he has not yet delivered it. He has also promised that the toll shall be freed for the inhabitants of Marke and Oye, and the low countries there, but I can get no final answer. Mr. Semer (age 35) sealed his obligation on Sunday last, and Mr. Secretary says he will make a good end. If you send the mule as she is you will have no further charge. Sends "by Philip Crayers, master of his ship Robert Johnson," Mr. James's saddle, with stirrups, girths, bridle without bit, peytrell and crupper. Pyckering has good comfort of Mr. Norres. London, 19 Jan. 1534.

Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.

Letters and Papers 1535. 27 Jan 1535. R. O. 120. [Lord Lisle (age 70)] to Leonard Smyth.

I have received your letters dated 24 Jan., stating that one Hunt is minded to make his complaint, and that I should write to the Dean of Arches to stay process in my favor. I never meddled with any of his matters, but he made a false oath before the marshal here, and had 20 days' respite before the commissary to reprove those who had sworn the contrary. He promised me and divers of the Council to give surety for £100 to be paid to the King if he did not prove his oath true. This he never did, but "fletyd away" at Sandgate or Whitesand. My letter to the Dean of Arches was to the effect that we have a plain ordinance that no curse shall be pronounced against any soldier here for fault of appearance. Hunt had procured two false knaves to perjure themselves, for which they wore papers and were banished. He was pardoned, being the King's servant, but now that he has committed the same, the retinue have desired me to discharge him, abhorring his company as a great reproach and slander to them all. If he deny this, call John Shepherd, a soldier of this town, to whom he gave money to deliver to his adversaries for agreement. Notwithstanding, if Mr. Secretary will send a commission to some of the Council and constables and vintners here, and if they say he is other than a false knave, and ought to have a room again, he shall have it and 12d. a day out of my purse. When he complains, inform Mr. Secretary thereof. Calais, 27 Jan.

If you think it convenient, I will cause the commissary to come over with the process. I trust Mr. Secretary will give no credit to any surmise unto I may make answer. There have been many running tales surmised about me since I came hither. If God were here among us, every man would not say well by him. He (Hunt) says he was stopped five tides, but he cannot prove it was by my mind, except that John à Burges complained that Hunt would have robbed him in his own house, whereupon I sent them both to the mayor. Mr. Secretary wrote asking that he might he restored, but I answered that if it had not been for Mr. Compton he would have worn paper, and if I put him to his room again all the retinue would cry out on me. God send me a good end in my matter with Sir Edward Semour (age 35). Commend me to your brother.

Pp. 2. Endd.. The copy of my letter sent to Leonard Smythe.

Letters and Papers 1535. 27 Jan 1535. R. O. 118. John Husee to Lord Lisle (age 70).

Received his letter by lady Garnish's servant, and delivered unto Smythe Ravon's letter and Saymer's (age 35) bill. Mr. Secretary will end the matter before Candlemas. Hopes his liveries will not be prepared so hastily, as he is informed the King will not cross. As Henry Cornelis is going to Calais, there is no need to deliver the letter. Cheriton is with you. Gwydot is not here. If he come, will be in hand with him for your muscatel and malvesy. The Commission of Sewers is ready. Mr. Fowler will have to take the oaths of the other commissioners. Mr. Secretary will send 40 marks for Hacket's funeral; but I have seen him divers times, and he has not paid it. Can get no answer from him touching the toll of Mark and Oye. Mr. Rockewod promised me for my service 20 nobles, but I shall not stay here for their interests. Send me your answer respecting Hunt, and when your mule shall come. Mr. Speke will be with you in eight days. Thos. Myller says that Nicholas Persone is behind with his rent, but will pay it on a letter from you, which he desires may be sent by Edward Russell. London, 27 Jan.

Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.

Letters and Papers 1535. 08 Apr 1535. R. O. 516. John Husee to Lord Lisle (age 70).

Has received his letter by John Broke. As for the £100 the King is cessed at, has delivered his Lordship's letter to Mr. Treasurer, who is in doubt how the King will take it, and says Mr. Secretary knows not but that his Lordship has paid the £135 already. Will do his best to show Mr. Secretary the full contents of his Lordship's pleasure; but Fowler refuses to meddle with the account if Lisle's request be granted, as it will have to be audited before the Commissioners. Smyth is in the country. Will ask Hidd's bonds of him on his return. The patent of £10 is at your pleasure. Mr. Densell has promised I shall have by Sunday next the minute for the assurance of the £120 Mr. Saymer must pay you yearly. Will endeavour to get it finished before he departs, and bring Lisle's part of the award and Saymer's bond with him. Has spoken for six pair of hose to be sent by next ship. Has received the King's letter and Mr. Secretary's, touching Oye Sluice, and will do his best therein. As for Buck's confession against Fryer, he goes now with my Lady to Calais, and cannot tarry to depose before my Lord Chancellor. He will always abide by what he has said. Cannot get Lisle's bill of victualling signed, but hopes to have it on Saturday. The King was at supper with Mr. Secretary on Wednesday last, and is now at Hackney; will be here on Saturday, and so to Hampton Court, whither the Queen (age 34) is removed, as one of her gentlewomen has got the measles. Mr. Secretary says you shall have the Staple Inn, and he will cause the King to write in it. Can get no answer of Bryan touching your patent. The saddle and harness is ready to be sent by next ship. Thinks it will turn out that Norfolk, Mr. Secretary, Mr. Treasurer, and Mr. Almoner or Mr. Comptroller of the King's house, go to the French king about Whitsuntide. London, 8 April.

Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.

Letters and Papers 1535. 24 Jun 1535. R. O. 919. Sir William Kyngston (age 59) to [Lord Lisle (age 71)].

I thank you and my Lady for my "puetts," "which made the King merry in Waltham forest," and also for your letters. The hawk you sent to my lord of Carlisle has not yet come, "bot when she comys you apounted a gud keper fro hyr for Johnnies may now keper well, for my lord his master fell yowt with hym for playing at penny gleke and never will play with hym agayn." No news here worth writing. The King and Queen (age 34) are well, "and her Grace has a fair belly as I have seen." Master Treasurer was never better, and thanks you for your continual kindness. You wrote me for Master Elmer. I have not yet spoken with him, but will do for him as for my brother. Master Radcliff recommends him to you and my lady and so does my poor wife, who has had little health since your departure. Do not forget me to my good bedfellow Master Porter (my lady is here), and to Master Marshall and my lady. Greenwich, St. John's Day.

Hol., p. 1. Endd.: 24 June.

Letters and Papers 1535. 02 Oct 1535. R. O. 525. Sir Richard Graynfeld to Lord Lisle (age 71).

Came to the Court on Michaelmas eve, intending to take leave of the King and to have been with you on the 6 Oct.; but on taking my leave the King told me that Rensele desired to continue in his office. I told him I had paid him £400, and had his bond in 800 marks to surrender his patent by Bartholomew's Day; and I appealed to Master Secretary, who was called and spoke in my favor, and said this agreement was made before him. Dares not press the matter further till he knows the King's pleasure. Thinks that Edward Rensele has caused Norfolk and Master Treasurer to labor for him. Many think the writer has been wronged, insomuch that my lord of Norfolk, my lord Chamberlain, and Master Secretary called him before them, and promised he should not be injured. And Master Secretary said he would be as earnest in that matter with the King as ever he was, and that he would not leave his friend so. Does not fear of his succeeding, and will consider himself amply repaid for the great trouble he has had by being henceforth in Lisle's company. Hampton, Saturday after Michaelmas.

P.S.—It is said the King intends going on Monday to Porchester in your ship. Fitzgarret is committed to the Tower. My lord Leonard is returned into Ireland. "The King and the Queen (age 34) is merry and hawks daily, and likes Winchester and that quarter, and praises it much."

Hol., pp. 3. Add.

Letters and Papers 1535. 09 Oct 1535. R. O. 571. Sir Anthony Wyndesore to Lord Lisle (age 71).

By a letter in your own hand, written on Midsummer Day last, you desired me to see Sir Edward Seymour (age 35) paid £100 at the feast of All Saints, according to the award of my Lord Chancellor and Master Secretary, and to take a statute of him. I never saw the award, and can get no knowledge how the money should be paid. I wrote to Leonard Smith what to do, but have had no answer from him yet. I beg to know your pleasure as soon as possible, for you wrote that you trusted Sir Edward Seymour would allow the £60 in part of the £100. Your audit shall begin at Kingston Lisle on the 18th Oct. I have been obliged to attend the King since he came into Hampshire, and have had no leisure to write to you or my Lady. His Grace has been in Hampshire from about the 10th Sept., and intends to be till 19th Oct., except four days that he lieth in Salisbury, and returneth to Hampshire again. He will be at Windsor on Allhallows Eve. He was at Portsmouth and Porchester, but I was not there, for I was then commanded to cause the weirs to be plucked down upon the rivers through the whole shire. The King and Queen (age 34) were very merry in Hampshire. I enclose a letter for the Purrege (Purbeck) stone sold by Gillot, and have taken account of him before Jas. Hauxhed, which I have written in the end of the letter. Est Meon, 9 Oct. Signed.

P. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais. Endd.

1535 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

Letters and Papers 1535. 28 Oct 1535. R. O. 700. John Graynfyld to Lord Lisle (age 71).

I have received your letter by your servant Bryant, and sped him of your requests. My Lord Chancellor prays you not to be so liberal in granting these petitions. I told him it was usual with your predecessors. He said, Never came so many; and told me to inform you that the certificate of the spiritualty was not correct, and that displeasure would be taken if it were known. I told him you would not certify from any partiality. He asked me why you had not certified Stanyngfyld. I told him "hit wasse a neuter;" and he said you ought to certify it as within the English pale, and that the King's subject was master of the house; also that you had omitted to certify the house of the sisters by the walls of Calais. Your lease of Sybberton is made sure. Please remember the matter between Golfon (Golston) and me. My Lord Leonard Graye (age 56) has gone into Ireland again, and many gunners with him. The King gave him 500 marks and £100 land to him and his heirs, besides his previous grant of 300 marks land. Also the King gave him a ship well trimmed, and the Queen (age 34) a chain of gold from her middle, worth 100 marks, and a purse of 20 sovereigns. The death is well stopped in London. All manner of grain is at a great price. St. Simon and St. Jude's Day.

Commends himself to his brother Sir Ric. Graynfyld and Mr. Porter.

Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.

Letters 1536. 18 Mar 1536. R. O. 499. Thomas Warley to Lady Lisle (age 42).

Has attended at the Court for the kirtle which she has long looked for, and this morning had a token from Mrs. Margery that it should be delivered to him in the Queen's (age 35) wardrobe, where upon sight of the token he received it. It is of cloth of gold paned like the paper enclosed. Showed Mr. Blunt one of the sleeves that he might certify you of the same.

Went back to the Queen's chamber to thank Mrs. Margery, but she had gone into the privy chamber, so that he could not speak with her. Will be at Court tomorrow, and send word what she says by the next messenger. Asks what he shall do with the kirtle. Suggests that Lady Lisle should write letters of thanks to Mrs. Margery and George Tayllour, and remember those of the Queen's wardrobe. Mr. Raffe Sadler confirms what he wrote previously, that all abbeys of the yearly value of 300 marks and under shall be put down. When Sadler can come by any of the names, he will send them to Lord Lisle (age 71). The King has given to Mr. Blunt and his heirs the tenement that Thomas Knight of Calais dwells in. London, 18 March.

Wrote to lord and Lady Lisle by Buck, lord Edmund's servant, to Lord Lisle, by London, archer on horseback, and to both by Thomas Audesle, of Devonshire, and has heard nothing from them since his coming.

Hol., pp. 2. Add: At Calais.

Letters 1536. 24 Mar 1536. R. O. 541. Lord Lisle (age 71) to Cromwell.

Sends a letter from the captain of Gravelyng to the Emperor's ambassador in England, brought hither by an Englishman who dwells in the English house at Bruges.

On Tuesday last Parker's servant received three of the King's horses, and the fourth is lame. The captain of Gravelines gave 24 crs. for him, and, if he recovers, Parker will pay back this sum and for his meat, and have the horse again. On Monday last Diryck and the man of the duchy of Holster, who came in his company, were sent in a waggon from Bruges to Gawnt, and 16 archers with them. The same day the queen of Hungary removed from Bruges to the forest of Eclow towards Antwerp. Will send news when he hears of Diryk and his companion, as he has a person daily in the Regent's Court. Hears from a man of Marguyson that on Tuesday at midnight all those of Marguyson who belong to the garrison of Boulogne rode forth in harness, he thinks to the revictualling of Turwyn. Begs Cromwell to be good to him in his suits. Calais, 23 March.

After writing the above, went to the dyke to view the foundation of the wall which late fell. As the first stone was laid in the foundation, the rest of the wall and the rampire fell to the ground. If one who spied it had not given warning, it would have killed 10 men. No man can remember such a breach here before. Asks that there may be no lack of money. The breach shall be rid and the work set forward with all diligence. Forty men shall work day and night, and meantime that quarter shall be well furnished with ordnance, and 20 gunners shall watch there every night beside the stand watch and search watch.

The night of the date of this letter, received Cromwell's letter and two letters to the captain of Gravelines, from Cromwell and from the Emperor's ambassador. Has written him an answer, and sent the letters by a discreet fellow, one of the King's servants. Today, 24 March, heard that the Regent is returned from the forest to Gawnte for redress of great matters. Will write again when he hears from the captain of Gravelines. Signed.

Pp. 2. Add.: Chief Secretary and Master of the Rolls. Endd.

R. O. 2. Corrected draft of the preceding. Pp. 2. Add.

Letters 1536. 28 Mar 1536. R. O. 573. T. Warley to Lady Lisle (age 42).

Received her letter today from Buck, Lord Edmund's servant, bidding him send the kirtle and sleeves given by the Queen (age 35), by Goodale. Had already given it to Hussey, with three yards of black satin for Lord Lisle's (age 71) doublet. As to her desiring him to take 20s. from Hussey to reward those in the Queen's wardrobe, Hussey says Mr. Taylour wishes no reward to be given. Has delivered the casket of steel and "flower" to Mrs. Margery Horsman. She was right glad of it, and said it would serve to keep her jewels in. Encloses a gold cramp ring, which she gave him for Lady Lisle. Has not seen Mr. Receiver since her letter. Since coming to London has received a letter of Lady Lisle from Hussey, dated 17 March; another, dated 25 March, by Bucke; and one from Lord Lisle, dated 18 March. No news but that the abbeys shall down. The King's solicitor, Mr. Riche, is made general surveyor, and Mr. Pope, the Lord Chancellor's servant, the general receiver. Great fees are allowed them. There will be eight other receivers, who will have during their lives, £20 a year, £10 for the carriage of every £1,000, their costs and charges borne. Edward Waters, Mr. Gunston's brother-in-law, is one, and Freman, the King's goldsmith, another. Does not know the rest, nor who will be auditors. It is said the King will ride North to meet the king of Scots. Received from Bucke a packet of letters from Lord Lisle. Delivered them to Mr. Secretary, who incontinently read them. It is an evil time for suitors, as the King and his Council have so many matters in hand daily. Begs her to ask Lord Lisle to write in his behalf to the Lord Chancellor, that he may have expedition in his suit. London, 28 March. Hol., p. 1. Add.: At Calais.

Letters 1536. 14 Apr 1536. R. O. 668. Lord Lisle (age 71) and Sir Edward Seymour (age 36). Receipt, by John Husee, of 196 oz. of gilt plate at 5s., from Roger Cotten, servant of Sir Edward Seymour, being part of £424. due to him from Sir William Hollys to the use of Viscount Lyssle, by indenture between Lyssle and Hollis, dated April 1. 14 April 27 Henry VIII. Hol., p. 1.

Letters 1536. 17 Apr 1536. R. O. 675. George Lord Rochford (age 33) to Lord Lisle (age 71).

The King intends to be at Dover within this fortnight. I pray you help my servant, the bearer, to such things as he shall need for my provision. Greenwich, 17 April. Signed.

P. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais.

Letters 1536. 22 Apr 1536. R. O. 707. Lord Lisle (age 71) to Sir Richard Page.

The King is misinformed as to his having given five or six spears' rooms since he came to Calais. Has given only three; two by the King's own letters [and Mr. Secretary's]1, one to Richard Blount, the other to Sir Thomas Palmer, porter. The third was to a man that served the King all his life, well deserving. If the King will forbear admitting young Whetyll whilst I am here, I shall be greatly obliged to him. If he or others were made in spite of my appointment, they would not obey my commandment. This would not be for the King's honor and service. Stick to me in this matter. I should be loth to be overcome by Mr. Whetyll, his wife, or any of his lineage. Calais, 22 April. Signed.

P. 1. Add.: Sir Richard Page, knight, one of the King's Privy Chamber.

R. O. 2. Draft of the preceding, with corrections in Palmer's hand.

Note 1. These words occur in the original draft (§ 2), but are struck out.

Letters 1536. 28 Apr 1536. R. O. 748. Thomas Warley to Lord Lisle (age 71).

I thank you for the warrant you sent, whereby I did my friend a singular pleasure, and also for the letter you were good enough to write to Sir Francis Brian (age 46) for expedition of my suit. Sir Francis had departed into Buckinghamshire before it arrived. Dr. Bonner (age 36) came to Court yesterday, and asked heartily after you and my Lady. The Queen (age 35) expects my Lady to meet her at Dover, as Mrs. Margery Horsman informed me, and on Tuesday next the King and Queen will lie at Rochester. On Monday I intend to leave for Dover or Sandwich, to await the coming of your Lordship and my Lady. The Council has sat every day at Greenwich upon certain letters brought by the French ambassador, who was at Court yesterday and divers other times. On Monday in Easter week1, the Emperor's ambassador was at Court. Many ships laden with wheat have come to London. London, 28 April.

Note 1. April 17 in 1536. But from Chapuys's own despatch it appears to have been on Tuesday the 18th. See No.

Trial of Brereton, Norris, Smeaton, and Weston

Letters 1536. 12 May 1536. R. O. 854. Sir John Russell (age 51) to Lord Lisle (age 72).

On behalf of the bearer, who has been sore troubled to his utter undoing unless Lisle will make him a victualler in his retinue. Today Mr. Norres (age 54) and such other as you know are cast, and the Queen (age 35) shall go to her judgment on Monday next. I have delivered the King your letters. I wonder your Lordship did not write to me that I might have made suit for you. Westm., 12 May. Signed. P. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais. Endd.

Letters 1536. 12 May 1536. R. O. 855. John Husee to Lord Lisle (age 72).

I delivered your letter to Mr. Secretary, who promises to be your very friend. I could not see the King, but delivered his letter through Sir John Russell, who promises to consult with Mr. Secretary on your behalf; but there is no time to make suit till the matters now in hand be overblown. As to the friar (Mr. Secretary would they were all at the Devil), he shall be rid, but it will be tomorrow ere I have the letter for his despatch, which Goodall will bring, who will depart tomorrow night. You may tell Mr. Porter, Mr. Treasurer will meddle with no matter till this business be rid. Today Mr. Norrys (age 54), Weston (age 25), Bryerton, and Markes (age 24) have been arraigned, and are judged to be drawn, hanged, and quartered. They shall die tomorrow or Monday. Anne the queen (age 35), and her brother (age 33), shall be arraigned in the Tower, some think tomorrow, but on Monday at furthest, and that they will suffer there immediately "for divers considerations, which are not yet known." Mr. Payge and Mr. W[y]at (age 15) are in the Tower, but it is thought without danger of life, though Mr. Payge is banished the King's court for ever. A new Parliament is summoned to commence on Thursday in Whitsun week. Walter Skynner comes over to your Lordship with my Lord Chancellor's letters, to summon you and lord Grey, but you will not go without further licence. Here is one Hall, serjeant-at-arms, who desires much to speak with Mr. Degory Graynfyld. London, 12 May.

Mr. Rossell sent his servant, the bearer, to me while I was writing. Please write some kind letter to Mr. Russell and Mr. Hennage, and write again to Mr. Secretary. Hol., p. 1. Add.

Letters 1536. 13 May 1536. R. O. 865. J. Husee to Lord Lisle (age 72).

Here is no good to be done, neither with the King nor with any of his Council, till matters now had in hand be fully achieved. Mr. Secretary had no leisure to despatch the letter for the Friar's delivery. It is useless suing to Mr. Treasurer till he have more leisure. It is believed this matter will be rid by the end of next week. Here are so many tales I cannot tell what to write. This day, some say, young Weston (age 25) shall scape, and some that none shall die but the Queen (age 35) and her brother (age 33); others, that Wyat (age 15) and Mr. Payge are as like to suffer as the others. The saying now is that those who shall suffer shall die when the Queen and her brother go to execution; but I think they shall all suffer. If any escape, it will be young Weston, for whom importunate suit is made. It is rumoured that Harry Webbe has been taken in the West country, and put in hold for the same cause. By Wednesday [May 17] all will be known. Sir Thomas Cheyne (age 51) is named Lord Warden, some say by Mr. Secretary's preferment. My Lord of Richmond (age 16) is Chamberlain of Chester and N. Wales, and Mr. Harry Knyvet, Constable of Beaumaris. If Mr. Secretary keep promise your Lordship shall have something. Today Mr. Russell was in very sad communication with Mr. Whethill. I fear I have taken a wrong pig by the ear, but I shall know by his preferring of your affairs ere long. Mr. Brian is chief gentleman of the privy chamber, and shall keep the table. There is plain saying that the King will assign the groom of the stole from time to time at his pleasure. I trust you will remember Mr. Secretary with wine and letters, and also Mr. Hennage. The King comes not to Dover at this time. There shall be both burgesses and knights of the shire for Calais. Give credence to Goodall, and keep secret what he tells you. London, 13 May. Hol., p. 1. Add.

Letters 1536. 24 May 1536. 24 May. R. O. 952. John Husee to Lord Lisle (age 72).

Your peascods were thankfully received by the King "for mo considerations than I will write of." Mr. Russell says he moved his Grace for your preferment, and his Grace said it was too late, for all things had been disposed of long since, except some offices in Wales not fit for you, as it was so far from your native country, but he would gladly your Lordship had somewhat. The truth is, as I wrote, that Mr. Russell is a right worshipful, sad, and discreet gentleman, but will never prefer your Lordship. "I pray God take Mr. Norrys (deceased) to his mercy, for you have made an unlike change." You had better write to Mr. Hennage, and send him some pleasure. As to the priories of Mawdlens and Pylton, send me the extent of their lands and I will move the matter, but I think you might ask for some abbey "of the suppressed number" in Hampshire, Wiltshire, or elsewhere, near your dwelling-place. When your wine and quails come I will distribute them, unless otherwise commanded, to Mr. Russell and Mr. Hennage, but in anywise you should write to the latter, and also to Mr. Secretary, though he does you little good and promises much. The £200 the late Lord Rocheford (deceased) had out of the revenues of Winchester returns to the Bishop's coffers. Mr. Bryan had £100 that Mr. Norris had out of the bishopric. As to the spurs, I cannot get to the King's presence, but when you have written to Mr. Hennage he shall have the delivery of them. Whatever be the reason, the King will not license you to come over. The King has already written about the marsh. I have not yet been able to get from Mr. Secretary the letter he promised to write for the friar's despatch. Your counsel do not advise you to procure a proviso by Act of Parliament for lord Daubney to stay the sale of lands that should descend to Mr. Basset, but only to keep a vigilant eye on his proceedings. Ling and haberdeyn are so dear that I cannot tell what to do, the former £8 per cwt. or over, and the latter £3 or over. A new coronation is expected at Midsummer. The progress shall not this summer pass Windsor. Your Lordship shall receive, by Hugh Colton, two pair of hosen. London, 24 May. Hol., pp. 2. Add.

Marriage of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour

Letters 1536. 30 May. R. O. 993. William Marche to Lord Lisle (age 72).

Your letter was delivered on Monday after my departure from Calais, and Mr. Secretary made me answer that he had given you a full answer to its contents. Mr. Boysse and I are at your commands, if we can do anything further. As to the horsemill, Mr. Dawnce told me it may not be set upon the King's ground, but if he had set it upon his own freehold it might have passed well enough. This day the King is known to be married unto one Mrs. Jane Semar [Jane Seymour (age 27)], Sir John Semar's (age 62) daughter; and my lord William [Howard] this day came out of Scotland in post and merry. London, 30 May 1536.

Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.

Letters 1536. 31 May. R. O. 1000. John Husee to Lord Lisle (age 72).

The bearer, Mrs. Alice Warton, is the gentlewoman I wrote of, and I trust will do you good service. She has taken out a great part of the cushion, but has not had leisure to take out the whole. There remains the tree or flower and the beast, which is an unicorn. If you will have it taken out, I will get some woman or painter to do it. You will receive by this ship two dozen bowls, which cost 4s., and the coals which Annes Woodrove bought for you. It is said the coronation will not be till Michaelmas. "The King was married yesterday [to Jane Seymour (age 27)] in the Queen's closet at York Place or Manor, whose Grace is determined to see the watch on Midsummer night." London, 31 May.

Hol., p. 1. Add.

P.S. on the back:—Mine host Cross sends in this ship a kilderkin of ale, and desires his barrel again and some venison. Mine hostess will have half the thanks.

Letters 1536. [3 Jun 1536]. R. O. 1047. Sir John Russell (age 51) to Lord Lisle (age 72).

I presented the King with the cherries in my lady's name, and he thanks both you and her. I also delivered your letter to the King, who commanded Mr. Secretary to read it. Mr. Secretary said he would do anything for your Lordship that he could, and I think you are much bound to him. I cannot tell what will be the effect of your letter. I told the King the news of what was between the French and the Flemings, and how the captain of Gralyng took two Gascon merchants. Word came by Rokewood to Robert Semer that war was proclaimed between Flanders and France, but I informed the King that it was not true, as I was sure you would write me that with other news. On Friday last the Queen (age 27) sat abroad as Queen, and was served by her own servants, who were sworn that same day. The King came in his great boat to Greenwich that day with his privy chamber, and the Queen and the ladies in the great barge. I assure you she is as gentle a lady as ever I knew, and as fair a Queen as any in Christendom. "The King hath come out of hell into heaven for the gentleness in this and the cursedness and the unhappiness in the other." You would do well to write to the King again that you rejoice he is so well matched with so gracious a woman as is reported. This will please the King. I thank you for your present. Greenwich, Whitsun even. Signed.

Pp. 2. Add.: Deputy of Calais. Endd.

Letters 1536. 04 Jun 1536. R. O. 1058. J. Husee to Lord Lisle (age 72).

Mr. Russell delivered your letter to the King in Mr. Secretary's presence, and declared your mind concerning the contents. Mr. Secretary was commanded to open and read the letter, and afterwards communed with the King a pretty space. I have since spoken with Mr. Secretary, urging him to keep you in remembrance, which he says he has done. He promises to show me more of his mind in three days, so by tomorrow or Tuesday I hope to know what he will say thereto. Undoubtedly he can do much good if he will be earnest as your friend. I wish his wine were had in remembrance. I wish your Lordship had Bewley, but I think it would be time lost to sue for it. If you would name one or two in Hampshire or Wiltshire, I have no fear but the King would soon know your mind. St. Mary's in Winchester, I am told, unless great friendship stay it, is like to be of the number. I am told Waberley is a pretty thing. I think your suit will not be frustrate if you let me know your mind and write to Hennage. Your counsel wish the proviso not to be spoken of. I will not forget Mr. Page for your nag. I have bought for my lady 14 yds. Lukes velvet; Skut will have no less. I hope she will have it before Corpus Christi Day [15 June]. I have also bought your Lordship ½ cwt. of ling and 1 cwt. haberdeyn. I have received £60 that Mr. Seymour (age 36) paid Mr. Wynsor, and have paid the parson of St. Martin's, your grocer and chandler, my lady's velvet, and the fish, in what manner I will write by him that brings my lady's gown. I send you by bearer a satin undercap, with two linings. By Fyssher I sent you two pair of hosen with your proxy, which I look for every day, with an answer to such letters as I sent by him. Mr. Treasurer (age 46) promises to move the King in Snowden's behalf. Mr. Whethill knelt before the King yesterday, I think for the same matter. I moved Mr. Treasurer for my check, showing that I was here on your affairs, and stood in continual danger of my wages by the Act; but he said your Lordship could protect me. Please write to Mr. Treasurer to write to the Controller and Treasurer there about it. I have been asked by one or two for money on your Lordship's behalf for the King's subsidy. Vycars, your late servant, begs you to write a letter to his father declaring the cause of his departure, else his father will never take him for his son. London, 4 June. Hol., pp. 2. Add.

Letters 1536. 06 Jun 1536. R. O. 1074. J. Husee to Lord Lisle (age 72).

I have received your letters of the 2nd and 3rd June. In answer to the first, touching Sir Richard Whethill, Mr. Prysley this night delivered him your letter, and declared your pleasure, to which he only hummed and hawed, but at last said he had made many friends; so that apparently he means to persevere in his malicious suit. Mr. Prisley, however, still hopes he will take further advisement. The negligence about your Lordship's hosen was owing to my bedfellow Fyssher, who would not suffer me to send them by any other than himself. He deserves to sit three days in the stocks for it, but it rests with your Lordship to qualify the punishment. As for the parson of St. Martin's, I stayed 40s. in my hands for the tenth, before your Lordship's letter came to hand. As to your other letter I shall deliver Mr. Hennage your Lordship's letter, and motion him of my lady's daughter. As to the nomination of an abbey, I wrote by Petley, and will make further search. When I have set these matters in frame I will follow your affairs in Hampshire. The proxy I shall deliver the second day of the Parliament, as the custom is. Snowden is a diligent waiter, but Mr. Treasurer (age 46) has not yet motioned the King in his cause. I hope he will be earnest when he begins. As for the Marsh, though the matter has been taken by Water's information not after the true meaning, Mr. Secretary says the letter I send with this is wholly the King's pleasure, and will satisfy you. Wriothesley had this letter five days, and never told me till today at Court, but delivered it to me this night at Stepney. Mr. Secretary was not a little displeased at this, but in truth Wriothesley favored the party, or he would not have kept it. If you send lord Dawbny a piece of wine it would do no harm. As to my check, your Lordship's letter to Mr. Treasurer will ease it. I will certify Mrs. Medcalff of your pleasure touching Lyssle: You will receive a letter of the King's for Peretrey's pardon along with this other letter of the King's sent herewith. Remember Mr. Secretary's wine. I cannot yet know what answer the King made him touching your suit. The Queen's (age 27) brother (age 36) is today created Viscount Beauchamp. London, 6 June.

Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.

Letters 1536. 15 Jun 1536. R. O. 1138. John Husee to Lord Lisle (age 72).

I have received your sundry letters by Tatton and Shepard, and lately of Goodalle. As to the marsh, I delivered your letter to Mr. Secretary, and he made me as good an answer as I could wish, viz., that the inhabitants must bring the marsh to its first state at their own cost, and they shall have it in common, as it was before the draining and enclosure lately made by Sir Rob. Wingfield. He promised that Wingfield's patent should be resumed now by Act of Parliament, and that of this I should have an answer this day; but I think this cannot well be on account of the solemnities at Westminster, where the King and Queen (age 27) have been at mass, and came riding thither and homewards with all the estates and peers before them on horseback. There were almost as many people as at the Coronation. Tonight or in the morning I will call on him for his letters.

This would have been dispatched long since if the instruction had been discreetly given by Water Skynner; "or else the writer penning the same after his purpose did pretend to work some feat of his friendship, giving a cast of his office to Sir R. W. Howbeit, I trust the same is now at some better point than divers would have it." As soon as Mr. Secretary had showed me his mind I made Mr. Boys and Mr. Prisley privy thereto. I write in my other letters touching your Lordship's own affairs. Southwark, Corpus Christi Day, 15 June. Hol., pp. 2. Add.

Letters 1536. 16 Jun 1536. R. O. 1147. Antony Waite to Lady Lisle (age 42).

Received her letters this morning, and is glad she and Lord Lisle (age 72) are well. She must not think his slack writing is due to unthankful forgetfulness of her kindness. Has always sent his recommendations to her in his letters to Lord Lisle sent by Worley and others. His master is in health and merry, as a man of his age may. These few days past he has resigned his Bishopric to Dr. Sampson, the dean of the King's chapel, at the King's request. He is in great favor with the King, and has always been a just and faithful councillor. He was consecrated, with the Abbot of St. Benet's, now Bishop of Norwich, on Trinity Sunday last, and yesterday performed mass before the King and Queen (age 27) at Westminster. They came thither on horseback from Newe Hall, with two archbishops, bishops, dukes, marquises, lords, barons, abbots, and justices, with a great part of the "noblenes" of the realm, and with no less solemnity went a procession after the blessed sacrament, to the great comfort and rejoysance of a great multitude of his subjects, who at that time were there gathered to see his Grace and the Queen, who is a very amiable lady, and of whom we all have great hope. London, the morrow of Corpus Christi Day.

His cousin Waytte and his wife are merry, and desire to be recommended. Hol., pp. 2. Add.: At Calais.

Letters 1536. 26 Jun 1536. R. O. 1208. John Husee to Lord Lisle (age 72).

I have with much difficulty and many delations recovered "out of Mr. Hoollys (?) hands" the band in which Mr. Skryven was bound to him. The Viscount Beauchamp, now Lord Privy Seal1, hath stayed it till now, saying that he never did hitherto overread his writings. God keep all true meaners out of their danger!" I enclose the said band, which please to re-deliver to Mr. Skryven with hearty thanks. I have little comfort yet of your suit; your advocates are thick of hearing, yet I look daily for your Lordship's answer. If Mr. Treasurer be not content with my deputy at Oy Search, let another be put in. Please tell me if the controller and vicetreasurer are satisfied with Mr. Treasurer's letter for my check; if not, I would they had room and all. London, 26 June. Hol., p. 1. Add.

Note 1. The earl of Wiltshire (age 59) was appointed Lord Privy Seal 24 Jan. 1530, quamdiu Regi placuerit, and held the office till 24 June 1536. The writer was mistaken, however, in supposing that Lord Beauchamp (age 36) was appointed in his place. Cromwell was his successor, but was not formally, appointed till 2 July.—Rym. xiv. 571.

Letters 1536. 10 Jul 1536. R. O. 969. Sir Edward Ryngeley to Lord Lisle (age 72).

Wrote yesterday that the King would be at Calais at the latter end of August, and now asks Lord Lisle to defer publishing this till he hears again, as the day will not be fixed till Lord Rochford's return from France. The truth will be known by the King's letter to Mr. Surveyor. Till then, Lisle had better stay all things, and the lieutenant of the Staple and Mr. Surveyor had better not do anything in consequence of his letter. Supposes he has heard of Lord Dacre's acquittal. London, 10 July.

Desires to be commended to Lady Lisle (age 42) and the Council. Signed.

P. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais. Endd. 10 July 1534.

Letters and Papers 1537. 04 Jul 1537. 211. Jehan Ango to Lord Lisle (age 73).

R. O.

I have received your letter by the bearer, and in his presence have spoken to the man who took the hoy (le heux) and the Flemings. He maintains they are lawful prize. If, therefore, anyone demands it, let him come here, and justice shall be done. Dieppe, 4 July 1537. Signed.Fr., p. 1. Add.

Letters and Papers 1537. 04 Jul 1537. 210. Francis Hall to Lord Lisle (age 73).

R. O.

This morning Mons. de Mollenbais desired me to write to you that as there is here strange speaking both of the French king and the Frenchmen,-i.e., that the French king is extremely sick, or out of his mind, or dead (for the trumpets that have been here all say the Dauphin and the Great Master were at Amyas, and the King about Paris or Fontainebleau)-you would certify him of the truth. According to yours and Mr. Porter's letters I sent you "a safeguard for fyns." I am sure my uncle will let you know all his news. From beside Turwaune, Wednesday, 4 July 1537.

Hol., p. 1. Add.: My lord Deputy.

ii. Memoranda on the back. "To speak to Mons. de Bies, to write to the baily of Braynerd (?) and Robert le Standard (?), Mons de Curlew (?).

Anne of Cleves Journey to England

Holinshed's Chronicle 1539. 11 Dec 1539. The eleuenth daie of December at the turne pike on this side Graueling, was the ladie Anne of Cleue (age 24) receiued by the lord deputie (age 75) of the towne of Calis, and with the speares and horssemen belonging to the retinue there. When she came within little more than a mile of the towne of Calis, she was met by the erle of Southampton (age 49) high admerall of England, who had in his companie thirtie gentlemen of the kings houshold, as sir Francis Brian (age 49), sir Thomas Seimer (age 31), and others, beside a great number of gentlemen of his owne retinue clad in blue veluet, and crimsin satin, and his yeomen in damaske of the same colours. The mariners of his ship were apparelled in satin of Bridges, cotes & slops of the same colour. The lord admerall brought hir into Calis by Lanterne gate. There was such a peale of ordinance shot off at hir entrie, as was maruellous to the hearers. The maior presented hir with an hundred markes in gold, the merchants of the staple with an hundred souereignes of gold in a rich purse. She was lodged in the kings place called the Checker, and there she laie fifteene daies for want of prosperous wind.

On 19 May 1540 Arthur Plantagenet 1st Viscount Lisle (age 76) was arrested and imprisoned at the Tower of London [Map]. Several members of the Plantagenet household in Calais were arrested on suspicion of treason, on the charge of plotting to betray the town to the French. The actual conspirators were executed, but there was no evidence connecting Arthur with the plot. Nevertheless, he languished in the Tower of London for two years until the king decided to release him. However, upon receiving news that he was to be released he, apparently, suffered a heart attack and died two days later.

Wriothesley's Chronicle. 04 Aug 1540. This yeare, the fowerth daie of Awgust, were drawen from the Tower of London to Tiburne [Map], Giles Heron (deceased), gentleman, Clement Philpott, gentleman, late of Callis, and servant to the Lord Lile (age 76)e, Darbie Gynning, Edrnonde Bryndholme, priest, William Horn, late a lay brother of the Charter Howse of London, and another,f with six persons more, were there hanged drawen, and quartered, and one Charles Carow, gentleman, was that daie hanged for robbing of my Ladie Carowe, all which persons were attaynted by the whole Parliament for treason.

Note e. Arthur Plantagenet, Viscount Lisle, was Deputy of Calais from 1533 to 1540, when he was recalled, and died a prisoner in the Tower 1542.

Note f. These names differ considerably from those given in Stow, viz. Giles Home, gentleman, Clement Phillip, gentleman, of Calais, and servant to the Lord Lisle, Darby Gening, Edmond Bromholme, priest, chaplain to the Lord Lisle, William Home, Laurence Cooke, Prior of Doncaster, and Bobert Bird.

Letters and Papers 1542. 9 Feb. [1542] Spanish Calendar, VI., I., No. 230. 92. Chapuys (age 52) To Charles V.

Wrote on the 29th ult of the Queen's condemnation and that of the duchess of Norfolk (age 65), her daughter (age 43), and lady Rochford (age 37). Till then the King had never been merry since first hearing of the Queen's misconduct; but he has been so since, especially on the 29th, when he gave a supper and banquet with 26 ladies at his table, besides gentlemen, and 35 at another table close by. The lady for whom he showed the greatest regard was the sister [Elizabeth Brooke (age 39)] of lord Cobham (age 45) , whom Wyatt (age 39) sometime ago repudiated for adultery. She is a pretty young creature, with wit enough to do as badly as the others if she were to try. The King is also said to have a fancy for the daughter of Madame Albart, niece, of the Grand Esquire, Master Anthony Brown, and also for a daughter [Anne Bassett (age 22)] (by her first marriage) of the wife (age 48) of Mons. Lyt (age 77), late deputy of Calais—a surmise which rests partly on the fact that after nearly two years' close confinement in the Tower, her father has been liberated, and the King has ordered his arms, which had been removed from their place in the chapel of the Order [Map], to be replaced1.

Note 1. The text of this letter down to this point has been printed by Gachard in his "Analectes Historiques" (Series I.-IV.), 242-3.

On 03 Mar 1542 Arthur Plantagenet 1st Viscount Lisle (age 77) died at the Tower of London [Map]. Viscount Lisle extinct.

Hall's Chronicle 1542. 03 Mar 1542. In the beginnyng of Marche died sir Arthur Plantagenet Viscount Lisle (age 77) bastard to [his father] Kyng Edward the fourth, in the tower of London unattainted, when he should have been delivered and put at his liberty.

Letters 1536. 19 May. R. O. 919. John Husee to Lord Lisle.

I have received your letter with the spurs. With all my efforts I have been unable to come to the King's presence. "His Grace came not abroad except it were in the garden, and in his boat at night (at which times it may become no man to prevent him), this 14 days." But now that these matters of execution are past I hope soon to speak with him and deliver your spuis. Lord Rocheford, Mr. Norrys, Bruriton, Weston, and Markes suffered with the axe on the scaffold at Tower Hill on Wednesday the 17th, and died very charitably.

Letters 1536. 22 April. R. O. 708. Lord Lisle to Hussey.

I have written to Master Wyndsor to send over my rent by my brother Aylmer, or, if he will not come, to deliver it to you, as you will see by his letter enclosed. Calais, 22 April.

Has also written to Mr. Page to request the King not to let young Whetyll have any room in Calais while Lisle is there; and Lisle will hereafter appoint no spear without sending him over immediately to the King, to be replaced by another if his Grace like him not. I hope you have received my last with the copy of Mr. Palmer's letter, which I trust will pacify the King. States that he has appointed no more spears than in his Letter No. 707, of which the third was given to Wynybank. Sends a bill for receipt of £60 of Sir Edward Seymour, of which £16 are to be paid to Mr. Wyllson, the parson of St. Martin's. The rest is for the King. Is to ask Mr. Norrys to move the King to give Lisle the Priory of Maudylis of Barstabyll [Map], paying the King £20 for a New Year's gift. Thinks it will not be long out of the King's hands.

Pp. 2. Add.: To my friend John Husse, at the sign of the Red Lion, in Southwark. Endd.: The copy of John Husse letter and Sir Richard Page, knight, the 22d day of April.

Letters and Papers 1540. II. Acts printed in the Statutes at Large, but not entered on the Parliament Roll:-.

Cap. 49 [original no. [The number of the original Act as preserved in the Parliament Office. 46]. The King's general pardon.

Exception is made of heretical opinions touching the sacrament, treason, murder, and some other crimes. It is not to extend to the following persons:-Cromwell, Marg. Countess of Salisbury, Arthur Lord Lisle, and Honor his wife, Leonard lord Gray, Walter lord Hungerford, Richard Bishop of Chichester, Edward Courteney son to the late marquis of Exeter, Henry Pole son of Lord Montagew, Nich. Wilson, priest, William Byrde vicar of Bradforde, Giles Heron, Marg. wife of William Tyrrell, Richard Fetherston, Thomas Abell, Edward Powell, priest, Laur. Coke late prior of Dancaster, William Horne late lay brother of the Charterhouse, Chr. Joy, Clement Philpot, John Wollar, Edward Corbet now prisoner, John Browne his servant, Edm. Bryndeholme, priest, Thomas Tytchet, William Stevens, William Hawkyns late of Calais, Robert Barnes, priest, Thomas Garrard parson of Hony Lane, William Jerome, priest. Richard Manchester, priest, William More, harper, Darby Gynnyng, Edm. Sexton, Charles Carowe, Ant. Bowgegood, Adam Damplyp, Henry Goderyk parson of Hothefeld in Kent, and all persons who have been attainted by Act of Parliament, or excepted by name out of previous pardons, or have fled the realm for treason, and also John Gynden. A proviso is added excepting all treasons committed beyond sea and the following heresies: (1) that infants ought not to be baptised or should be re-baptised on reaching lawful age, (2) that a Christian may not bear rule in the commonwealth, (3) "that no man's laws ought to be obeyed," (4) that a Christian may not take oath before a judge, (5) "that Christ took no bodily substance of our blessed Lady," (6) "that sinners after baptism cannot be restored by repentance," (7) that every man's death is predetermined by God, so that neither prince's sword nor man's own wilfulness can change it, (8) "that all things be common and nothing several"; and also excepting Gregory Buttolph, priest, Richard Farmour of Eston, Ntht. [Northamptonshire], and Robert Jewet late keeper of Newgate. [This Act was concluded on 16 July.-See Lords' Journals.]

C. 50 [o. n. 78]. The Bill for the Subsidy.

Letters 1536. 25 May. R. O. 963. John Husee to Lord Lisle.

Yesterday I received your letter of my fellow Fysher. Mr. Treasurer [William Fitzwilliam] is ridden to Guildford, and will not return to court till Whitsuntide, so that I cannot get his letter that you write for without going to him. I cannot tell what he means, for if he had informed the King before he left, this matter would have been at a stay; but if Snowden come over I will ride to Mr. Treasurer with him. You may say meanwhile you have written to the King, and can make no direct answer without knowledge of his pleasure. Mr. Wyndsor is now in the city, and, if he remain till 31 May, will receive your money of Sir Edward Seymour; if not, Mr. Smythe must. As to your liveries, Rob. Coddgrave can inform you, who spoke with the party that made the cloths, for whom I tarried in Canterbury almost two days. I left £20 in Canterbury with Roger Wellis to pay the clothier if the cloths were approved, and the said Robert would deliver them 10 days before Whitsuntide. Your Lordship never wrote for the 20 bows of which my lady writes; but I have searched, and good bows cannot be got under 5 marks the score. The wine and quails are home, and I shall see them delivered as I think best for you. There is enough for both Mr. Russell and Mr. Hennage. I wrote long since about your coming over. Mr. Russell says Peretre's pardon is granted, and you shall shortly have a letter missive for it; but his Grace willeth the law to proceed upon him to the last point of execution before announcing it. Please let me know what has been done about my office of search and check, and which abbey or priory you will make suit for, when I will ride into Hampshire. London, 25 May.

Hol., pp. 2. Add.

Arthur Plantagenet 1st Viscount Lisle 1464-1542 appears on the following Descendants Family Trees:

King Edward IV of England 1442-1483

King Edward III of England 1312-1377

John of Gaunt 1st Duke Lancaster 1340-1399

Ralph Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland 1364-1425

Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York 1415-1495

Joan Beaufort Countess of Westmoreland 1379-1440

John Neville 3rd Baron Neville of Raby 1337-1388

Maud Percy Baroness Neville Raby

Thomas Holland 2nd Earl Kent 1350-1397

Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York 1411-1460

Katherine Roet Duchess Lancaster 1350-1403

Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England 1314-1369

Royal Ancestors of Arthur Plantagenet 1st Viscount Lisle 1464-1542

Kings Wessex: Great x 13 Grand Son of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England

Kings Gwynedd: Great x 10 Grand Son of Owain "Great" King Gwynedd

Kings Seisyllwg: Great x 16 Grand Son of Hywel "Dda aka Good" King Seisyllwg King Deheubarth

Kings Powys: Great x 11 Grand Son of Maredudd ap Bleddyn King Powys

Kings England: Son of King Edward IV of England

Kings Scotland: Great x 12 Grand Son of King Duncan I of Scotland

Kings Franks: Great x 9 Grand Son of Louis VII King Franks

Kings France: Great x 5 Grand Son of Philip IV King France

Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 17 Grand Son of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine

Ancestors of Arthur Plantagenet 1st Viscount Lisle 1464-1542

Great x 4 Grandfather: King Edward II of England Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: King Edward III of England Son of King Edward II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Isabella of France Queen Consort England 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Edmund of Langley 1st Duke of York Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: William Hainault I Count Hainault III Count Avesnes III Count Holland II Count Zeeland 4 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan Valois Countess Zeeland Holland Avesnes and Hainault 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 1 Grandfather: Richard of Conisbrough 1st Earl Cambridge Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Alfonso "Avenger" XI King Castile 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Peter "Cruel" I King Castile 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Maria Burgundy Queen Consort Castile 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Isabella of Castile Duchess York 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Juan García Padilla 1st Lord Villagera

Great x 3 Grandmother: Maria Padilla

Great x 4 Grandmother: María González Henestrosa Lady Villagera

GrandFather: Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Roger Mortimer 2nd Earl March 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Edmund Mortimer 3rd Earl March, Earl Ulster 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Philippa Montagu Countess March

Great x 2 Grandfather: Roger Mortimer 4th Earl March 6th Earl Ulster Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Lionel Plantagenet 1st Duke of Clarence Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Philippa Plantagenet Countess March 5th Countess Ulster Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Burgh Duchess of Clarence 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Great x 1 Grandmother: Anne Mortimer 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Holland 1st Earl Kent 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Thomas Holland 2nd Earl Kent Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan "Fair Maid of Kent" Princess Wales Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Eleanor Holland Countess March and Ulster 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Richard Fitzalan 3rd or 10th Earl of Arundel 8th Earl of Surrey 5 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Alice Fitzalan Countess Kent 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor Plantagenet Countess Arundel and Surrey Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Father: King Edward IV of England 2 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Ralph Neville 2nd Baron Neville of Raby 8 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Euphemia Clavering Baroness Neville Raby 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 2 Grandfather: John Neville 3rd Baron Neville of Raby 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Hugh Audley 1st Baron Audley of Stratton Audley 2 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Alice Audley Baroness Greystoke and Neville 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Iseult Mortimer 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 1 Grandfather: Ralph Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Henry Percy 9th and 1st Baron Percy

Great x 3 Grandfather: Henry Percy 10th and 2nd Baron Percy 5 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor Fitzalan Baroness Percy 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Maud Percy Baroness Neville Raby 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert Clifford 1st Baron Clifford 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Idonia Clifford Baroness Percy 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Maud Clare Baroness Clifford Baroness Welles 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

GrandMother: Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: King Edward II of England Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: King Edward III of England Son of King Edward II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Isabella of France Queen Consort England 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: John of Gaunt 1st Duke Lancaster Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: William Hainault I Count Hainault III Count Avesnes III Count Holland II Count Zeeland 4 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan Valois Countess Zeeland Holland Avesnes and Hainault 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 1 Grandmother: Joan Beaufort Countess of Westmoreland Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Giles "Payne" Roet

Great x 2 Grandmother: Katherine Roet Duchess Lancaster

Arthur Plantagenet 1st Viscount Lisle Son of King Edward IV of England

Mother: Elizabeth Waite