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Biography of Bishop Robert Stillington 1420-1491

1461 Edward IV marries Eleanor Talbot possibly

1461 Edward IV Rewards his Followers

1464 Marriage of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville

1483 Death of King Edward IV

1483 Funeral of Edward IV

1483 Disappearance of the Princes in the Tower

1483 Robert Stillington Claims Edward IV's Marriage to Elizabeth Woodville to be Bigamous

1487 Lambert Simnel Rebellion

In 1420 Bishop Robert Stillington was born to John Stillington.

In 1450 Bishop Robert Stillington (age 30) was appointed Archdeacon of Taunton.

Edward IV marries Eleanor Talbot possibly

Around Jun 1461, the record is very vague, King Edward IV (age 19) and Eleanor Talbot (age 25) were possibly secretly married by Bishop Robert Stillington (age 41). The marriage came to light after Edward's death. Bishop Robert Stillington provided the information to the future King Richard III of England (age 8) in 1483; Richard used the information to justify his succeeding to be King since Edward IV's children with Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England (age 24) were, therefore, illegitimate as a result of their marriage being bigamous and George Duke of Clarence's (age 11) children were barred from the throne as a consequence of their father's attainder.

Patent Rolls Edward IV 1461. On 10 Jul 1461. Westminster Palace [Map]. Ratification for life of the estate of Master Robert Stillyngton (age 41), king's clerk as deacon of the king's free chapel of St Martin le Grand, London, archdeacon of Colchester in the cathedral of London and of Taunton in the cathedral of Wells, prebendary of Wetewang in the cathedral of York, Marther (possibly typo since 'Martha' unknown) in the cathedral of St Davids and the prebend which John Luca lately had in the king's free chapel of St Stephen within his palace of Wesminster, and person of the church of Aysshebury, in the diocese of Salisbury.

Edward IV Rewards his Followers

On 28 Jul 1461 Bishop Robert Stillington (age 41) was appointed Keeper of the Privy Seal.

On 01 Nov 1461 Bishop Robert Stillington (age 41) was appointed Keeper of the Privy Seal.

Patent Rolls Edward IV 1461. 19 Nov 1461. Grant, during office, to Robert Stillyngton (age 41), king's clerk, keeper of the privy seal, an office for which he ought to have 20s. a day, of £365 yearly from 1 November, viz. £40 from the issues of the counties of Somerset and Dorset, £40 from the issues of the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, £33 from the issues of the counties of Oxford and Berks, £100 from the customs and subsidies of wools, hides and wool-fells in the port of London, £100 from the like in the port of Southampton, £32 from the issues of the county of Wilts, and £20 from the issues of the counties of Cambridge and Huntingdon. If the said assignments are or shall be insufficient to pay the said 20s. a day, the chancellor shall have power to make other assignments without warrant or suit to the king or council.

Patent Rolls Edward IV 1462. 08 Feb 1462. Appointment of Laurence, Bishop of Durham (age 42), the king's kinsman John, Earl of Worcester (age 34), Robert Botell, prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England, John Wenlok of Wenlok, knight, and Master Robert Stillington (age 42), doctor of laws, keeper of the privy seal, as ambassadors to treat with the king's kinsman John de He, Earl of Rosse and lord of the Isles.

Patent Rolls Edward IV 1462. 12 Jul 1462. Grant in fee simple to the king's servant John Wenlok (age 62), knight, lord of Wenlok, of all lordships, manors, lands, rents and services with knight's fees and advowsons late of John Fortescue (age 68), knight, in the counties of Middlesex and Hertford and elsewhere within the realm and the reversion of the manor of Eburton, co. Gloucester, on the death of Jocosa Grevill alias Beauchampe, widow, belonging to the king by reason of the forfeiture of the said John Fortescue. By K.

Vacated by surrender and cancelled, because on 3 February, 8 Edward IV. the king by writ of privy seal ordered Robert, Bishop of Bath and Wells (age 42), chancellor, and Robert Kirkeham, keeper of the rolls of Chancery, to receive the same from the said John, by John Holme.

Patent Rolls Edward IV 1463. 24 May 1463. John Richard alias Richardson late of Bysshepcrophill, co. Nottingham, 'husbondman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Robert Stillyngton (age 43), clerk, touching a debt of 4 marks.

Patent Rolls Edward IV 1463. 23 Jun 1463. Inspeximus and confirmation to the mayor, bailiffs and burgesses of Clyfton, Dertmuth and Hardenesse of (1) letters patent dated 14 December, 2 Richard II. inspecting and confirming a charter dated at the Tower of London, 14 April, 15 Edward III. [Charter Roll, 15 Edward III. No. 18,] and (2) a charter dated at Westminster, 5 November, 17 Richard II. [Charter Noll, 15-17 Richard II. No. 10]; and grant that the adjoining township of Southtouudertemouth shall henceforth be annexed to the said borough of Cliftondertemouth Hardenasse, in consideration of the fact that the burgesses keep watches against invaders on the confines of the township and beyond at a place called 'Galions Boure' but the inhabitants of the township contribute nothing because they do not enjoy the liberties of the borough. Th« mayor and bailiffs shall have return of writs and execution thereof within the said township and the liberty of the borough, saving always the right of the lord of the fee of the township, and all pleas real and personal and attachments and fines and amercements, and also view of frauk-pledge and all that peitains to it. And they may acquire, in mortmain, after inquisition, lands, tenements, rents and other possessions, not held in chief, to the value of 201. yearly. Witnesses: Th. archbishop of Canterbury (age 45), W. archbishop of York (age 75), G. Bishop of Exeter (age 31), the chancellor, J. Bishop of Carlisle, the king's brothers George, duke of Clarence (age 13), and Richard, duke of Gloucester (age 10), the king's kinsmen Richard, Earl of Warwick (age 34), and John, Earl of Worcester (age 36), treasurer of England, Robert Styllyngton (age 43), king's clerk, keeper of the privy seal, and William Hastynges of Hastynges (age 32), the king's chamberlain, and John Wenlok of Wenlok (age 63), knights.

Patent Rolls Edward IV 1463. 30 Jun 1463. Grant to the king's kinsman John, Earl of Worcester (age 36), and Robert Styllyngton (age 43), king's clerk, keeper of the privy seal, in repayment of £1938 12s. 3d. and £960 6s 8d. due to them respectively for certain causes concerning the custody of the sea, of two parts and the third part respectively of all the moneys arising from the subsidies culled 'tonnage' and 'poundage', viz. 3s. from the tun and 12d. from the pound, in the ports of London, Southampton and Sandwich until they be fully satisfied; and grant that during that time they may nominate as often as they please a suitable person to the treasurer of England for appointment as one of the collectors in each of the said ports.

In 1464 Bishop Robert Stillington (age 44) was appointed Archdeacon Berkshire.

Patent Rolls Edward IV 1464. 15 Mar 1464. Grant to John Walbrond, prebendary of Cerdestoke alias Cherdestoke in the cathedral of Salisbury, of a prebend within the free chapel of St. Stephen within the king's palace of Westminster, on an exchange of benefices with Robert Stillyngton (age 44). By K. Mandate in pursuance to the dean of the said free chapel.

Marriage of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville

Warkworth's Chronicle 1464. 01 May 1464. And while the said Earl of Warwick (age 35) was in France, the King was wedded to Elisabeth Gray (age 27)1, widow, the which Sir John Gray that was her husband was slaine at York field1 in King Harry's party, and the same Elisabeth was daughter to the Lord Rivers, and the wedding was privately in a secret place, the first day of May the year above said. And when the Earl of Warwick came hame and heard thereof, then was he greatly displeased with the King, and after that rose great dissension ever more and more between the King and him, for that and other, &c, And then the King put out of the Chancellorership the Bishop of Exeter (age 32)2, brother to the Earl of Warwik, and made the Bishop of Bath (age 44)3 Chancellor of England. After that the Earl of Warwick took to him in fee as many knights, squires, and gentlemen as he might, to be strong, and King Edward did that he might to feeble the Earl's power4. And yet they were accorded diverse times, but they never loved togedere after.

Note 1. The Kynge was wedded to Elizabethe Gray. See a most quaint narrative of this marriage in William Habington's Historie of Edward the Fourth, fol. 1640, pp. 33-35. I find it stated in one place (MS. Harl. 2408.) that Edward's mother attempted to hinder the marriage, by causing "another contract to be alleadged made by him with the Lady Elizabeth Lucy, on whom he had begot a child befor." She seems, indeed, to have been most hostile to this imprudent and unpopular connexion:

Married a woman? married indeed!

Here is a marriage that befits a king!

It is no marvaile it was done in hast:

Here is a bridall, and with hell to boote,

You have made worke."

Heywood's First Part of Edward IV. Sig. A. ij.

The author of Hearne's fragment, however, speaks in praise of the marriage, "Howbeit that lewde felow that drew this last brent cronicles, abusid himsel gretely in his disordrid wrizting for lakke of knowlege." (P. 293.)

Note 1. Slayne at Yorke felde. Sir John Grey2 was slain at the second battle of St. Alban's, fought on the 17th Feb. 1460-1. - J.G.N.

Note 2. The Bysshope of Excetre. George Neville, made Chancellor the 25th July 1460. He was translated to the archbishopric of York, 17th June 1465. - J.G.N.

Note 3. The Bysshope of Bath. Robert Stillington. He did not receive the seal until the 8th June 1468, previously to which Robert Kirkham had been Keeper. - J.G.N.

Note 4. Kyng Edwarde dide that he might to feble the Earls powere. We have, however, in an act passed subsequently to this period, an especial clause that the same act "be not prejudiciall or hurtyng unto Richard Neville, Earl of Warrewyk." — Rot. Parl. 4 Edw. IV.

Patent Rolls Edward IV 1464. 02 Jul 1464. Grant to John Scot (age 41), knight, controller of the king's household, or his executors after his death of all moneys arising from the subsidy called 'tonnage and poundage,'viz, the 3s. in the tun and the 12d. in the pound, in the port of the city of London at the hands of the collectors immediately after the full repayment of £1938 12s. 3d. to the king's kinsman John, Earl of Worcester (age 37), and £960 6s. iid. to Robert Styllington (age 44), king's clerk, keeper of the privy seal, from the said subsidy in the ports of London, Southampton and Sandwich, as granted to them by letters patent dated 30 June, 3 Edward IV., until he shall be fully satisfied of the sum of £256 3s. 6d. in which the king is indebted to him for having prepared divers ships in the port of Sandwich at the king's command and taken them to the north with victuals and soldiers on the defence of the realm. And until he be thus fully satisfied he shall ns often as he pleases nominate a suitable person to the treasurer of England to be appointed one of the collectors of the said subsidy. By K.

Chronicle of England by William of Worcester. [Jan 1465]. In the same month, Master Thomas Beckington (age 75), Keeper of the Privy Seal, died, and Master Robert Stillington (age 45), Doctor of Decrees, became his successor, and Dean of St. Martin's Church in London.

Eodem mense obiit magister Thomas Bekyngtone, cui successit magister Robertas Stilyngtone, decretorum doctor, custos Privati Sigilli ac decanus Sancti Martini Londoniæ.

Patent Rolls Edward IV 1465. 20 Jan 1465. Grant to Master Robert Stillyngton (age 45), king's clerk, keeper of the privy Westminster, seal, by mainprise of John Brewester of London, 'gentilman,' and Thomas Wode of Farnham, co. Essex, 'gentilman,' of the custody of all the temporalities of the Bishopric of Bath and Wells, in the king's hands by the death of Thomas, late bishop (deceased), so long as they remain in the king's hands, rendering as much as may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer before Midsummer and supporting all charges, and also all advowsons belonging to the king by reason of the said temporalities. By K.

On 30 Oct 1465 Bishop Robert Stillington (age 45) was appointed Bishop of Bath and Wells.

Patent Rolls Edward IV 1466. 29 Jan 1466. Mandate to the escheator in the county of Somerset for the restitution of the temporalities of the Bishopric of Bath and Wells to Master Robert Styllyngton (age 46), whom the pope has appointed bishop in the place of Thomas, late bishop, deceased, and who has renounced everything prejudicial to the king and his crown. [Foedera.] By p.s. The like to the escheators in the following counties:- Middlesex. Oxford and Berks. Gloucester. Southampton. Writ de intendendo in pursuance to the tenants.

Patent Rolls Edward IV 1466. 17 Mar 1466. General pardon to Robert Stillyngton (age 46), Bishop of Bath and Wells, dean of Westminster, the king's free chapel of St. Martin le Grand, London, and keeper of the privy seal, of all provisions of apostolic letters or bulls and all other offences committed by him before 13 January. By p.s.

Patent Rolls Edward IV 1466. 24 Sep 1466. Licence for the king's sister Anne, duchess of Exeter (age 27), to grant the manors of Rachfonl, Lye, Pakeleshnm and Folncsse, co. Essex, Ardyngton, co. Berks, Barford St. Martin, co. Wilts, and Thorpwatcrvyle, Aldwynkle, Achirch, Chelveston and Cnldeote, co. Northampton, with all other lands, rents, reversions and services of her tenants iu the towns and manors aforesaid, held in chief, to the king's kinsman Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury (age 48), Robert, Bishop of Bath and Wells (age 46), John, duke of Norfolk (age 41), John, duke of Suffolk (age 23), William, Earl of Arundel (age 48), Henry, Earl of Essex (age 62), Richard, earl Ryvers (age 61), Antony Widevill, lord of Scales and Newselles (age 26), John Say, knight, Thomas Colt, Thomas Decoue and Robert Isham, esquires, and their heirs and assigns. By K.

Grant to the said archbishop and others and their heirs and assigns of all the king's-estate and title in the manors of Wodham Ferreres and other lands in the same town, co. Essex, and the manors of Newebotell and Brynton and the advowson of the church there and other lands in the same town, co. Northampton, which the king holds in the title and possession of his consort Elizabeth, Queen of England, with advowsons, knights' fees, rents and services. By K.

On 20 Jun 1467 Bishop Robert Stillington (age 47) was appointed Lord Chancellor.

After 14 Apr 1471 Bishop Robert Stillington (age 51) was appointed Lord Chancellor.

On 18 Jun 1473 Bishop Robert Stillington (age 53) resigned as Lord Chancellor.

Patent Rolls Edward IV 1477. 18 Apr 1477. Grant to Robert, Bishop of Bath and Wells (age 57), John, Bishop of Rochester, Westminster, and Thomas Vaghan, knight, chamberlain of the king's firstborn son Edward, prince of Wales, and their assigns, of the disposition of the deanery of the king's free chapel of St. Stephen within the palace of Westminster at its next voidance.

Before 06 Mar 1478 Bishop Robert Stillington (age 58) was imprisoned as a result of an unknown association with George York 1st Duke of Clarence (deceased) but speculated to be about Edward IV King England 1442-1483's pre-contract with Eleanor Butler. See Stonor Letters 06 Mar 1478.

Stonor Letters 06 Mar 1478. 06 Mar 1478. Elizabeth Croke (age 38) to William Stonor (age 28).

Ryght reverent and worschypffull and interely best belovyde husbonde, I recomaunde me unto you in the most harteyste wyse hever more desyryng to here off your goode wellfare, the wyche I pray God longe to contune unto your hartys desyr. Syr, I resayved a tokyn ffrom you by Tawbose, my lorde Lovellys (age 22) sarvant. And Syr, I have sent my lorde Lovell a tokyn and my ladys, as ye comaunde me to do, schuche as schalle plese them. Syr, ye schalle understonde that þe beschope off Bathe (age 58) ys browthe in to the Towre [Map] syne you departyd. Allso Syr, ye schalle understonde that þe wolle hooys departe, as to morw is, ffor as I understonde: I pray Jhesu by thayr goode spede: and Goodard. [Goddard Oxbryge.] departys allso: and I pray you that ye wylle sende me som off your sarvantys and myne to wayte upone me, ffor now I ame ryght bare off sarvantys, and þat ye know well. Syr, I sent you halffe a honder welkys by Gardenar, and I wollde have sent you som hoder desys, but truly I cowde not get none: but and I cane get hony to morow, syr Wylliam salle bryng hyt with hym. Syr, I pray you that I may be recomaundehyde unto my masterys your moder, and unto all goode ffrendys. No more unto you at thys tym, but þe blesyde Trenyte have you in hys kepyng now and hever. Amen. At London þe vj day off Marche.

Cossen, I was crasyd þat the makyng off thys letter, but I thanke God I am ryght well amendyd, blesyd by Jhesu.

By your owen wyff Elysabeth Stonore.

To my ryght reverent and worschypffull Cosyn, syr Wyllm. Stonor, knyght.

Patent Rolls Edward IV 20 Feb 1478. 20 Jun 1478. Declaration that Robert, Bishop of Bath and Wells (age 58), has been faithful to Westminster, the king and done nothing contrary to his oath of fealty, as he has shown before the king and certain lords; and general pardon to him.

Patent Rolls Edward IV 1481. 15 Feb 1481. Whereas Thomas, Abbot of the monastery of St. Mary by the walls Westminster. of the city of York, lately held of Thomas, cardinal archbishop of Canterbury, Richard, Bishop of Salisbury, Robert, Bishop of Bath and Wells (age 61), Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln, William Dudley, Bishop of Durham, late dean of the king's chapel, John Russell, Bishop of Rochester, keeper of the privy seal, Henry, Earl of Essex, Anthony, earl Ryvers, William Hastynges, lord of Hastynges, John, lord Dynham, Thomas Burghe, knight, William Parre, knight, Thomas Mongomery, knight, Master John Gunthorpe, clerk, and William Huse at fee farm the manor of Whitgift and certain other lands in Rednesse, Huke and Swynflete, certain acres of moor in Inglesmore in Mersshelond and 20 of marsh land in Ayrmyn, co. York, at a rent of 200 marks yearly, which rent was parcel of the duchy of Lancaster, they being seised of the premises among other things to the king's use by virtue of an estate made to them and William, late Bishop of Ely, and Richard Fowler, deceased, in Parliament at Westminster and by an act in that Parliament on 23 February, 14 Edward IV, and the abbot and convent granted to the king and his heirs the advowson of the parish church of Boston, co. Lincoln, and at the king's instance granted to the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England an annuity of 361. during the life of Roger Chesshire, now rector of the said church, and bound themselves to the said prior in 2101. that within a quarter of a year of the death of the said rector they would release to the prior and brethren of the said Hospital a yearly pension of 81. which they have from the said church and grant to them all lands which they have in the town of Boston, with the exception of the hospital of St. John and all lands parcel of it, and the said archbishop and others at the king's request by a writing here recited dated 21 January, 18 Edward IV, sealed with their own seal and the seal of the duchy, have in recompence released to them 80 marks yearly out of the said fee farm of 200 marks and confirmed their estate in the said manor and other premises, the king confirms the same. By p.s.

Death of King Edward IV

Mémoires de Philippe de Commynes Chapter 6 Section 8.

From the hour that King Edward IV (age 40) died, the King our master was informed, and took no joy in it. And few days after he received letters from the Duke of Gloucester (age 30), who had become the King of England, and signed Richard, who had caused the death of the two sons [Note. The Princes in the Tower King Edward V of England (age 12) and Richard of Shrewsbury 1st Duke of York (age 9)] of King Edward his brother. King Richard wanted the friendship of the King, and belived he would continue to receive the pension; but the King didn't want to respond to the letters, nor hear the messanger, and considered him very cruel and bad. The Duke of Gloucester had pledged allegiance to his nephew, considering him as his king and sovereign lord. However, shortly afterward, he committed this act. And, in the parliament of England, had degraded the two daughters of the said King of England and declared them bastards, on the pretext of the evidence of a Bishop of Bath (age 63) in England (who formerley had great credit with the King Edward then disappointed him, and held him in prison, and then ransomed himself with a sum of money) which Bishop said that King Edward had promised [Note. foy? ] marriage to an English lady [who he named] who he was in love with, to have his pleasure; and had made this promise in the presence of the Bishop, and, on this promise, slept with her: and did this to deceive her.

Nevertheless such games are very dangerous, [Note. tesmoing?] these signs. I saw alot of courtiers who, having the opportunity of such an adventure, would not have lost it for the sake of a promise. And this bad Bishop guarded revenge in his heart, for twenty years; but he is in [Note. meshut?]: because he had a son, who he loved very much, whom King Richard wished to do great things and to marry one of the two daughters, beneath their dignity, one of whom is now the present Queen of England (age 17) and has two beautiful children.

See Edward IV marries Eleanor Talbot possibly.

See The Princes of the Tower described as Illegitimate.

Dès l'heure que le roy Edouard fut mort, le Roy nostre maistre en fut adverty, et n'en feit nulle joye quant il le sceut. Et peu de jours après receut lettres du duc de Clocestre, qui s'estoit faict roy d'Angleterre1, et se signoit Richard, lequel avoit faict mourir les deux filz du roy Edouard son frère. Lequel roy Richard requeroit l'amytié du Roy, et croy qu'il eust bien voulu ravoir reste pension; mais le Roy ne voulut respondre à ses lettres, ne ouyr le messagier, et l'estima très cruel et mauvais: car, après le trespas dudict roy Edouard, ledict duc de Clocestre avoit faict hommaige à son nepveu, comme à son roy et souverain seigneur, et incontinent après commit ce cas. Et, en plain parlement d'Angleterre, feit desgrader deux filles dudict roy Edouard et desclarer bastardes, soubz couleur3 qu'il prouva par ung evesque de Bas4 en Angleterre (qui aultresfois avoit eu grant credit avec ledict roy Edouard, et puis le desappoincta, et le tint en prison, et puis le ranconna d'une somme d'argent) lequel evesque disoit que ledict roy Edouard avoit promis foy de mariaige à une dame d'Angleterre (qu'il nommoit)5 pour ce qu'il en estoit amoureux, pour en avoir son plaisir; et en avoit faict la promesse en la main dudict evesque, et, sur ceste promesse, coucha avec elle: et ne le faisoit que pour la tromper. Toutesfois telz jeux sont bien dangereux, tesmoing ces enseignes. J'ay veu beaucoup de gens de court qui, une bonne adventure qui leur eust pleu en tel cas, ilz ne l'eussent point perdue par faulte de promettre. Et ce mauvais evesque garda ceste vengeance en son cueur, par adventure vingt ans; mais il luy en meschut: car il avoit ung filz, qu'il aymoit fort, à qui ledict roy Richard vouloit faire de grans biens et luy faire espouser l'une de ces deux filles, desgradees de leur dignité, laquelle de présent est royne d'Angleterre et a deux beaux enfans.

Funeral of Edward IV

On 17 Apr 1483 the coffin of Edward IV (deceased) was carried to Westminster Abbey [Map] by Edward Stanley 1st Baron Monteagle (age 21), John Savage (age 39), Thomas Wortley (age 50), Thomas Molyneux (age 38), probably John Welles 1st Viscount Welles (age 33) who had married Edward's daughter Cecily), John Cheney 1st Baron Cheyne (age 41), Walter Hungerford (age 19), Guy Wolston (age 50), John Sapcote (age 35), Thomas Tyrrell (age 30), John Risley, Thomas Dacre 2nd Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 15), John Norreys, Louis de Bretelles and John Comyn 4th Lord Baddenoch.

Those in the procession included:

Thomas St Leger (age 43), widow of Edward's sister Anne.

William Parr (age 49).

John Astley.

William Stonor (age 33).

Henry Ferrers (age 40).

James Radclyffe (age 43).

George Browne (age 43).

Gilbert Debenham (age 51).

John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 58) walked in front of the coffin with Edward's personal arms.

John Marlow Abbot Bermondsey followed by:

Bishop Thomas Kempe (age 93).

Bishop John Hales (age 83) (Bishop of Chester?).

Bishop Robert Stillington (age 63).

Bishop Edward Story.

Bishop Richard Bell.

Bishop James Goldwell.

Bishop William Dudley (age 58).

Bishop John Russell.

Cardinal John Morton (age 63) (as Bishop of Ely).

Bishop Edmund Tuchet (age 40) (as Bishop of Rochester).

Bishop Peter Courtenay, and.

Bishop Lionel Woodville (age 36).

Archbishop Thomas Rotherham (age 59) brought up the rear.

Cardinal Thomas Bourchier (age 65), then Archbishop of Canterbury, took no part due to infirmity.

John de la Pole 1st Earl Lincoln (age 21); the King's nephew,.

William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings (age 52).

Thomas Grey 1st Marquess Dorset (age 28).

William Herbert 2nd Earl Pembroke 1st Earl Huntingdon (age 32) (some sources say Earl of Huntingindon?).

William Berkeley 1st Marquess Berkeley (age 57).

Thomas Stanley 1st Earl of Derby (age 48).

Richard Fiennes 7th Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 68).

John Sutton 1st Baron Dudley (age 82).

George Neville 4th and 2nd Baron Bergavenny (age 43).

John Tuchet 6th Baron Audley, 3rd Baron Tuchet (age 57).

Walter Devereux Baron Ferrers of Chartley (age 51).

Edward Grey 1st Viscount Lisle (age 51).

Henry Lovell 9th Baron Marshal 8th Baron Morley (age 7).

Richard Woodville 3rd Earl Rivers (age 30).

John Brooke 7th Baron Cobham (age 35).

Richard Hastings Baron Willoughby (age 50).

John Bourchier 6th Baron Ferrers of Groby (age 45).

Thomas Bourchier.

Thomas Bourchier.

Disappearance of the Princes in the Tower

Memoirs of Philip de Commines Book 6 Chapter 8. Jun 1483. Our King was quickly informed of King Edward's death; but he expressed no manner of joy upon hearing the news. Not long after, he received letters from the Duke of Gloucester (age 30), who had made himself king1, styled himself Richard III., and barbarously murdered his two nephews2 [King Edward V of England (age 12) and Richard of Shrewsbury 1st Duke of York (age 9)]. This King Richard desired to live in the same friendship with our king as his brother had done, and I believe would gladly have had his pension continued; but our king looked upon him as an inhuman and cruel person, and would neither answer his letters nor give audience to his ambassador; for King Richard, after his brother's death, bad sworn allegiance to his nephew, as his king and sovereign, and yet committed that inhuman action not long after; and, in full Parliament, caused two of his brother's daughters to be degraded and declared illegitimate, upon a pretence which he justified by means of the Bishop of Bath (age 63), who, having been formerly in great favour with King Edward, had incurred his displeasure, was dismissed, imprisoned, and fined a good sum for his releasement3. This bishop affirmed, that King Edward being in love with a certain lady whom he named, and otherwise unable to have his desires of her, had promised her marriage; and caused the bishop to marry

Note 1. Richard III did not assume the title of King until the 26th of June, 1483; after the death of his nephew Edward V.

Note 2. Molinet (ii. 402.) gives the following account of the murder of the princes: "The eldest was simple and very melancholy, aware of the wickedness of his uncle, but the youngest was joyous and witty, nimble, and ever ready for dances and games; and he said to his brother, who wore the order of the garter, 'My brother, learn to dance:' and his brother answered, 'It would be better for us to learn to die, for I think we shall not long remain in the world!' They were prisoners for about five weeks; and Duke Richard had them secretly slain by the captain of the Tower. And when the executioners came, the eldest was asleep, but the youngest was awake, and he perceived their intention, and began to say, 'Ha! my brother, awake, for they have come to kill you,' Then he said to the executioners, 'Why do you kill my brother? kill me, and let him live.' But they were both killed and their bodies cast into a secret place."

Note 3. See notes, vol. i. pp. 395, 396.

Robert Stillington Claims Edward IV's Marriage to Elizabeth Woodville to be Bigamous

Around 09 Jun 1483 Bishop Robert Stillington (age 63) informed a Council meeting that the coronation of King Edward V of England (age 12) could not proceed since he was illegitimate since his father's marriage to his mother Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England (age 46) had been bigamous since King Edward IV of England had previously married Eleanor Talbot at which Bishop Robert Stillington presided. The only witness being Bishop Robert Stillington.

Lambert Simnel Rebellion

In 1487 Bishop Robert Stillington (age 67) was imprisoned during the Lambert Simnel Rebellion.

In May 1491 Bishop Robert Stillington (age 71) died. He was buried at Wells Cathedral [Map].

Memoirs of Philip de Commines Book 4 Chapter XX. This bishop [Bishop Robert Stillington] discovered to the Duke of Gloucester that his brother King Edward had been formerly in love with a beautiful young lady§, and had promised her marriage, upon condition lie might lie with her; the lady consented, and, as the bishop affirmed, he married them when nobody was present but they two and himself. His fortune depending upon the court, he did not discover it, and persuaded the lady likewise to conceal it, which she did, and the matter remained a secret. After this King Edward married the daughter of an English gentleman, called the Lord Rivers; this lady was a widow, and had two sons. The Bishop of Bath, as I said before, discovered this matter to the Duke of Gloucester, and gave his assistance in the execution of the barbarous designs of the duke, who murdered his two nephews, and made himself king, by the name of Richard III2. He caused the two daughters to be declared illegitimate by parliament, took their coats of arms from them, and put all his brother's faithful servants to death, at least all he could get into his power. But his cruel reign did not last long; for, being at the height of his pride, in greater pomp and authority than any King of England for a hundred years before, when he had beheaded the Duke of Buckingham^, and assembled a numerous army under his own command, God Almighty raised him up an enemy that destroyed him, and that was the Earl of Richmond, a person of no power, and one who had been long prisoner in Bretagne; but he is now King of England, and is of the house of Lancaster, though, as I am informed, not the next heir to the crown.

Note 1. Harrington mentions two ladies whom public rumour indicated as having been seduced by the king, Lady Elizabeth Lucy and Lady Eleanor Butler. Lord Campbell indignantly denies the charge brought against Stillington by Commines, but has adduced no evidence in support of his denial.

Note 2. Richard III. was proclaimed king on the 22nd of June, 1483.

Note 3. The English parliament, at a meeting held at Westminster, on the 23rd of January, 1484, declared that the marriage of Edward IV. with Elizabeth Woodville had been effected in contravention of the customs of the Anglican Church, seeing that, by a previous contract, the King had plighted his troth to Lady Eleanor Butler, and that consequently, Edward and Elizabeth had lived in adultery, and their children were evidently bastards, and as such unable to inherit the crown.

Note 4. Henry, Duke of Buckingham, was son of Humphry, Earl of Stafford, and Margaret, daughter of Edmund, Duke of Somerset. He married Catharine, daughter of Richard Woodville, Earl of Rivers. Being detected in a conspiracy against Richard III., he was beheaded at Salisbury ou All Saints' Day, 1483.

Memoirs of Philip de Commines Book 4 Chapter XX. As soon as King Edward had settled his affairs in this kingdom, he received of our master 50,000 crowns a year1, constantly paid him in the Tower of London, and was grown as rich as his ambition could desire, on a sudden he died2 (and as was supposed) of melancholy for our present king's3 marriage with Margaret4, the Duke of Austria's daughter (his distemper seizing him upon the news of it), for then he found himself outwitted as to his own daughter5 to whom he had given the title of Dauphiness. Upon this marriage the pension, which he called tribute, was stopped, though indeed it was neither pension nor tribute, as I have declared before. King Edward left his wife with two sons (one called the Prince of Wales, and the other the Duke of York) and two daughters. The Duke of Gloucester, King Edward's brother, took upon him the protectorship of his nephew the Prince of Wales (who was then about ten years old), swore allegiance to him as his sovereign, and brought him to London, pretending to crown him; but his design was only to entice the Duke of York out of the sanctuary6, where he was at that time with his mother, who had conceived some suspicion of his intentions. In short, the conclusion was this; by the assistance of the Bishop of Bath7, (who had been formerly King Edward's chancellor, but falling afterwards into disgrace, had been removed from his place, thrown into prison, and paid a round sum for his ransom), he executed his designs, as you shall hear by and by.

Note 1. By the terms of the treaty of the 29th of August, 1475. See note, book iv. chap. viii.

Note 2. On the 9th of April, 1483, "he died of apoplexy, say some; but others say that he was poisoned by drinking some good wine of Challuau, which Louis XI. had given him." Lenglet, ii. 169.

Note 3. Charies VIII. of France.

Note 4. Margaret of Austria, daughter of the Emperor Maximilian and Mary of Burgundy, was born at Brussels on the 10th of January, 1470. In July, 1483, she was married to the Dauphin, afterwards Charles VIII. at Amboise. After having been considered Queen of France for ten years, she was sent back to her father on the 12th of June, 1493, She afterwards married John, Infante of Castile, in 1497, and Philibert, Duke of Savoy, in 1501. She died on the 1st of December, 1530, after a widowhood of twenty-six years.

Note 5. The Princess Elizabeth.

Note 6. Westminster Abbey.

Note 7. Robert Stillington was appointed chancellor on the 20th of June, 1467. He appears to have been of humble origin, but he gained a great name at Oxford, where with much applause he took the degree of Doctor of Laws. He was a zealous legitimist, and on the succession of Edward IV. he was a special favourite with that prince, who successively him Archdeacon of Taunton, Bishop of Bath and Wells, Keeper of the Privy Seal, and finally Lord Chancellor. He held this last office for six years, with the exception of the few months when Edward was obliged to fly the kingdom, and the sceptre Avas again put into the feeble hands of Henry VI. He resigned the chancellorship from ill health on the 8th of June, 1473. After the coronation of Henry VII, Stillington showed his never-dying enmity to the house of Lancaster, by taking up the cause of Lambert Simnel; but being detected in this conspiracy, and expecting no mercy from the king, he fled for refuge to Oxford. The university consented to deliver him up on condition that his life should be spared; and he was conducted to Windsor, where he remained a prisoner till his death, in June, 1491 See Lord Campbell's Lives of the Chancellors, vol. i. pp. 385—391