Paternal Family Tree: Anjou aka Plantagenet
Maternal Family Tree: Katherine Roet Duchess Lancaster 1350-1403
In Oct 1429 [his father] Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 18) and [his mother] Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York (age 14) were married. She by marriage Countess Cambridge, Countess March, Countess Ulster. She was the youngest sister of Richard's brother-in-arms [his uncle] Richard Neville Earl Salisbury (age 29). She the daughter of [his grandfather] Ralph Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland and [his grandmother] Joan Beaufort Countess of Westmoreland (age 50). He the son of [his grandfather] Richard of Conisbrough 1st Earl Cambridge and [his grandmother] Anne Mortimer. They were second cousins. He a great grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
On 17 May 1443 Edmund York 1st Earl of Rutland was born to Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 31) and Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York (age 28) at Rouen, France [Map]. He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.42%.
In 1446 Edmund York 1st Earl of Rutland (age 2) was created 1st Earl of Rutland by King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 24).
On 09 Oct 1459 Thomas Tresham (age 39) was elected Speaker of the House of Commons at Coventry, Warwickshire [Map]. The primary purpose of the Parliament was to attaint the Yorkist leaders:
[his father] Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 48), his sons [his brother] Edward Earl of March (age 17), Edmund Earl of Rutland (age 16) were attainted, as were [his uncle] Richard Neville Earl Salisbury (age 59) and his sons Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 30) and John Neville 1431-1471 (age 28).
On 12 Oct 1459 the Battle of Ludford Bridge nearly took place at Ludlow [Map]. In the event a large number of the Calais garrison led by Andrew Trollope refused to fight against King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 37) who was present.
The Yorkist [his father] Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 48), the future [his brother] King Edward IV of England (age 17), Edmund York 1st Earl of Rutland (age 16), Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 30), [his uncle] Richard Neville Earl Salisbury (age 59) left overnight before the battle.
John Dynham 1st Baron Dynham (age 26) and Thomas Parr (age 52) were present.
The Lancastrian army included Humphrey Stafford 1st Duke of Buckingham (age 57) and William Fitzalan 9th or 16th Earl of Arundel (age 41).
Richard Grey 3rd Earl Tankerville (age 22) was present on the Yorkist side for which he was subsequently attainted. Earl Tankerville forfeit.
Chronicle of Gregory 1460. Then the Quene (age 30) havynge knowelechynge of this praty whyle sche sende unto the Duke of Somersett (age 24), at that tyme beynge in Dorset schyre at the Castelle of Corffe [Map], and for the Erle of Devyschyre (age 28), and for Elysaundyr Hody, and prayde them to com to her as hastely as they might, with her tenantys as strong in her harnys as men of warre, for the Lord Rosse (age 33), the Lord Clyfforde (age 25), the Baron of Grestocke (age 46), the Lord Nevyle (age 50), the [his uncle] Lord Latymer (age 53), were waytyng a-pon the Duke of Excete[r] (age 30) to mete with her at Hulle [Map]. And this mater was not taryd but full prevely i-wrought; and she sende letters unto alle her ehyffe offycers that they wold doo the same, and that they shulde warne alle the servantys that lovyd her or purposyd to kepe and rejoyse her of Yysce, to wayte a-pon her at Hulle by that day as hit a-poyntyd by hyr. Alle thes pepylle were gaderyd and conveyde so prevely that they wer hole in nombyr of xvM [Note. 15000] or any man wolde be-leve it; in so moche yf any man said, or tolde, or talkyd of suche gaderyng, he shulde be schende, and some were in grete donger, for the common pepylle said by thoo that told the, troughthe, "Ye talke ryght ye wolde hit were," and gave noo credens of her sayynge. But the laste the lordys purposyd to knowe the troughthe. And the ix day of December nexte folowyng the [his father] Duke of Yorke (age 49), the [his uncle] Erle of Salysbury (age 60), the Erle Rutlond (age 17) (he was the Duke of Yorke is secunde sone, one the beste dysposyd lord in this londe), and Syr Thomas Haryngdon (age 60), whythe many mo knyghtys and quyers and grete pepylle with hem, and soo departyd out of London towarde Yorke, &c.
On 30 Dec 1460 the Lancastrian army took their revenge for the defeats of the First Battle of St Albans and the Battle of Northampton at the Battle of Wakefield near Sandal Castle [Map]. The Lancastrian army was commanded by Henry Holland 3rd Duke Exeter (age 30), Henry Beaufort 2nd or 3rd Duke of Somerset (age 24) and Henry Percy 3rd Earl of Northumberland (age 39), and included John Courtenay 15th Earl Devon (age 25) and William Gascoigne XIII (age 30), both knighted, and James Butler 1st Earl Wiltshire 5th Earl Ormonde (age 40), John "Butcher" Clifford 9th Baron Clifford (age 25), John Neville 1st Baron Neville of Raby (age 50), Thomas Ros 9th Baron Ros Helmsley (age 33), Henry Roos and Thomas St Leger (age 20).
The Yorkist army was heavily defeated.
[his father] Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 49) was killed. His son [his brother] King Edward IV of England (age 18) succeeded 4th Duke York, 7th Earl March, 9th Earl Ulster, 3rd Earl Cambridge, 9th Baron Mortimer of Wigmore.
Thomas Neville (age 30), and Edward Bourchier were killed.
Father and son Thomas Harrington (age 60) and John Harrington (age 36) were killed, the former dying of his wounds the day after.
William Bonville 6th Baron Harington (age 18) was killed. His daughter Cecily Bonville Marchioness Dorset succeeded 7th Baroness Harington.
Thomas Parr (age 53) fought in the Yorkist army.
Following the battle [his uncle] Richard Neville Earl Salisbury (age 60) was beheaded by Thomas "Bastard of Exeter" Holland. William Bonville (age 40) was executed.
Edmund York 1st Earl of Rutland (age 17) was killed on Wakefield Bridge [Map] by John "Butcher" Clifford. Earl of Rutland extinct.
Chronicle of England by William of Worcester. On the 29th of December1, at Wakefield, while the soldiers of the [his father] Duke of York (age 49) were wandering through the country seeking provisions, a dreadful battle occurred between the said Duke of Somerset (age 24), the Earl of Northumberland (age 39), and Lord Neville (age 50) with a large army, and the opposing party, where the Duke of York, Thomas Neville (age 30), son of the [his uncle] Earl of Salisbury (age 60), Thomas Harington (age 60), Thomas Parr, Edward Bourchier, James Pickering, and Henry Radford, as well as many other knights and esquires, and about two thousand commoners, were killed on the field. In the retreat after the battle, Lord Clifford killed, some say murdered, Lord Edmund, Earl of Rutland (age 17), son of the Duke of York, on the bridge at Wakefield [Map]. And on the same night, the Earl of Salisbury was captured by the servant of Andrew Trollope. On the next day, at Pontefract, the Bastard of Exeter killed the said Earl of Salisbury, where, by the counsel of the lords, the lifeless bodies of the Duke of York, the Earl of Salisbury, and Rutland, Thomas Neville, Edward Bowcher, Thomas Harington, Thomas Parre, James Pykeryng, and John Harrowe of London, mercer, were beheaded, and their heads were placed on various parts of York. They crowned the head of the Duke of York with a paper crown in mockery.
xxix. die mensis Decembris apud Wakfelde, gentibus ducis Eborum vagantibus per patriam pro victualibus quærendis, factum est execrabile bellum inter dictum ducem Somercetiæ, comitem Northumbriæ ac dominum Nevylle cum magno exercitu et partem aliam; ubi occubuerunt in campo dux Eboracensis, Thomas Nevil, filius comitis Sarum, Thomas Haryngtone, Thomas Parre, Edwardus Bowcher, Jacobus Pykeryng, et Henricus Rathforde, ac etiam multi alii milites et armigeri, et plebs ad duo millia. Et in fugiendo post campum super pontem apud Wakefelde dominus de Clyfforde occidit dominum Edmundum, comitem de Rutlande, filium ducis Eboraci. Et eadem nocte comes Sarum captus est per servientem Andreæ Trolloppe. Et in crastino apud Pountfrett bastardus Exoniæ occidit dictum comitem Sarum, ubi per consilium dominorum decollaverunt corpora mortua ducis Eboracensis, et comitis Sarum et Ruttland, Thomas Nevyle, Edwardi Boucher, Thomas Haryngton, Thomæ Parre, Jacobi Pykeryng, et Johannis Harrowe de London, mercer, posueruntque capita eorum super diversas partes Eboraci. Caput quoque ducis Eboraci in despectu coronaverunt carta.
Note. The Battle of Wakefield took place on the 30th of December 1460.
Chronicle of Gregory 1460. 30 Dec 1460. Ande the same year, the xxx [30] day of December, the Duke of Exceter (age 30), the Duke of Somersett (age 24), the Erle of Northehomberlond (age 39), the Lord Roos (age 33), the Lord Nevyle (age 50), the Lord ClyfForde (age 25), with many mo lordys, knyghtys, squyers, and gentyllys, and the commyns of the Quenys party, met with the [his father] Duke of Yorke (age 49) at Wakefylde [Map], and there they made a grete jorney a-pon the lord and Duke of Yorke, and toke him and the [his uncle] Erle of Saulysbury (age 60), the Erle of Rutlond (age 17), and the Lord Haryngdon (age 18), and Syr Thomas Nevyle (age 30), and Syr Thomas Haryngdon (age 60), and many mo knyghtys were take a slayne by syde alle the comyns. But this good Duke of Yorke with his lordys a-fore said loste her heddys; God have marcy on there soulys, for they loste in that jorneys the nombyr of xxvc [2500] men. And in the Quenys party were slay but ii c [200] men, &c.
Chronicle of England by Jean de Waurin Volume 6. Chapter 3.40. How the [his father] Duke of York (age 49) and the [his uncle] Earl of Salisbury (age 60) were defeated and killed through the treachery of Andrew Trollope and several other noble men.
The Duke of York, therefore, being retreated to Wakefield, upon hearing news that Queen Margaret was coming with a great force of armed men to fight him, accompanied by the Duke of Somerset, was greatly astonished, as he did not have sufficient troops at the moment to resist such great power. He and the Earl of Salisbury, along with others in their company, spoke together to conclude their affairs. They sent for men from all sides, fortifying themselves to the best of their ability within the town. However, all this was in vain because at the moment they were attacked, most of their men had gone out for foraging. Additionally, Andrew Trollope, who was a very cunning military man, told the Duke of Somerset that he knew well that they could not force the Duke of York out of the town without a great loss of men. He found a way throughout the night to dress his men in coats bearing the badge of the Ragged Staff, which belonged to the Earl of Warwick (age 32) and were recognized as such, thus they appeared to be four hundred of the bravest men, well-instructed in what they had to do secretly. Their plan was to go straight to the town and tell the Duke of York that they came from the county of Lancashire to aid him.
When the Duke of York, who never suspected treachery, saw these companions approaching, he was very joyful and allowed them inside the town. That same night, the Duke of York ordered a strong guard because he knew well that the Duke of Somerset was in the fields, intending to confront him with all his might.
But when day broke, Andrew Trollope, accompanied by other soldiers all wearing the badge of the Ragged Staff, sent word to the Duke of York, without revealing his identity, that they were a large force come to his aid. The Duke was overjoyed and marched out of the town with the intention of engaging his enemies. At that moment, Andrew Trollope, the traitor, knowing that the Duke of Somerset was nearby, initiated the skirmish, and the Duke of Somerset, ready for action, charged fiercely upon the Duke of York and his men. Quickly, Andrew Trollope and his group, as well as those who had been sent by him into the town that night, turned against the Duke of York and his followers. In this battle, the Duke of York, the Earl of Rutland his son (age 17), the Earl of Salisbury, Sir Thomas Neville (age 30) his son, and many other noble men of their company were killed. This battle took place outside the town of Wakefield on the penultimate day of December in the year fourteen sixty. Queen Margaret was very joyful upon hearing this news, as were all those supporting her cause. On the other hand, the Earls of March and Warwick, who had lost their fathers in this battle, were deeply saddened and angered, but for the time being, they could not rectify the situation.
Calendar of State Papers of Milan 1461. 09 Jan 1461. Potenze Estere. Inghilterra. Milan Archives. 54. Antonio de la Torre to Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan1.
It is now many days since I was despatched on my way back with every commission fitting and favourable for public and private affairs. I am charged to make every demand by word of mouth and in such form that I am sure, when I arrive, your Excellency will see that they do not slumber here over the affairs of the Church or those of your Excellency or yet those of all Italy. Just as I was about to leave some very important events occurred, for which I stayed on for some days in order to see the end.
Some of the lords of the queen's party, rendered desperate by the victory of the lords here, and especially by the Earl of Warwick, assembled a force in the northern parts, eighty miles from London, to come and attack their opponents here who are with the king, and get back the king into their power, as they had him before. Accordingly the Duke of York, with two of his sons and Warwick's father, the Earl of Salisbury (Dariberi), went out to meet them [Battle of Wakefield]. And it came to pass that, although they were three times stronger (piu forti tretanti), yet from lack of discipline, because they allowed a large part of the force to go pillaging and searching for victuals, their adversaries, who are desperate, attacked the duke and his followers. Ultimately they routed them, slaying the [his father] duke and his younger son, the Earl of Rutland, Warwick's [his uncle] father and many others. This news caused great alarm in these parts, although it seems Warwick was not there. Nevertheless, owing to his singular valour and by his popularity with the people and because the king wishes him every good, he is making preparations with every encouragement. Although their taking so little account of the legation and of the things done up to the present by his Reverence the Legate has been the cause of this disaster, since the other side had put about the report that he was not a legate and the pope had recalled him and was displeased about the things which had happened through his efforts, and much more nonsense; nevertheless the people here, with their affection for the king and Warwick, hearing that the legate was present and remembering the advantage his presence was to them on the last occasion, all took heart and mustered gladly, so that they hope in a month or two to have more than 150,000 men in camp. The belief is that if peace does not ensue the consequent devastation will be worse than has been seen in this realm for a thousand years Should our legate escape, he may possibly put himself once more in the midst of these turmoils, though he has no cause to do so, unless the Curia makes other arrangements or treats him differently. I crave your pardon for saying so, but they do not seem to know him as your Excellency does. In the meantime, in the fulfilment of his duty and what pertains to his office of legate, he has written a letter to the opposite side, of which I enclose a copy for your lordship. He directed it to an Italian friar, one of his dependants, who is with them, so that it might be made public through his means. If the Church of Rome had only shown that it held these English affairs in greater account than it has done, repute would have upheld and increased the first victory.
This is now lost and confused merely by neglect and for the reason given above.
I shall set out as soon as possible, and in the meantime your Excellency should urge the Curia to make some further demonstration here and that soon, as if help is given even yet, things have been arranged, honourable and advantageous for the estate of the Church and in harmony with the wishes of his Holiness and of Italy, such as our days have never seen. But the legate being merely a poor bishop, makes our folk of the Court consider the great things done by him as dreams, despite all they have seen by experience, which ought to suffice to make them believe, but possibly envy has something to do with it, and when I was there I observed some signs of it. May God provide, who knows all!
London, the 9th of January.
Postscript.—This engagement took place on the last day but one of December near a castle called Pontefract [Map].
[Italian; copy.]
Note 1. Venetian Calendar, vol. i, No. 362.
After 30 Dec 1460 Edmund York 1st Earl of Rutland (deceased) was buried at Pontefract Priory [Map].
Before 29 Jul 1476 the remains of [his father] Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York and his son Edmund were removed from Pontefract Priory [Map] to be reburied at St Mary and All Saints Church, Fotheringhay [Map]. On their journey south they spent two nights at Blackfriars Friary, Stamford [Map].
On 29 Jul 1476 Edward I's paternal grand-father Edward of York, [his father] Richard of York and his younger brother Edmund were reburied at St Mary and All Saints in Fotheringhay [Map] in a ceremony attended by [his brother] King Edward IV of England (age 34), [his brother] George York 1st Duke of Clarence (age 26), Thomas Grey 1st Marquess Dorset (age 21), William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings (age 45), Anthony Woodville 2nd Earl Rivers (age 36).
Thomas Whiting, Chester Harald wrote:
n 24 July [1476] the bodies were exhumed, that of the Duke, garbed in an ermine furred mantle and cap of maintenance, covered with a cloth of gold lay in state under a hearse blazing with candles, guarded by an angel of silver, bearing a crown of gold as a reminder that by right the Duke had been a king. On its journey, Richard, Duke of Gloucester, with other lords and officers of arms, all dressed in mourning, followed the funeral chariot, drawn by six horses, with trappings of black, charged with the arms of France and England and preceded by a knight bearing the banner of the ducal arms. Fotheringhay was reached on 29 July, where members of the college and other ecclesiastics went forth to meet the cortege. At the entrance to the churchyard, King Edward waited, together with the Duke of Clarence, the Marquis of Dorset, Earl Rivers, Lord Hastings and other noblemen. Upon its arrival the King made obeisance to the body right humbly and put his hand on the body and kissed it, crying all the time. The procession moved into the church where two hearses were waiting, one in the choir for the body of the Duke and one in the Lady Chapel for that of the Earl of Rutland, and after the King had retired to his closet and the princes and officers of arms had stationed themselves around the hearses, masses were sung and the King's chamberlain offered for him seven pieces of cloth of gold which were laid in a cross on the body. The next day three masses were sung, the Bishop of Lincoln preached a very noble sermon and offerings were made by the Duke of Gloucester and other lords, of The Duke of York's coat of arms, of his shield, his sword, his helmet and his coursers on which rode Lord Ferrers in full armour, holding in his hand an axe reversed. When the funeral was over, the people were admitted into the church and it is said that before the coffins were placed in the vault which had been built under the chancel, five thousand persons came to receive the alms, while four times that number partook of the dinner, served partly in the castle and partly in the King's tents and pavilions. The menu included capons, cygnets, herons, rabbits and so many good things that the bills for it amounted to more than three hundred pounds.
In 1566 Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 32) visited St Mary and All Saints Church, Fotheringhay [Map]. Upon discovering the tombs of her Yorkist ancestors were damaged and exposed to the elements following the destruction of the choir in the Reformation. The remains of Edward 2nd Duke of York 1st Duke Albemarle were reburied in newly constructed tombs. [his father] Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York. Presumably the remains of his wife [his mother] Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York and their son Edmund York 1st Earl of Rutland were also reburied.
King Edward III of England 1312-1377
John of Gaunt 1st Duke Lancaster 1340-1399
Ralph Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland 1364-1425
Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York 1415-1495
Joan Beaufort Countess of Westmoreland 1379-1440
John Neville 3rd Baron Neville of Raby 1337-1388
Maud Percy Baroness Neville Raby
Eleanor Plantagenet Countess Arundel and Surrey 1318-1372
Richard Fitzalan 10th Earl of Arundel 8th Earl of Surrey 1306-1376
Thomas Holland 2nd Earl Kent 1350-1397
Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York 1411-1460
Joan "Fair Maid of Kent" Princess Wales 1328-1385
Kings Wessex: Great x 12 Grand Son of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England
Kings Gwynedd: Great x 9 Grand Son of Owain "Great" King Gwynedd
Kings Seisyllwg: Great x 15 Grand Son of Hywel "Dda aka Good" King Seisyllwg King Deheubarth
Kings Powys: Great x 10 Grand Son of Maredudd ap Bleddyn King Powys
Kings England: Great x 2 Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Kings Scotland: Great x 11 Grand Son of King Duncan I of Scotland
Kings Franks: Great x 8 Grand Son of Louis VII King Franks
Kings France: Great x 4 Grand Son of Philip IV King France
Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 16 Grand Son of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine
Great x 4 Grandfather: King Edward I of England Son of King Henry III of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: King Edward II of England Son of King Edward I of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor of Castile Queen Consort England 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 2 Grandfather: King Edward III of England Son of King Edward II of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Philip IV King France 3 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Isabella of France Queen Consort England 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan Blois I Queen Navarre 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 1 Grandfather: Edmund of Langley 1st Duke of York Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: John Hainault II Count Hainault II Count Holland 3 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England
Great x 3 Grandfather: William Hainault I Count Hainault III Count Avesnes III Count Holland II Count Zeeland 4 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Philippa Luxemburg Countess Hainault and Holland 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King William "Conqueror" I of England
Great x 2 Grandmother: Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Charles Valois I Count Valois 3 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Joan Valois Countess Zeeland Holland Avesnes and Hainault 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Capet Countess Valois 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
GrandFather: Richard of Conisbrough 1st Earl Cambridge Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Ferdinand IV King Castile IV King Leon 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Alfonso "Avenger" XI King Castile 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Constance Burgundy Queen Consort Castile Queen Consort Leon 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 2 Grandfather: Peter "Cruel" I King Castile 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Alfonso "Brave" IV King Portugal 3 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Maria Burgundy Queen Consort Castile 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Beatrice Ivrea Queen Consort Portugal 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 1 Grandmother: Isabella of Castile Duchess York 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Garcia Padilla
Great x 3 Grandfather: Juan García Padilla 1st Lord Villagera
Great x 2 Grandmother: Maria Padilla
Great x 4 Grandfather: Fernán González Henestrosa
Great x 3 Grandmother: María González Henestrosa Lady Villagera
Father: Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Edmund Mortimer 4 x Great Grand Son of King John of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Roger Mortimer 2nd Earl March 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Badlesmere Countess Northampton 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 2 Grandfather: Edmund Mortimer 3rd Earl March, Earl Ulster 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: William Montagu 1st Earl Salisbury
Great x 3 Grandmother: Philippa Montagu Countess March
Great x 4 Grandmother: Catherine Grandison Countess of Salisbury
Great x 1 Grandfather: Roger Mortimer 4th Earl March 6th Earl Ulster Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: King Edward III of England Son of King Edward II of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Lionel Plantagenet 1st Duke of Clarence Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England
Great x 2 Grandmother: Philippa Plantagenet Countess March 5th Countess Ulster 1355-1382 Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: William Donn Burgh 3rd Earl Ulster Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Elizabeth Burgh Duchess of Clarence 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Maud Plantagenet Countess Ulster Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England
GrandMother: Anne Mortimer 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert Holland 1st Baron Holand
Great x 3 Grandfather: Thomas Holland 1st Earl Kent 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Maud Zouche Baroness Holand 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 2 Grandfather: Thomas Holland 2nd Earl Kent Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Edmund of Woodstock 1st Earl Kent Son of King Edward I of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Joan "Fair Maid of Kent" Princess Wales Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Wake Countess Kent 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England
Great x 1 Grandmother: Eleanor Holland Countess March and Ulster 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Edmund Fitzalan 2nd or 9th Earl of Arundel 4 x Great Grand Son of King John of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Richard Fitzalan 3rd or 10th Earl of Arundel 8th Earl of Surrey 5 x Great Grand Son of King John of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Alice Warenne Countess Arundel
Great x 2 Grandmother: Alice Fitzalan Countess Kent 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Henry Plantagenet 3rd Earl of Leicester 3rd Earl Lancaster Grand Son of King Henry III of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Eleanor Plantagenet Countess Arundel and Surrey Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England
Edmund York 1st Earl of Rutland 2 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert Neville
Great x 3 Grandfather: Ralph Neville 1st Baron Neville of Raby
Great x 2 Grandfather: Ralph Neville 2nd Baron Neville of Raby 8 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert Fitzroger 5th Baron Warkworth
Great x 3 Grandmother: Euphemia Clavering Baroness Neville Raby 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Zouche Baroness Warkworth 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England
Great x 1 Grandfather: John Neville 3rd Baron Neville of Raby 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: James Audley
Great x 3 Grandfather: Hugh Audley 1st Baron Audley of Stratton Audley 2 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Ela Longespée Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 2 Grandmother: Alice Audley Baroness Greystoke and Neville 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Edmund Mortimer 2nd Baron Mortimer of Wigmore 2 x Great Grand Son of King John of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Iseult Mortimer 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Fiennes 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
GrandFather: Ralph Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Henry Percy 7th Baron Percy Topcliffe
Great x 3 Grandfather: Henry Percy 9th and 1st Baron Percy
Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor Warenne Baroness Percy Topcliffe
Great x 2 Grandfather: Henry Percy 10th and 2nd Baron Percy 5 x Great Grand Son of King John of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Richard Fitzalan 1st or 8th Earl of Arundel 3 x Great Grand Son of King John of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Eleanor Fitzalan Baroness Percy 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England
Great x 1 Grandmother: Maud Percy Baroness Neville Raby 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Roger Clifford
Great x 3 Grandfather: Robert Clifford 1st Baron Clifford 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Isabella Vipont 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England
Great x 2 Grandmother: Idonia Clifford Baroness Percy 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas de Clare 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Maud Clare Baroness Clifford Baroness Welles 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Juliana Fitzgerald 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Mother: Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: King Edward I of England Son of King Henry III of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: King Edward II of England Son of King Edward I of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor of Castile Queen Consort England 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 2 Grandfather: King Edward III of England Son of King Edward II of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Philip IV King France 3 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Isabella of France Queen Consort England 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan Blois I Queen Navarre 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 1 Grandfather: John of Gaunt 1st Duke Lancaster Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: John Hainault II Count Hainault II Count Holland 3 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England
Great x 3 Grandfather: William Hainault I Count Hainault III Count Avesnes III Count Holland II Count Zeeland 4 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Philippa Luxemburg Countess Hainault and Holland 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King William "Conqueror" I of England
Great x 2 Grandmother: Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Charles Valois I Count Valois 3 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Joan Valois Countess Zeeland Holland Avesnes and Hainault 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Capet Countess Valois 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
GrandMother: Joan Beaufort Countess of Westmoreland Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 2 Grandfather: Giles "Payne" Roet
Great x 1 Grandmother: Katherine Roet Duchess Lancaster