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British Isles, North-Central England, Derbyshire, Chesterfield [Map]

 Chesterfield Brimington Hall Chesterfield Old Whittington St Leonard's Church, Scarcliffe St Mary and All Saints Church, Chesterfield Staveley St John the Baptist's Church, Staveley Walton

Chesterfield is in Derbyshire.

1266 Battle of Chesterfield

1474 Anne Beauchamp declared Legally Dead

Icknield Street 18e Chesterfield to Templeborough. The route of Icknield Street from Chesterfield [Map] to Templeborough [Map] is unknown. Speculatively it passed through Old Whittington [Map], Hundall [Map], Highlane, South Yorkshire [Map], Orgreave [Map].

Icknield Street 18d Derby to Chesterfield. From Derventio [Map] aka Derby Icknield Street takes a new alignment past Morley [Map], Smithy Houses [Map], Street Lane [Map], Higham [Map], Oakerthorpe [Map], Clay Cross [Map] crossing the River Rother before arriving at Chesterfield [Map].

Battle of Chesterfield

On 15 May 1266 Henry "Almain" Cornwall (age 30) and John Warenne 6th Earl of Surrey (age 35) fought for the King at Chesterfield [Map] during the Battle of Chesterfield. Henry Hastings (age 31), John Clinton, Roger Mandeville, John Eyvil, Baldwin Wake (age 28) all fought on the rebel side. The rebel Robert Ferrers 6th Earl of Derby (age 27) was captured.

In Aug 1399 Thomas Wendesley (age 55), following the success of King Henry IV of England (age 32) received a grant for life of land worth £24 a year in the High Peak, and within the next few months three lucrative stewardships of Macclesfield, Cheshire [Map], the High Peak and Chesterfield [Map] were in his hands.

Around 1408 Henry Pole was born to Peter Pole (age 26) at Chesterfield [Map].

Around 1450 Peter Pole was born to Henry Pole (age 42) and Alice Dethick (age 30) at Chesterfield [Map].

In 1452 Thomas Foljambe (age 42) died at Chesterfield [Map].

In 1470 Henry Pole was born to Peter Pole (age 20) at Chesterfield [Map].

After 27 Mar 1472 Godfrey Foljambe was buried at Chesterfield [Map].

Anne Beauchamp declared Legally Dead

Parliament Rolls.Edward IV Oct 1472.Second Roll. 06 Jun 1474. Westminster Palace [Map]. Exemplification at the request of Richard Duke of Gloucester (age 21), of the tenour of an act (English) in the Parliament summoned at Westminster [Map], 6 October, 12 Edward IV, and continued to 9 May, 14 Edward IV, ordaining that George Duke Clarence (age 24), and Isabel (age 22) his wife and Richard Duke of Gloucester, and Anne (age 17) his wife, daughters and heirs to Richard Nevyle, late Earl of Warwick, and daughters and heirs apparent to Anne Beauchamp (age 47), his wife should possess and enjoy as in the right of the said wives all possessions belonging to the said Countess as though she were naturally dead and that she should be barred and excluded therefrom, that they should make partition of the premises and the same partition should be good in law, that the said Dukes should enjoy for life all the possessions of their wives if they should outlive the latter, that the said George and Isabel should not make any alienation, grant, fine or recovery of any of the premises to the hurt of the said Richard and Anne or the latter to the hurt of the former, that if the said Richard and Anne be divorced and afterwards married this Act should hold good, that if they be divorced and he do his effectual diligence to be married to her and during her life be not wedded to any other woman he should enjoy as much of the premises as should appertain to her during his life, and that notwithstanding the restraint of alienation or recovery above specified the lordship, manor and wappentake of Chesterfield [Map] and Scarvesdale with the appurtenances and all the lands and tenements in Chesterfield [Map] and Scarvesdale sometime of Ales, late Countess of Salisbury, might be given to the King and his heirs in exchange for other lands and tenements, which shall however be subject of this Act.Anne Beauchamp declared Legally Dead.

In 1478 Henry Pole (age 70) died at Chesterfield [Map].

In 1503 Henry Foljambe (age 70) died at Tideswell [Map]. He was buried at Chesterfield [Map].

Around 1529 Roger Foljambe of Linacre Hall (age 41) died at Chesterfield [Map].

On 24 May 1529 Catherine Leeke (age 53) died at Chesterfield [Map].

In 1536 Alice Fitzwilliam (age 35) died at Chesterfield [Map].

On 26 Sep 1558 James Foljambe (age 47) died at Chesterfield [Map].

In Dec 1584 Godfrey Foljambe (age 57) died at Chesterfield [Map].

On or before 02 Jan 1627 Frances Foljambe Lady Glentworth was born to Francis Foljambe 1st Baronet (age 37) and Elizabeth Wray Lady Walton. She was baptised at Chesterfield [Map] on 02 Jan 1627.

On 02 Jan 1652 Gilbert Heathcote 1st Baronet was born to Gilbert Heathcote and Ann Dickens (age 22) at Chesterfield [Map].

12 Nov 1701. Robert Slack of Little Hayfield. Chesterfield [Map]. Will Proved:

In the Name of God Amen. This thirty first day of May 170l I Robert SLACK the younger of Little Heyfield [Map] in the parish of Glossop and County of Derby Yeoman being Sick & Weak of body but sound and perfect mind & memory do make and ordane this my last Will and Testament in manner & fform following ffirst it is my will & mind yt all my lawful debts and ffuneral expenses be discharged forth of my personal estate

Item I give & bequeath unto Willlam SLACKE my second son the sum of thirty pounds when he shall attaine the age or twenty one years

Item I give and bequeath unto my third son John SLACKE the sum of 60 (pounds) when he shall attaine the age or twenty one years item I give and bequeath unto my three daughters Anne Elizabeth and Mary SLACK (age 33) to each the sum of fforty pounds to 'be paid when they shall attaine unto the sevll ages of twenty one years

Item it is my will and mind that if any of my above said younger children shall dye before they attaine the age or twenty one years that then such sume or sumes as are above bequeathed shall be equally distributed amongst the rest of my children

Item I give & bequeath unto my loveinge wife Mary SLACK my best bed & one chest Item it Is my will and mind that all my said children shall be brought and maintained with meat drink lodging and washing out of my whole estate untill they shall attaine their severall ages of twenty one years

Item I give and bequeath unto my eldest son Robert SLACK all my messuages lands & tenements lyeing and being within the said parish or Glossop and County of Derby unto him his heirs and assigns for ever

Item It is my will and mind that all the rest and residue or my psonall estate (if any such be) Shall be distributed equally amongst my said younger children And lastly I do Ordaine Constitute and Appoint my son Robert SLACK and my brother John SLACK Joynt Executors of this my last Will & Testament hopeing they will discharge faithfully the trust herein reposed in them & I do revoke renounce disannull all former Wills and Testaments by me att any time herebefore made In witness whereof I have here onto putt my hand and seal the day and year ffirst above written Anni Dom 1701

07 Oct 1714. Robert Slack of Little Hayfield (age 90). Chesterfield [Map]. Will Proved:

In the Name of God Amen This twenty ffourth day of December 1713. I Robert SLACKE the Eldest of Little Heafield [Map] in the Parrish of Glossop and County of Derby Yeom. Being Aged and infirme in Body but of sound and perfect Memory Praised be God for the same, and knowing the Certainty of Death and the uncertainty of the time when In obedience to the command of God and the example of the good King Hezechiah am minded to set my house in order and to settle my affairs in this world and to that end do Constitute make and ordaine this my last Will and Testamt in manner and form following ffirst, and principally I commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator, and to Jesus Christ to receive full pardon of all my Sins and to be made heire of Everlasting Life and an Inheritor of his Heavenly Kingdom, and my Body to the Earth from whence it was taken to be decently interred att, or in the Parochial Chappel at Heyfield [Map] as near unto the place where my late loveing wife Ann SLACKE was interred as will Conveniency may be, And for that Worldly Estate which the Lord in mercy far above my deserts hath bestowed upon my I dispose of the same as ffolloweth.

First my will and mind is that all my Lawfull debts wch of right I owe unto any man, with all my ffuneral Charges and expences shall be ffirst paid and discharged forth of my whole Estate. And whereas by Certaine Articles of Agreemt Indented bearing date on or about the twenty ffifth day of October Anno Domny 1684. made or mentioned to be made By and Between me the said Robert SLACK on the one part and Robert SLACK my late Son now dcd of the other part I the said Robert SLACK for divers Consideracons therein mentioned, Did grant all my Lands at Little Heafield [Map], and Chinley als Mainstonefield [Map], or els where in the said County of Derby unto my said Son his heires and Assignes for ever, part of the Consideracons of which said Grant were and are particularly menconed and expresses in and by the said Articles to be That I the said Robert SLACK should not only have and receive twelve pounds per Annu. during my life, Charged upon Certaine parcels of Land of the said granted premissess, But likewise had power to Charge my said Sonn his heires Executors and Administrators, with the payment of the Sume of ffifty pounds of lawfull Money after my decease to such person or persons, as by my last will and Testament or any other writeing to be by my executed under my hand and Seal I should direct [ ]att and appoint, As by relacon had to the said Articles may more fully and at large appear And whereas the said sume of twelve pounds p Annu. has for severall years Since my said Sons decease been unpaid and is now in Arrear for the space of Seven years or upwards which in the whole amounts to the Sume of ffifty six pound, It is my will and mind and I do therefore by this my last will and Testamt in pursuance of my power and as far as in me lyes give and devise all my right & interest of in & unto such arrearages of the said twelve pounds p Annu. as abovesaid as shall happen at my decease to be in Arrear & unpaid together with the said Sume of ffifty pounds Chargable as aforesaid unto Robert SLACK my Nephew upon Condicon Nevertheless that Hee the said Robert SLACK do and shall well and faithfully pay and discharge forth of the same such Legacys & Sumes of Money as are herein and hereafter mencond (viz) unto Elizabeth MORTON my Daughter the sume of Tenn shillings within the space of one year next after my decease, unto Ann HADFIELD my Daughter the Sume of Tenn pounds, within within (sic) the space of one year next after my decease, And unto Mary CARRINGTON (age 14) my Daughter the like Sume of Tenn pounds to be paid likewise within the Space of One year next after my decease unto Dorathy SLACK my Daughter in law at Chunall [Map] the Sume of ffive shillings unto Dorathy SLACK my daughter in lw. at little Heafield the Sume of ffive shillings, unto William SLACK my Grandson the Sume of ffive shillings unto John SLACK his Brother the Sume of ffive shillings unto Ann FFOX my Grand daughter the Sume of ffive pounds when she shall have attained the Age of One and twenty years and shall be living at the time of my decease. Likewise unto Mary SLACK my Grand daughter the like Sume of ffive pounds in case she be living at the time of my decease, and shall attain to the like Age of one and twenty years and likewise unto Elizabeth SLACK my Grand daughter the like Sume of ffive pounds, if she shall attaine to the like Age of One and twenty years, and shall be living at the time of my decease Item I do bequeath unto every one of my Grandchildn excepting such as are already menconed the Sume of tenn shillings a piece to be paid within the space of one year next after my decease. Item all the rest residue and remainder of my whole Estate, Goods and Chattels whatsoever, ready Money Money at Interest and Creditts whatsoever after the aforesaid Sumes & Legacies are discharged I give and Bequeath the same unto my said Nephew Robert SLACK (excepting only one Guiney of Lawfull Money which I give unto my Sonn in law William CARRINGTON whom I desire to be aiding & assisting, to my said Nephew Robert SLACK in the promises) hereby Constituteing Ordaineing & appointing him my said Nephew Robert SLACK my full and Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament, hopeing he will faithfully performe and discharge the trust I have hereby reposed in him revoaking all former Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made, and do declare this to by my last Will and Testamt In witness whereof I the said Robert SLACK the Testator my hand & seal have hereunto putt the day and year ffirst above written.

21 Apr 1731. Chesterfield [Map]. Robert SLACK of Little Heafield.

In the Name of God, Amen. this Eighteenth day of March Anno Dony 1730/31 I Robert SLACK of little Heafield in ye parrish of Glossop and County of Derby Yeom. being but Sick and weak as to my Body but of Sound mind & perfect understanding praised be Almighty God. for ye Same, and as touching Such worldly goods & Estate as it hath pleased Almighty God, to bestow upon me, I Give and dispose thereof as follows, first my will & mind is yt all my due debts, funeral Expences & Charges about ye probate of this my last will and testament, be first paid and discharged forth of my personal Estate,

Item I give and bequeath unto my loveing wife Dorathy SLACK ye Sume of Ten pounds yearly, So long as She Keeps herselfe unmaryed, but if She happen to marry again eight pounds a year, ye one halfe to be paid at ye feast of St Michael & ye other halfe att Lady day,

Itm I give unto my daughter Ann WATTERHOUSE ye sume of One hundred and twenty pounds, when She Shall attaine ye Age of One and twenty years, in ye mean while my mind is yt She Shall receive ye interest of ye Said hundred and twenty pounds and if She happen to dye before She Shall attaine ye Age of One and twenty years, & leave any issue, her said portion to be divided equally amongst her Children,

Item I give unto my 2 daughters Elizabeth & Dorothy SLACK each of them ye Sume of One hundred & twenty pounds to be paid them when they Shall attaine ye Age of twenty one years,

Itm I give unto my daughter Mary SLACK ye Sume of One hundred & thirty pounds, when She Shall attaine ye Age of One and twenty years,

Itm I give unto my daughter Ann, One Chest of drawers, to Elizabeth one Statue, and to my daughter Dorathy her mothers SLACK each of them ye Sume of One pound One shilling.

Itm I give unto my Son in law John WATTERHOUSE ye Sume of five pounds to be paid at my decease,

Itm I give unto my Apprentice John HANFORD tow Ewes provided he Stay his Apprentiship, Over and above his Healthe. Item I give and bequeath unto my son Robert SLACK (age 12) when he shall attaine ye Age of One and twenty years, All my whole Estate of lands Goods Chattles & Cattle paying all my Just debts funeral Expences Harriotts and Legacies before given & bequeathed, and it is my will and mind yt if any of my Said Children Shall happen to dye before they Shall attaine ye Age of One & twenty years and Leave no issue lawfully begotten, yt their Said portions Shall be equally divided amongst ye rest of my Said Children.

further my will & mind is yt All my Children Shall be brought up with meat drink washing Cloathing & Lodging at ye discretion of my Executors Out of my whole estate, both personal & real, and if it happen yt their be any overplus of ye profitts of my estate, when my son Robert Shall attaine ye Age of one and twenty years, over and above paying my debts, Legcies & bringing up of my Children.

I give power to my Executors to dispose of ye Same amongst my Children as they Shall think proper. Lastly I do nominate and appoint my loveing wife Dorathy SLACK Thomas SLACK & my Brother John SLACK to be executors of this my last will and testament Revokeing and making void all former Wills & testaments by heretofore made, Confirming this to be my last will & Testament. In Wittness whereof I have herunto Sett my hand & Seal ye day & year above Written.

Robert SLACK

Sealed Signed published & declared by ye testator to be his last will & testament in ye Sight & presence of us.


A true and perfect Inventory of All ye Goods Cattle and Chattles of Robert SLACK of Little Heafield Aprized and Valued by Mr John FROGGATT Thomas BRADBURY and William CARRINGTON this 27 day of March 1731. (not transcribed, valued @ £568=06=6 )

On 06 Dec 1816 George Alexander Barker (age 31) died at Chesterfield [Map].

The River Rother rises at Clay Cross [Map] then flows through Chesterfield [Map] and Sheffield [Map] after which it joins the River Don which then flows through Rotherham [Map] to which the River Rother gives its name.

Josiah Heathcote was born to Gilbert Heathcote and Ann Dickens at Chesterfield [Map].

British Isles, North-Central England, Derbyshire, Brimington Hall Chesterfield [Map]

Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica Fanshawe Wills Part I Henry Fanshaw. No. 1. Articles of the last Will of Henry ffanshawe.

first to Thomasyne my wyfe my lease of Cley Hall as well in possession as in rev'son, wth all the Kyne and horses, myne owno ridinge gelding except And housenold stuffe and ymplements which shall remayne there at the tyme of my death.

Itm in reddy money one hundreth marks.

Itm to Willm Wostenholme my leases of Carsewell, saving that I will Willm Hopkyns my &ther in lawe to dwell in the House at Caraewell, where he nowe dwelleth, during his lyfe, paying yerely to myne executor fortie shillings and no more. And whereas there b payable yerely for the said &rme to Edward Barker the landlord there, twelve pounds, I will that my executor pay yerely to the said Barker the said rente, of the p'fitts of my lands during the life of the said Willm Hopkins.

Itm I give to the said Willm Wostenholme fortie pounds in money, or the Value thereof in catall.

Itm I give to John Wostenholme tweintie pounds in money.

Itm I give to Ales ffknshawe my s*unt fortie pounds in money.

Itm I give to eu'y of my sisters being in lyfie at the tyme of my Death tenne pounds in money, and to eu'y of their children then beinge in lyfe, also fortie shillings in money.

Itm to Edmond Moreant my s'unt fyve pounds in money, ana to eu'y other of my Clerks then beinff fortie shillings.

Itm I give to Colyn fianshawe my brother, my lease of Brymyngton Hall [Map] in the Countie of Derby.

Itm I give to Richard Over my s'unt twentie shillings in money.

Itm I gyve to John Moore twentie shillings in money. And to eu'y other of my s'unts as well Men as Women xii* ii^** a pece in money.

Itm I give to the poore people twentie pounds in money.

Itm I give to Thomas Smyth, Thomas Blount, Biohard Ghraye, John Sauage, and James Heath and to their Wifes eu'y of them a ringe of gold price fortie shillings.

Itm to Robert Lawson al's Edmonds, & Bobiert Basset, and their wifes eu'y of them a like ring, And to James Cowper a like ring.

Itm I give to Thomas Pierson and his wife eyther of them a like ringe.

Itm to Willm Bassett my lands in Barkinge p'ish in the Countie of Essex called Ghrenewall which I bought of Bateman, to have and to hold to him and his heirs. And also I give vnto hym my lease which I have of thother pece of Grenewall aforesayd beinge the queues land, which I haue of the graunte of one Cole of Colchester gent.

Itm I will tiiiat myne execute' bestowe or a dyner of all my (rends and fialowes, Qerkes of thesdieqo' tenne pounds in money.

Itm I ordeyn and make of this my last Will and testament, Thomas ffimshawe, my brothers Sonne, my sole executor. And I give vnto hym and to his heirs the residue of all my lands, as well free as Copiehold, Within the Counties of Essex Midd. and Derby. Also I give vnto hym the residue of all my goods leases and Chattells not before bequeathed, my debts l^iug payd, legacies herein oonteyned p'formed, and funeralls Discharged.

Itm I will that expences of my funeralls be at the expence of my said executor.

Itm I ordeyn and make my wel be loued Cosen Willm Moore Esquir, and John flansliawe my brother, ouersyers of this my last Will and testament, and give vnto eyther of them for their paynes tennA poand and their charges borne. Subscribed by me the said Henry ffanshawe the xixth day of September in the tlurde yere of the reigne of of Souraigne Lady quene Elizabeth Annorq Doi mclzj.


Fanshawe Papers, P. R. O., marked T. G. 25, 477.

British Isles, North-Central England, Derbyshire, Chesterfield, Old Whittington [Map]

Icknield Street 18e Chesterfield to Templeborough. The route of Icknield Street from Chesterfield [Map] to Templeborough [Map] is unknown. Speculatively it passed through Old Whittington [Map], Hundall [Map], Highlane, South Yorkshire [Map], Orgreave [Map].

British Isles, North-Central England, Derbyshire, Chesterfield, Scarcliffe

British Isles, North-Central England, Derbyshire, Chesterfield, Scarcliffe, St Leonard's Church [Map]

St Leonard's Church, Scarcliffe is also in Churches in Derbyshire.

Effigy of Lady and Child. THIS singular monument is in Scarcliffe Church, Derbyshire [Map]. The style in which it is executed shows it to be of the thirteenth century. The head is surmounted with a very elegant circlet, and rests on a couchant lion; the hair is disposed in braids; the tunic is confined at the neck by a large fermail or broach; a band appears to attach the mantle to the shoulders, and is held in the right hand; the mantle is caught up under the right arm. The left supports a male child, who displays a long scroll, on which has been inscribed in uncial characters some leonine verses, which are now much defaced.



...........PROLES RE....ERE HVMATA:

CVM PECC..............VACVATA:


.................DELOCATA. AMEN:

Details. 1. Profile of the head, showing the hair, &c. 2. The circlet enlarged.

British Isles, North-Central England, Derbyshire, Chesterfield, Staveley [Map]

Around 1555 Elizabeth Freschville was born to Peter Freschville (age 21) and Elizabeth Clifton (age 20) at Staveley [Map].

British Isles, North-Central England, Derbyshire, Chesterfield, Walton [Map]

Around 1360 Thomas Foljambe was born to Godfrey Foljambe "The Younger" (age 16) and Margaret Villiers (age 13) at Walton [Map].

On 27 Oct 1499 John Foljambe (age 8) died at Walton [Map].

In 1511 James Foljambe was born to Godfrey Foljambe (age 38) and Catherine Leeke (age 35) at Walton [Map].

On 04 Mar 1527 Godfrey Foljambe was born to James Foljambe (age 16) and Alice Fitzwilliam (age 26) at Walton [Map].

In 1534 Troth Tyrwhitt was born to William Tyrwhitt (age 34) and Isabel Girlington (age 39) at Walton [Map].

On 21 Nov 1558 Godfrey Foljambe was born to Godfrey Foljambe (age 31) and Troth Tyrwhitt (age 24) at Walton [Map].