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Northampton is in Northamptonshire.
1328 Treaty of Edinburgh Northampton
1469 Battle of Edgecote Moor aka Danes Moor aka Banbury
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 917. This year rode the army, after Easter, out of Northampton [Map] and Leicester [Map]; and having broken the truce they slew many men at Hookerton and thereabout. Then, very soon after this, as the others came home, they found other troops that were riding out against Leighton. But the inhabitants were aware of it; and having fought with them they put them into full flight; and arrested all that they had taken, and also of their horses and of their weapons a good deal.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. [29 Nov 1010]. Then went they west-ward into Oxfordshire, and thence to Buckinghamshire, and so along the Ouse till they came to Bedford, Bedfordshire [Map], and so forth to Temsford, always burning as they went. Then returned they to their ships with their spoil, which they apportioned to the ships. When the king's army should have gone out to meet them as they went up, then went they home; and when they were in the east, then was the army detained in the west; and when they were in the south, then was the army in the north. Then all the privy council were summoned before the king (age 44), to consult how they might defend this country. But, whatever was advised, it stood not a month; and at length there was not a chief that would collect an army, but each fled as he could: no shire, moreover, would stand by another. Before the feast-day of St. Andrew [30th November] came the enemy to Northampton [Map], and soon burned the town, and took as much spoil thereabout as they would; and then returned over the Thames into Wessex, and so by Cannings-marsh, burning all the way. When they had gone as far as they would, then came they by midwinter to their ships.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. After 08 Aug 1065. Soon after this all the thanes in Yorkshire and in Northumberland gathered themselves together at York, and outlawed their Earl Tosty (age 39); slaying all the men of his clan that they could reach, both Danish and English; and took all his weapons in York, with gold and silver, and all his money that they could anywhere there find. They then sent after Morkar, son of Earl Elgar, and chose him for their earl. He went south with all the shire, and with Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire and Lincolnshire, till he came to Northampton [Map]; where his brother Edwin came to meet him with the men that were in his earldom. Many Britons also came with him. Harold (age 43) also there met them; on whom they imposed an errand to King Edward (age 62), sending also messengers with him, and requesting that they might have Morcar for their earl. This the king granted; and sent back Harold to them, to Northampton, on the eve of St. Simon and St. Jude; and announced to them the same, and confirmed it by hand, and renewed there the laws of Knute. But the Northern men did much harm about Northampton, whilst he went on their errand: either that they slew men, and burned houses and corn; or took all the cattle that they could come at; which amounted to many thousands. Many hundred men also they took, and led northward with them; so that not only that shire, but others near it were the worse for many winters.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1106. In this year was the King Henry (age 38) on the Nativity at Westminster, and there held his court; and at that season Robert de Belesme (age 50) went unreconciled from the king out of his land into Normandy. Hereafter before Lent was the king at Northampton [Map]; and the Earl Robert (age 55) his brother came thither from Normandy to him; and because the king would not give him back that which he had taken from him in Normandy, they parted in hostility; and the earl soon went over sea back again.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1122. In this year was the King Henry (age 54) at Christmas in Norwich, Norfolk [Map], and at Easter in Northampton [Map].
In Oct 1164 Archbishop Thomas Becket (age 44) was put on trial in Northampton [Map] by King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 31) on a charge of contempt. After a week of discussion Becket fled to Flanders with Bishop John of Salisbury (age 46).
On 24 Jun 1268 King Edward I of England (age 29) took the cross at Northampton [Map], along with his brother Edmund "Crouchback" Plantagenet 1st Earl of Leicester 1st Earl Lancaster (age 23) and cousin Henry "Almain" Cornwall (age 32), from Papal Legate Ottobuono Fieschi (age 58).
Close Rolls Edward II 1307-1313. 22 Jan 1308 King Edward II of England (age 23). Dover, Kent [Map]. Robert Terry, of Whytefield, imprisoned at Northampton [Map] for the death of Galianus de Bek, has letters to the Sheriff of Nottingham to bail him until the first assize. Witness: Piers Gaveston 1st Earl Cornwall (age 24).
On 17 Mar 1328 Robert the Bruce (age 53) signed the Treaty of Edinburgh Northampton bringing to an end the First Scottish War of Independence. The English Parliament signed at Northampton [Map] on 03 May 1328. The terms of the Treaty included:
Scotland to pay England £100,000 sterling,
The Kingdom of Scotland as fully independent,
Robert the Bruce, and his heirs and successors, as the rightful rulers of Scotland, and.
The border between Scotland and England as that recognised under the reign of Alexander III (1249-1286).
The Treaty lasted four years only being regarded by the English nobility as humiliating; the work of Edward's (age 15) mother Isabella of France Queen Consort England (age 33) and Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March (age 40) rather than King Edward. Two years after King Edward commenced his personal reign he commenced the Second War of Scottish Independence in Aug 1332.
Froissart Book 1 Chapter 20. 17 Mar 1328. Treaty of Edinburgh Northampton. AND when that the Scots were departed by night from the mountain, whereas the king of England (age 15) had besieged them, as ye have heard herebefore, they went twentytwo mile through that savage country without resting, and passed the river of Tyne right near to Carlisle, Cumberland [Map]1; and the next day they went into their own land, and so departed every man to his own mansion. And within a space after there was a peace purchased between the kings of England and Scotland; and as the English chronicle saith,' it was done by the special counsel of the old queen (age 33) and sir Roger Mortimer (age 40); for by their means there was a parliament holden at Northampton [Map], at the which the king being within age granted to the Scots to release all the fealties and homages that they ought to have done to the crown of England, by his charter ensealed, and also there was delivered to the Scots an indenture, the which was called the Ragman, wherein was contained all the homages and fealties that the king of Scots and all the prelates, earls and barons of Scotland ought to have done to the crown of England, sealed with all their seals, with all other rights that sundry barons and knights ought to have had in the realm of Scotland.
Note 1. This may be a mistake since the River Tyne doesn't flows near Carlisle. The River Eden flows through Carlisle.
On 10 Jul 1460 the Yorkist army led by the future King Edward IV of England (age 18) and including Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 31), Archbishop George Neville (age 28), William Neville 1st Earl Kent (age 55), Edward Brooke 6th Baron Cobham (age 45) and John Scrope 5th Baron Scrope of Bolton (age 22) defeated the Lancastrian army at the 1460 Battle of Northampton.
Edmund Grey 1st Earl Kent (age 43) had started the day as part of the Lancastrian army but did nothing to prevent the Yorkist army attacking.
King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 38) was captured.
Humphrey Stafford 1st Duke of Buckingham (age 57) was killed. His grandson Henry Stafford 2nd Duke of Buckingham (age 5) succeeded 2nd Duke of Buckingham, 7th Earl Stafford, 8th Baron Stafford.
John Talbot 2nd Earl of Shrewsbury (age 42) was killed. His son John Talbot 3rd Earl of Shrewsbury (age 11) succeeded 3rd Earl of Shrewsbury, 3rd Earl Waterford, 8th Baron Furnivall, 12th Baron Strange Blackmere, 9th Baron Talbot.
Thomas Percy 1st Baron Egremont (age 37) was killed. [Baron Egremont of Egremont Castle in Cumberland extinct. Some authoirities state, however, that he left a son, Sir John Percy, who never assumed the title.]
John Beaumont 1st Viscount Beaumont (age 50) was killed. His son William Beaumont 2nd Viscount Beaumont (age 22) succeeded 2nd Viscount Beaumont, 7th Baron Beaumont.
William Lucy (age 56) was killed apparently by servants of a member of the Stafford family who wanted his wife Margaret Fitzlewis (age 21).
Thomas Tresham (age 40) fought.
William Beaumont 2nd Viscount Beaumont and William Norreys (age 19) were knighted.
Thomas "Bastard of Exeter" Holland was executed following the battle.
The battle was fought south of the River Nene [Map] in the grounds of Delapré Abbey.
Chronicle of Gregory 1462. 1462. Alle so the King (age 19) son aftyr dysposyd hym, and was purposyd to ryde into Yorke schyre and to the contray a boute, to see and understonde the dysposyscyon of the pepylle of the Northe. And toke with him the Duke of Somersett (age 25), and ij C [200] of his men welle horsyd and welle i-harnaysyd. Ande the said Duke, Harry of Somersett, ande his men were made the Kyngys garde, for the Kyng hadde that duke in moche favyr and trustyd him welle. But [t]e garde of him was as men shulde put a lombe a monge wolvysse of malyscyus bestys; but Alle mighty God was the scheparde. And whenn the King departyd from London he toke his way to Northehampton [Map], and thedyr the King com a Syn Jamys day the Apostylle, ande that fals duke with hym. And the comyns of the towne of Northehampton [Map] and of the schyre a-boute sawe that the fals duke and traytoure was so nyghe the Kyngys presens and was made his garde. The comyns a rosse uppon that fals traytur thee Duke of Somersett, and wolde have slayne him with yn the kyngys palys. And then the King with fayre speche and grete defeculte savyde his lyffe for that tyme, and that was pytte, for the savynge of his lyffe at that tyme causyd mony mannys dethys son aftyr, as ye shalle heyre. And then the Duke sende that fals Duke of Somersett in to a castelle of his owne full secretly, for save garde of his the dukys lyffe, and the dukys men unto Newe Castelle [Map], to kepe the towne, and gave them goode wages full treuly payde. And the Kyng full lovyngly gave the comyns of Northehampton [Map] a tonne of wyne that they shulde drynke and make mery. And [t]e wyne was drunkyn merely in the market place, for they hadde many fayre pecys of sylvyr. I darsay ther is no taverne that hathe not so moche of stuffe as they occupyde in his her tavernys. For some fette wyne in basynnys, and some in caudryns, and some in bollys, and some in pannys and some in dyschys. Loo, the grete tresoure that they scheuyd that tyme.
A Brief Latin Chronicle. 24 Jul 1469. In this year also, on the eve of Saint James the Apostle, a conflict [Battle of Edgecote Moor aka Danes Moor aka Banbury] occurred between the northern soldiers and warriors against Lord Herbert (age 46) and his Welshmen. Many fell on both sides; and Lord Herbert, along with two brothers, was captured. He was shortly thereafter beheaded at Northampton [Map]. This W. Herbert, a most severe oppressor and despoiler of ecclesiastics and many others over many years, finally received this reward by the just judgment of God for his crimes and wickedness.
Hoc etiam anno in vigilia Sancti Jacobi Apostoli, facto conflictu militum et belligerorum borealium contra dominum Harberd cum suis Wallensibus, ceciderunt hine et inde multi; et dominus Harberd cum duobus fratribus sus captus est, et infra breve apud Northampton decapitatus est. His W. Harberd, gravissimus et oppressor et spoliator ecclesiasticorum et aliorum multorum per annos multos, hanc tandem justi Dei judicio pro suis sceleribus et nequiciis receipt mercedem.
Hall's Chronicle 1469. 12 Aug 1469. The Northamptonshire men, with diverse of the Northern men by them procured, in this fury made them a captain, and called him Robin of Redesdale, and suddenly came to the manor of Grafton [Map], where the earl Rivers (age 64) father to the Queen (age 32) then lay whom they loved not, and there by force took the said earl and and sir John (age 24) his son, and brought them to Northampton [Map], and there without Judgement stroke of their heads, whose bodies were solemnly interred in the Blackfriars at Northampton.
The History of King Richard the Third by Thomas More. 01 May 1483. And as soon as they came in his presence, they alighted down with all their company about them. To whom the Duke of Buckingham (age 28) said, "Go before, gentlemen and yeomen, keep your rooms." And thus in a goodly array, they came to the King (age 12) and, on their knees in very humble fashion, assuaged his Grace, who received them in very joyous and amiable manner, nothing earthly knowing nor mistrusting as yet. But even by and by, in his presence, they picked a quarrel with the Lord Richard Grey (age 26), the King's other brother by his mother, saying that he, with the Lord Marquis (age 28) his brother and the Lord Rivers (age 43) his uncle, had planned to rule the King and the realm, and to set variance among the lords, and to subdue and destroy the noble blood of the realm. Toward the accomplishing whereof, they said that the Lord Marquis had entered into the Tower of London [Map], and thence taken out the King's treasure, and sent men to the sea. All of which things, these dukes knew well, were done for good purposes and necessary ones by the whole council at London, except that they must say something.
Unto which words, the King answered, "What my brother marquis has done I cannot say. But in good faith I dare well answer for mine uncle Rivers and my brother here, that they be innocent of any such matters.".
"Yea, my Liege," said the Duke of Buckingham, "they have kept their dealing in these matters far from the knowledge of your good Grace.".
And forthwith they arrested the Lord Richard and Sir Thomas Vaughan (age 73), knight, in the King's presence, and brought the King and all back unto Northampton [Map], where they took again further counsel. And there they sent away from the King whomever it pleased them, and set new servants about him, such as liked them better than him. At which dealing he wept and was nothing content, but it remedied not. And at dinner the Duke of Gloucester (age 30) sent a dish from his own table to the Lord Rivers, praying him to be of good cheer, all should be well enough. And he thanked the Duke, and prayed the messenger to bear it to his nephew, the Lord Richard, with the same message for his comfort, who he thought had more need of comfort, as one to whom such adversity was foreign. But for himself, he had been all his days used to a life therewith, and therefore could bear it the better. But for all this comfortable courtesy of the Duke of Gloucester, he sent the Lord Rivers and the Lord Richard with Sir Thomas Vaughan into the north country to different places to prison and, afterwards, all to Pomfrait [Map], where they were, in conclusion, beheaded.
In Oct 1509 Richard Empson (age 59) convicted at Northampton [Map].
On 18 Jul 1553 Thomas Tresham (age 53) proclaimed as queen Queen Mary I of England and Ireland (age 37) and accompanied her to London at Northampton [Map].
In Oct 1553 Francis Morgan (age 42) was elected MP Northampton.
On 15 Oct 1553 Thomas Saunders preached at Northampton [Map] warning the congregation that 'the errors of the popish religion' would be restored to the church by Queen Mary (age 37).
In Apr 1554 Francis Morgan (age 43) was elected MP Northampton.
In 1597 Henry Yelverton (age 30) was elected MP Northampton. He was elected again in 1604 and 1614.
In 1634 Bishop Thomas Cartwright was born in Northampton [Map].
In 1640 Bishop Samuel Parker was born in Northampton [Map].
John Evelyn's Diary. 11 Jul 1675. I visited also the Bodleian Library and my old friend, the learned Obadiah Walker (age 59), head of University College, which he had now almost rebuilt, or repaired. We then proceeded to Northampton [Map], where we arrived the next day.
John Evelyn's Diary. 14 Jul 1675. I went to see my Lord Sunderland's (age 33) Seat at Althorpe [Map], four miles from the ragged town of Northampton [Map] (since burned, and well rebuilt). It is placed in a pretty open bottom, very finely watered and flanked with stately woods and groves in a park, with a canal, but the water is not running, which is a defect. The house, a kind of modern building, of freestone, within most nobly furnished; the apartments very commodious, a gallery and noble hall; but the kitchen being in the body of the house, and chapel too small, were defects. There is an old yet honorable gatehouse standing awry, and out-housing mean, but designed to be taken away. It was moated round, after the old manner, but it is now dry, and turfed with a beautiful carpet. Above all, are admirable and magnificent the several ample gardens furnished with the choicest fruit, and exquisitely kept. Great plenty of oranges, and other curiosities. The park full of fowl, especially herons, and from it a prospect to Holmby House, which being demolished in the late civil wars, shows like a Roman ruin shaded by the trees about it, a stately, solemn, and pleasing view.
Around 1680 Francis Brudenell was born to Francis Brudenell (age 26) at Northampton [Map] and Frances Savile (age 22).
After 1683 Mary Brudenell Viscountess Molyneux was born to Francis Brudenell (age 29) at Northampton [Map] and Frances Savile (age 25).
In Aug 1727 George Compton 6th Earl of Northampton (age 35) was elected MP Northampton.
On 13 Apr 1744 George Montagu (age 31) was elected MP Northampton which seat he held unti 1754.
In 1761 Spencer Compton 8th Earl of Northampton (age 22) was elected MP Northampton.
In 1780 George Rodney 2nd Baron Rodney (age 26) was elected MP Northampton.
In 1782 Charles Bingham 1st Earl Lucan (age 46) was elected MP Northampton.
In 1830 George Robinson 5th Baronet was elected MP Northampton which seat he held until 1832.
In 1831 Robert Smith aka Vernon 1st Baron Lyveden (age 30) was elected MP Northampton which seat he held until 1859.
The History of King Richard the Third by Thomas More. Now when the King on his way to London had gone from Northampton [Map], then these Dukes of Gloucester and Buckingham came thither. But the Lord Rivers, the King's uncle, remained behind, intending on the morrow to follow the King, and be with him at Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire [Map], eleven miles thence, early before he departed. So was there made that night much friendly cheer between these dukes and the Lord Rivers a great while. But immediately after that, they openly and with great courtesy departed; and while the Lord Rivers lodged, the dukes secretly, with a few of their most private friends, set themselves down in council, wherein they spent a great part of the night. And at their rising in the dawning of the day, they sent about secretly to their servants, who were in their inns and lodgings about, giving the commandment to make themselves shortly ready, for their lords were ready to ride. Upon which messages, many of their folk were attendant when many of the Lord Rivers' servants were unready. Now had these dukes taken also into their custody the keys of the inn so that none should pass forth without their approval. And besides this, on the highway toward Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire [Map], where the King lay, they had ordered certain of their folk that they should send back again and compel to return any man who were gotten out of Northampton toward Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire [Map], till they should give permission, because the dukes themselves intended, for the show of their diligence, to be the first that should that day attend upon the King's Highness out of that town; thus did they deceive the folk at hand.
But when the Lord Rivers understood the gates closed and the ways on every side beset, neither his servants nor himself allowed to go out, perceiving well so great a thing without his knowledge was not begun for nothing, comparing this manner present with this last night's cheer, in so few hours so great a change he marvelously disliked. However, since he could not get away-and keep himself close, he would not do so lest he should seem to hide himself for some secret fear of his own fault, whereof he saw no such fault in himself-he determined, upon the surety of his own conscience, to go boldly to them and inquire what this matter might mean. Whom, as soon as they saw, they began to quarrel with him and say that he intended to set distance between the King and them and to bring them to confusion, but this plan would not lie in his power. And when he began (as he was a very well-spoken man) in goodly manner to excuse himself, they tarried not the end of his answer, but shortly took him and put him under guard, and that done, forthwith went to horseback and took the way to Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire [Map], where they found the King with his company ready to leap on horseback and depart forward, to leave that lodging for them because it was too small for both companies.
The River Nene rises near Badby, Northamptonshire [Map] from where it flows past Newnham, Northamptonshire [Map], Weedon, Northamptonshire [Map], Nether Heyford, Northamptonshire [Map], Kinslingbury, Northamptonshire [Map], Hunsbury Meadows, Northamptonshire [Map], Northampton [Map], Billing, Northamptonshire [Map], Great Doddinton, Northamptonshire [Map], Rushden, Northamptonshire [Map], Thrapston, Northamptonshire [Map], around Oundle, Northamptonshire [Map], past St Mary and All Saints Church, Fotheringhay [Map] and the remains of Fotheringay Castle, Northamptonshire [Map], Wansford [Map], through the centre of Peterborough [Map] after which it is canalised to Rings End [Map]. After Rings End [Map] it continues through Wisbech, Cambridgeshire [Map], under Sutton Bridge [Map] after which it reaches The Wash at Guys Head [Map].
British Isles, South-Central England, Northamptonshire, Northampton, Blackfriars
Around 1230 Blackfriars, Northampton was founded by Bishop Hugh Wells. They obtained a site near the centre of the town, with a frontage to the horse market. Leland, Itin. (Hearne ed.), i. 10.
In 1233 Blackfriars, Northampton the king granted the friars twenty oaks out of the royal forests of Northamptonshire. Close, 17 Hen. III. m. 2.
In 1235 the king gave them [Blackfriars, Northampton] fifteen oaks from the forest of Salcey for the timber of their church; in March, 1236, timber from the same woods to make sixty rafters for their fratery; in August of the same year, ten logs (fusta) from Kenilworth, for roofing shingles; and in September, 1240, twelve more oaks from Salcey for general building purposes. Ibid. 19 Hen. III. pt. 1, m. 6; 20 Hen. III. m. 14, 5; 24 Hen. III. m. 6.
In May 1241 the sheriff was directed to fell and carry to the Friars Preachers at Northampton, at the royal cost, fifteen oaks from Salcey, with all their branches. Ibid. 25 Hen. III. m. 9.
Hall's Chronicle 1469. 12 Aug 1469. The Northamptonshire men, with diverse of the Northern men by them procured, in this fury made them a captain, and called him Robin of Redesdale, and suddenly came to the manor of Grafton [Map], where the earl Rivers (age 64) father to the Queen (age 32) then lay whom they loved not, and there by force took the said earl and and sir John (age 24) his son, and brought them to Northampton [Map], and there without Judgement stroke of their heads, whose bodies were solemnly interred in the Blackfriars at Northampton.
British Isles, South-Central England, Northamptonshire, Northampton Castle [Map]
Northampton Castle is also in Castles in Northamptonshire.
On 06 Apr 1264 the future King Edward I of England (age 24), Philip Marmion 5th Baron Marmion (age 30) and Roger Leybourne (age 49) fought for the King at Northampton Castle [Map] during the Battle of Northampton. Simon de Montfort 6th Earl of Leicester 1st Earl Chester (age 56) fought for the rebels with his son Simon "Younger" Montfort (age 24) who was captured.
British Isles, South-Central England, Northamptonshire, Northampton, Rose and Crown Inn
Roger Whitley's Diary. 07 Feb 1690. Friday, set out about 8; called at Woborne (stayd not); that morning Alderman Mainwaring & Houseman overtook us; dined at the Swan in Newport [Map]; lay at the Rose & Crowne in Northampton:
British Isles, South-Central England, Northamptonshire, Northampton, St Andrew's Priory [Map]
St Andrew's Priory, Northampton is also in Priories in England.
St Andrew's Priory, Northampton [Map] was a Cluniac Priory founded around 1093 by Simon Senlis 1st Earl of Northampton, Earl of Huntingdon and his wife Maud Queen Consort Scotland. A sister house Delapré Abbey was founded for nuns at the same time.
Around 1095 Simon Senlis 1st Earl of Northampton, Earl of Huntingdon founded St Andrew's Priory, Northampton [Map].