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British Isles, England, Yorkshire, York Minster [Map]

York Minster is in York [Map], Cathedrals in England, Minsters in England.

1060 Ealdred Appointed Archbishop of York

1069 Murder of Robert de Comines Earl Northumbria

1072 Accord of Winchester

1328 Marriage of King Edward III and Philippa of Hainault

1465 George Neville's Enthronement as Archbishop of York

1483 Edward of Middleham created Prince of Wales

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 625. This year Paulinus was invested bishop of the Northumbrians, by Archbishop Justus, on the twelfth day before the calends of August.

On 19 Jul 627 Archbishop Paulinus of York was was appointed the first Bishop of York.

In 664 Bishop Wilfrid of York was consecrated Bishop of York.

Bede. 678. In the year of our Lord's incarnation 678, which is the eighth of the reign of Egfrid (age 33), in the month of August, appeared a star, called a comet, which continued for three months, rising in the morning, and darting out, as it were, a pillar of radiant flame. The same year a dissension broke out between King Egfrid and the most reverend prelate, Wilfrid, who was driven from his see, and two bishops substituted in his stead, to preside over the nation of the Northumbrians, namely, Bosa, to preside over the nation of the Deiri; and Eata over that of the Bernicians; the latter having his see in the city of York [Map], the former in the church of Hagulstad [Map], or else Lindisfarne [Map]; both of them promoted to the episcopal dignity from a society of monks. With them also was Edhed ordained bishop in the province of Lindsey, which King Egfrid had but newly subdued, having overcome and vanquished Wulfhere; and this was the first bishop of its own which tliat province had; the second was Ethelwin; the third Eadgar; the fourth Cynebert, who is there at present. Before Edhed, Sexwulf was bishop as well of that province, as of the Mercians and Midland Angles; so that when expelled from Lindsey, he continued in the government of those provinces. Edhed, Bosa, and Eata, were ordained at York [Map] by Archbishop Theodore (age 76); who also, three years after the departure of Wilfrid, added two bishops to their number; Trumbert, in the church of Hagulstad [Map], Eata still continuing in that of Lindisfarne; and Trumwine in the province of the Picts, which at that time was subject to the English. Edhed returning from Lindsey, because Ethelred had recovered that province, was placed by him over the church of Ripon.

In 678 Bishop Bosa of York was appointed Bishop of York.

In 691 Bishop Bosa of York was appointed Bishop of York.

Bede. Bertwald succeeded Theodore in the archbishopric, being abbot of the monastery called Racuulfe [Map], which stands at the northern mouth of the river Genlade. He was a man learned in the Scriptures, and perfectly instructed in ecclesiastical and monastic teaching, yet in no wise to be compared to his predecessor. He was chosen bishop in the year of our Lord 692, on the first day of July, when Wictred (age 22) and Suaebhard were kings in Kent; but he was ordained the next year, on Sunday the 29th of June, by Godwin, metropolitan bishop of Gaul, and was enthroned on Sunday the 31st of August. Among the many bishops whom he ordained was Tobias, a man instructed in the Latin, Greek, and Saxon tongues, and otherwise of manifold learning, whom he consecrated in the stead of Gedmund, bishop of the Church of Rochester, who had died.

On 01 Jul 692 Archbishop Berhtwald was elected Archbishop of York.

On 31 Aug 693 Archbishop Berhtwald was enthroned Archbishop of York.

On 24 Apr 767 Archbishop Æthelbert of York was consecrated Archbishop of York.

In 931 Archbishop Wulfstan was appointed Archbishop of York.

In 958 Archbishop Oscytel was elected Archbishop of York.

In 972 Archbishop Oswald was elected Archbishop of York.

In 992 Archbishop Ealdwulf was elected Archbishop of York and Bishop of Worcester.

Vesta Monumenta. Plate 2. Engraving of The Horn of Ulf.

Plate 1.2 of Vetusta Monumenta depicts an early eleventh-century Viking charter horn made from elephant tusk (possibly by Islamic craftsmen) in Salerno, Italy, with new silver mounts added in 1675. The horn was given to York Minster [Map] c. 1036 to symbolize a gift of land from Ulphus or Ulf Toraldsson. Engraving by George Vertue after B. M. 281 x 389 mm. Published by the Society of Antiquaries of London in 1718. Current location: York Minster, York, UK [Map].

Above the Horn: Cornu antiquum Icone hac duplò undique ad amussim majus, in Templo D. Petri. Ebor. asservatur A.D. MDCCXVIII. Ecclesiӕ, uti creditur, sub initio Sӕculi XI oblatum. [An ancient horn in all respects exactly twice the size of this image, in the Church of St Peter, York. Recorded in the year 1718. It is believed to have been bestowed on the minster at the beginning of the 11th century.]

Center, Left: A / CORNV HOC VLPHVS IN OCCIDENTALI PARTE DEIRӔ PRINCEPS VNA CVM OMNIBVS TERRIS ET REDDITIBVS SVIS OLIM DONAVIT AMISSVM VEL ABREPTVM. [Ulf, ruler of the western region of Deira, gave [the Church] this horn—which for a time was lost or stolen—together with all his lands and incomes.]

Center, Right: B / HENRICVS D.SFAIRFAX DEMVM RESTITVIT DEC & CAP. DE NOVO ORNAVIT AN.o DOM. 1675. [Henry, Lord Fairfax, eventually restored it. The dean and chapter decorated it anew in the year 1675.]

Bottom: Ex Collectione Samuelis Gale. / Sumptibus Societatis Antiquariӕ Lond [From the collection of Samuel Gale. / At the expense of the Antiquarian Society Lond[on]

In 1041 Bishop Æthelwine was consecrated Archbishop of York. Possibly Bishop.

On 11 Jan 1041 Bishop Æthelric was consecrated Bishop of Durham at York Minster [Map].

In 1051 Archbishop Cynesige was appointed Archbishop of York.

Ealdred Appointed Archbishop of York

On 25 Dec 1060 Archbishop Ealdred was appointed Archbishop of York.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1068. This year King William (age 40) gave Earl Robert the earldom over Northumberland; but the landsmen attacked him in the town of Durham, County Durham [Map], and slew him, and nine hundred men with him. Soon afterwards Edgar Etheling (age 17) came with all the Northumbrians to York; and the townsmen made a treaty with him: but King William came from the South unawares on them with a large army, and put them to flight, and slew on the spot those who could not escape; which were many hundred men; and plundered the town. St. Peter's minster [Map] he made a profanation, and all other places also he despoiled and trampled upon; and the etheling went back again to Scotland. After this came Harold's sons from Ireland, about midsummer, with sixty-four ships into the mouth of the Taft, where they unwarily landed: and Earl Breon came unawares against them with a large army, and fought with them, and slew there all the best men that were in the fleet; and the others, being small forces, escaped to the ships: and Harold's sons went back to Ireland again.

Murder of Robert de Comines Earl Northumbria

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1069. This year died Aldred, Archbishop of York; and he is there buried, at his see [Map]. He died on the day of Protus and Hyacinthus, having held the see with much dignity ten years wanting only fifteen weeks. Soon after this came from Denmark three of the sons of King Sweyne (age 50) with two hundred and forty ships, together with Earl Esborn and Earl Thurkill, into the Humber; where they were met by the child Edgar (age 18), and Earl Waltheof, and Merle-Sweyne, and Earl Gospatric with the Northumbrians, and all the landsmen; riding and marching full merrily with an immense army: and so all unanimously advanced to York; where they stormed and demolished the castle, and won innumerable treasures therein; slew there many hundreds of Frenchmen, and led many with them to the ships; but, ere that the shipmen came thither, the Frenchmen had burned the city, and also the holy minster of St. Peter [Map] had they entirely plundered, and destroyed with fire. When the king heard this, then went he northward with all the force that he could collect, despoiling and laying waste the shire withal; whilst the fleet lay all the winter in the Humber, where the king could not come at them. The king was in York on Christmas Day, and so all the winter on land, and came to Winchester at Easter. Bishop Egelric, who was at Peterborough, was this year betrayed, and led to Westminster; and his brother Egelwine was outlawed. This year also died Brand, Abbot of Peterborough, on the fifth before the calends of December.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1070. The same year Thomas, who was chosen Bishop of York, came to Canterbury, to be invested there after the ancient custom. But when Landfranc (age 65) craved confirmation of his obedience with an oath, he refused; and said, that he ought not to do it. Whereupon Archbishop Landfranc was wroth, and bade the bishops, who were come thither by Archbishop Landfranc's command to do the service, and all the monks to unrobe themselves. And they by his order so did. Thomas, therefore, for the time, departed without consecration. Soon after this, it happened that the Archbishop Landfranc went to Rome, and Thomas with him. When they came thither, and had spoken about other things concerning which they wished to speak, then began Thomas his speech: how he came to Canterbury, and how the archbishop required obedience of him with an oath; but he declined it. Then began the Archbishop Landfranc to show with clear distinction, that what he craved he craved by right; and with strong arguments he confirmed the same before the Pope Alexander, and before all the council that was collected there; and so they went home. After this came Thomas to Canterbury; and all that the archbishop required of him he humbly fulfilled, and afterwards received consecration.

John of Worcester. 24 Jun 1070. The feast of St. John the Baptist being near, earl Asbiorn sailed to Denmark with the fleet which had wintered in the Humber; but his brother Sweyn (age 51) outlawed him, because he had accepted money from king William (age 42), to the great regret of the Danes. Edric, surnamed the Forester, a man of the most resolute courage, of whom we have spoken before, was reconciled with king William. After this, the king summoned from Normandy Lanfranc (age 65), abbot of Caen, a Lombard by birth, a man of unbounded learning, master of the liberal arts, and of both sacred and secular literature, and of the greatest prudence in counsel and the administration of worldly affairs; and on the day of the Assumption of St. Mary, appointed him archbishop of Canterbury, causing him to be consecrated at Canterbury on the feast of St. John the Baptist, being Sunday. He was consecrated by Giso, bishop of Wells, and Walter, bishop of Hereford, who were both ordained at Rome by pope Nicholas, when Aldred, archbishop of York, received the pallium,—for he evaded being ordained by Stigand, who then held the archbishopric of Canterbury, knowing him not to have received the pallium canonically. Bishop Heriman, who had already transferred the seat of his bishopric from Sherbourne to Salisbury, also assisted at his consecration, with some others. Afterwards, Lanfranc consecrated Thomas, archbishop of York. The suit of the reverend Wulfstan (age 62), bishop of Worcester, was again prosecuted, there being now a bishop who could advocate the cause of the church of York; and the affair was, by the aid of God's grace, decided at a council held at a place called Pedred, before the king, archbishop Lanfranc, and the bishops, abbots, earls, and lords of all England. All the groundless assertions by which Thomas and his abettors strove to humble the church of Worcester, and reduce her to subjection and servitude to the church of York, were, by God's just judgement, entirely refuted and negatived by written documents, so that Wulfstan not only recovered the possessions he claimed, but, by God's goodness, and the king's assent, regained for his see all the immunities and privileges freely granted to it by its first founders, the holy king Ethered, Oshere, sub-king of the Hwiccas, and the other kings of Mercia, Cenred, Ethelbald, Offa, Kenulf, Edward the Elder, Athelstan, Edmund, Edred, and Edgar.

Flowers of History. 08 Apr 1071. A general council of the kingdom of England was held, to discuss the question of the primacy of the church of Canterbury, as superior to the church of York, on the eighth of April. And at last it was decreed that the archbishop of Canterbury had the preeminence, and that the archbishop of York was subordinate to him in everything.

Accord of Winchester

In 1072 the Accord of Winchester established the primacy of the Archbishop of Canterbury over the Archbishop of York. It was signed by ...

King William "Conqueror" I of England (age 44) and Matilda Flanders Queen Consort England (age 41).

Archbishop Stigand.

Archbishop Ealdred who signed "I concede" whereas other signatories signed "I subscribe".

Bishop Wulfstan (age 64).

Herfast Bishop Chancellor.

In 1100 Archbishop Gerard was appointed Archbishop of York.

On 23 May 1100 Archbishop Thomas of Bayeux was elected Archbishop of York.

In Aug 1114 Archbishop Thurstan (age 44) was elected Archbishop of York.

Florence of Worcester. 1128. Thurstan (age 58), the archbishop, consecrated at York [Map], Robert, who had been intruded by Alexander, king of Scots, on the petition of David, his brother and successor, into the see of St. Andrew's. The archbishop had called in Ralph (age 68), bishop of Durham, and one Ralph, formerly ordained bishop of the Orkney islands, to be his coadjutors in the ceremony. This Ralph having been ordained without the election or consent of the lord of the land, or of the clergy and people, was rejected by all of them, and acknowledged as bishop by no one. Being bishop of no city, he attached himself sometimes to the archbishop of York, sometimes to the bishop of Durham; he was supported by them, and employed by both as coadjutor in the performance of their episcopal functions.2 Robert, being consecrated by these bishops, was not permitted by the Scots, as it is reported, to make any profession of submission or obedience to the church of York or its bishop, although he was a canon of that church.

Note 2. This accounts for this Ralph's being called "bishop of Durham,' by Henry of Huntingdon and Roger of Wendover, who seem to have lost sight of his original and proper designation. The ubiquitous bishop forms a distinguished figure in the group sketched by the former author before the battle of the Standard, A.D. 1138, in which we are informed he was commissioned by the archbishop of York to supply his place. Henry of Huntingdon represents him as standing on a hillock, and addressing the army before the battle in a florid discourse, which the historian has preserved. See pp. 267—269, in the Antiq. Lib.

On 07 Dec 1147 Archbishop Henry Murdac was consecrated Archbishop of York by the future Pope Eugene III.

On 14 Oct 1153 Archbishop Henry Murdac died at Beverley [Map]. He was buried at York Minster [Map].

In 1191 Archbishop Geoffrey Plantagenet (age 39) was appointed Archbishop of York.

On 10 Nov 1215 Archbishop Walter Grey (age 35) was elected Archbishop of York.

On 25 or 26 Dec 1251 King Alexander III of Scotland (age 10) and Margaret Queen of Scotland (age 11) were married at York Minster [Map]. She by marriage Queen Consort Scotland. The couple remained in York until Jan 1252 after which they travelled to Edinburgh [Map]. She the daughter of King Henry III of England (age 44) and Eleanor of Provence Queen Consort England (age 28). He the son of King Alexander II of Scotland and Marie Coucy (age 33). They were half fourth cousins. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.

On 15 Oct 1266 Archbishop Walter Giffard (age 41) was appointed Archbishop of York.

On 01 Nov 1266 Archbishop Walter Giffard (age 41) was enthroned as Archbishop of York.

On 22 Apr 1279 Archbishop Walter Giffard (age 54) died at York [Map]. He was buried at York Minster [Map].

On 09 Jan 1284 Bishop Antony Bek (age 39) was consecrated Bishop of Durham at which time he also had the remains of Saint William of York moved to a new shrine in York Minster [Map].

On 29 Oct 1285 John le Romeyn Archbishop of York (age 55) was elected Archbishop of York.

On 10 Feb 1286 John le Romeyn Archbishop of York (age 56) was consecrated Archbishop of York by Latino Malabranca Orsini Cardinal in Rome, Italy [Map].

On 09 Jun 1286 Latino Malabranca Orsini Cardinal was enthroned Archbishop of York.

In Jan 1315 Archbishop William Melton (age 40) was elected Archbishop of York.

In Sep 1317 Archbishop William Melton (age 42) was consecrated Archbishop of York at Avignon [Map].

Marriage of King Edward III and Philippa of Hainault

Froissart Book 1 Chapter 19. 24 Jan 1328. It was not long after but that the king (age 15) and the queen (age 33) his mother, the earl of Kent (age 26) his uncle, the earl of Lancaster (age 47), sir Roger Mortimer (age 40) and all the barons of England, and by the advice of the king's council, they sent a bishop1 and two knights bannerets, with two notable clerks, to sir John of Hainault (age 40), praying him to be a mean that their lord the young king of England might have in marriage one of the earl's (age 42) daughters of Hainault, his brother, named Philippa (age 13); for the king and all the nobles of the realm had rather have her than any other lady, for the love of him. Sir John of Hainault lord Beaumont feasted and honoured greatly these ambassadors, and brought them to Valenciennes to the earl his brother, who honourably received them and made them such cheer, that it were over long here to rehearse. And when they had skewed the content of their message, the earl said, 'Sirs, I thank greatly the king your prince and the queen his mother and all other lords of England, sith they have sent such sufficient personages as ye be to do me such honour as to treat for the marriage; to the which request I am well agreed, if our holy father the pope (age 84) will consent thereto'-. with the which answer these ambassadors were right well content. Then they sent two knights and two clerks incontinent to the pope, to Avignon [Map], to purchase a dispensation for this marriage to be had; for without the pope's licence they might not marry, for [by] the lineage of France they were so near of kin as at the third degree, for the two mothers [Note. Isabella of France Queen Consort England and Joan Valois Countess Zeeland Holland Avesnes and Hainault (age 34)] were cousin-germans issued of two brethren2. And when these ambassadors were come to the pope, and their requests and considerations well heard, our holy father the pope with all the whole college consented to this marriage, and so feasted them. And then they departed and came again to Valenciennes with their bulls. Then this marriage was concluded and affirmed on both parties. Then was there devised and purveyed for their apparel and for all things honourable that belonged to such a lady, who should be queen of England: and there this princess was married by a sufficient procuration brought from the king of England; and after all feasts and triumphs done, then this young queen entered into the sea at Wissant [Map], and arrived with all her company at Dover, Kent [Map]. And sir John of Hainault lord Beaumont, her uncle, did conduct her to the city of London, where there was made great feast, and many nobles of England,... queen was crowned. And there was also great jousts, tourneys, dancing, carolling and great feasts every day, the which endured the, space of three weeks. The English chronicle saith this marriage and coronation of the queen was done at York [Map] with much honour, the Sunday in the even of the Conversion of Saint Paul, in the year of our Lord MCCCXXVII. In the which chronicle is shewed many other things of the ruling of the realm, and of the death of king Edward of Caernarvon, and divers other debates that were within the realm, as in the same chronicle more plainly it appeareth: the which the author of this book speaketh no word of, because peradventure he knew it not; for it was hard for a stranger to know all things. But according to his writing this young queen Philippa abode still in England with a small company of any persons of her own country, saving one who was named Watelet of Manny (age 18), who abode still with the queen and was, her carver, and after did so many great prowesses in divers places, that it were hard to make mention of them all.

Note 1. This should be: 'And the other barons of England who had continued to be of the council of the king sent a bishop,' etc. Or according to a better text, ' took advice to marry him. So they sent a bishop,' etc.

Note 2. The meaning is that the kinship came by the relationship of both to the house of France. The mother of Edward was daughter of Philip the Fair and the mother of Philippa was daughter of Charles I of Valois [who were brothers; Edward and Philippa were second cousins].

On 24 Jan 1328 King Edward III of England (age 15) and Philippa of Hainault (age 13) were married at York Minster [Map]. She by marriage Queen Consort England. She was crowned the same day. She the daughter of William Hainault I Count Hainault III Count Avesnes III Count Holland II Count Zeeland (age 42) and Joan Valois Countess Zeeland Holland Avesnes and Hainault (age 34). He the son of King Edward II of England and Isabella of France Queen Consort England (age 33). They were second cousins. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Stephen I England.

The marriage was the quid pro quo for her father William Hainault I Count Hainault III Count Avesnes III Count Holland II Count Zeeland having supported his mother Isabella of France Queen Consort England and Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March (age 40) returning to England to usurp the throne of Edward's father King Edward II of England.

On 16 Feb 1337 William of Hatfield was born to King Edward III of England (age 24) and Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England (age 22) at Hatfield [Map]. He died shortly afterwards around 03 Mar 1337. He was buried at York Minster [Map] where there is a monument to him in the north aisle. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.00%.

On 02 May 1340 Archbishop William Zouche was appointed Archbishop of York.

On 19 Jul 1352 Archbishop William Zouche died at Cawood, North Yorkshire [Map]. He was buried at York Minster [Map].

In Nov 1373 Archbishop Alexander Neville (age 32) was elected Archbishop of York.

On 14 Apr 1374 Archbishop Alexander Neville (age 33) was appointed Archbishop of York.

On 18 Dec 1374 Archbishop Alexander Neville (age 33) was consecrated as Archbishop of York at York Minster [Map].

On 03 Apr 1388 Archbishop Thomas Fitzalan aka Arundel (age 35) was appointed Archbishop of York at a time when Richard II was, in effect, suspended from rule.

On 05 Oct 1396 Archibishop Robert Waldby was appointed Archbishop of York.

Around May 1398 Archbishop Richard Scrope (age 48) was appointed Archbishop of York.

After 08 Jun 1405 Archbishop Richard Scrope (deceased) was buried at York Minster [Map].

Before 1425 Bishop William Grey aka Gray was appointed Dean of York.

On 18 Sep 1452 John Scrope (age 30) died. He was buried at York Minster [Map].

In 1464 Archbishop William Booth (age 76) was appointed Archbishop of York.

On 17 Jun 1465 Archbishop George Neville (age 33) was translated to Archbishop of York.

George Neville's Enthronement as Archbishop of York

In 1476 Archbishop Lawrence Booth (age 56) was translated to Archbishop of York.

In 1480 Archbishop Thomas Rotherham (age 56) was appointed Archbishop of York.

Edward of Middleham created Prince of Wales

On 08 Sep 1483 Edward York Prince of Wales (age 9) was created Prince of Wales and 1st Earl Chester at York Minster [Map]. His parents Richard III (age 30) and Anne Neville (age 27) attended as did Edward Stafford 2nd Earl Wiltshire (age 13).

Edward "Last Plantagenet" York 17th Earl Warwick (age 8) and John York (age 12) were knighted.

Note. Hall's Chronicle places the date at 05 Jul 1483.

In 1488 Christopher Urswick (age 40) was appointed Dean of York.

On 18 Jan 1501 Archbishop Thomas Savage (age 52) was appointed Archbishop of York.

In 1506 Archbishop Thomas Rotherham was buried at York Minster [Map].

In 1531 Archbishop Edward Lee (age 49) was appointed Archbishop of York.

On 16 Jan 1545 Archbishop Robert Holgate (age 63) was translated to Archbishop of York.

In 1555 Archbishop Nicholas Heath (age 54) was appointed Archbishop of York.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 05 Jul 1559. The v day of July was deposyd of ther byshopeprykes the archebyshope of Yorke doctur Heth (age 58), and the bysshope of Ely docthur Thurlbe (age 53), at my lord treysorer('s) (age 76) plasse at Frers Augustyne.

On 16 Mar 1560 Richard Goldthorpe died. He was buried at York Minster [Map].

Before 12 Aug 1560 Dean William May died. He had been elected Archbishop of York the same day.

On 27 Jan 1561 Archbishop Thomas Young (age 54) was elected Archbishop of York.

After 26 Jun 1568 Archbishop Thomas Young (deceased) was buried in the Choir of York Minster [Map].

In 1570 Archbishop Edmund Grindal (age 51) was consecrated Archbishop of York.

In 1576 Archbishop Edwin Sandys (age 57) was consecrated Archbishop of York.

In 1631 Richard Neale Archbishop (age 68) was elected Archbishop of York.

In 1640 John Williams Archbishop of York (age 57) was appointed Archbishop of York.

In 1660 Accepted Frewen Archbishop York (age 71) was elected Archbishop of York.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 04 Oct 1660. This morning I was busy looking over papers at the office all alone, and being visited by Lieut. Lambert (age 41) of the Charles (to whom I was formerly much beholden), I took him along with me to a little alehouse hard by our office, whither my cozen Thomas Pepys the turner had sent for me to show me two gentlemen that had a great desire to be known to me, one his name is Pepys, of our family, but one that I never heard of before, and the other a younger son of Sir Tho. Bendishes, and so we all called cozens. After sitting awhile and drinking, my two new cozens, myself, and Lieut. Lambert went by water to Whitehall, and from thence I and Lieut. Lambert to Westminster Abbey, where we saw Dr. Frewen (age 72) translated to the Archbishoprick of York. Here I saw the Bishops of Winchester (age 71), Bangor (age 75), Rochester (age 79), Bath and Wells (age 80), and Salisbury (age 68), all in their habits, in King Henry Seventh's chappell [Map]. But, Lord! at their going out, how people did most of them look upon them as strange creatures, and few with any kind of love or respect.

On 28 Apr 1664 Archbishop Richard Sterne (age 68) was elected Archbishop of York.

In 1677 Tobias Wickham (age 57) was appointed Dean of York.

In 1683 Archbishop John Dolben (age 58) was appointed Archbishop of York.

John Evelyn's Diary. 19 Aug 1683. I went to Bromley to visit our Bishop (age 58), and excellent neighbor, and to congratulate his now being made Archbishop of York. On the 28th, he came to take his leave of us, now preparing for his journey and residence in his province.

On 24 Feb 1685 Charles Howard 1st Earl Carlisle (age 56) died. He was buried at York Minster [Map]. His son Edward Howard 2nd Earl Carlisle (age 38) succeeded 2nd Earl Carlisle. Elizabeth Uvedale Countess Carlisle by marriage Countess Carlisle.

On 27 Dec 1685 Henriette Stanley Countess Strafford (age 55) died. She was buried at York Minster [Map].

In 1688 Archbishop Thomas Lamplugh (age 73) was translated to Archbishop of York.

In 1691 Archbishop John Sharp (age 45) was appointed Archbishop of York.

In 1697 Error: [2] Undefined array key "PWto3Ipv"
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