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Culture, Royalty of England Great Britain and the United Kingdom, King of England

King of England is in King.

939 Death of King Athelstan

946 Death of King Edmund

955 Death of King Eadred

959 Death of King Eadwig

975 Death of King Edgar Peaceful

978 Murder of King Edward the Martyr

1014 Death of King Sweyn "Forkbeard"

1016 Death of King Æthelred "Unready"

1016 Coronation of Edmund Ironside

1017 Coronation of Cnut

1035 Death of Canute

1042 Death of King Harthacnut

1043 Coronation of Edward the Confessor

1066 Coronation of King Harold

1066 Coronation of William The Conqueror

1087 King William "The Conqueror" Dies King William II Succeeds

1100 Death of William II Accession of Henry I

1100 Coronation of Henry I

1135 Coronation of King Stephen

1154 Death of King Stephen

1154 Coronation of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine

1189 Death of King Henry II

1189 Coronation of Richard I

1194 Richard I Re-crowned

1199 Death of Richard I

1199 Coronation of King John

1216 Death of King John

1216 Gloucester Coronation of Henry III

1220 Westminster Coronation of Henry III

1272 Death of Henry III

1274 Coronation Edward I

1294 Siege of Conwy Castle

1307 Death of King Edward I

1308 Coronation of Edward II and Isabella

1327 Abdication of Edward II

1327 Coronation of Edward III

1377 Death of King Edward III

1377 Coronation of Richard II

1399 Abdication of Richard II

1399 Coronation of Henry IV

1413 Death of King Henry IV Accession of Henry V

1413 Coronation of Henry V

1422 Death of Henry V

1429 English Coronation of Henry VI

1461 Coronation of Edward IV

1470 King Henry VI Restored

1483 Death of King Edward IV

1483 Coronation of Richard III

1485 Battle of Bosworth

1485 Coronation of Henry VII

1509 Death of Henry VII

1509 Coronation of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon

1547 Death of Henry VIII Accession of Edward VI

1547 Coronation of Edward VI

1553 Death of King Edward VI

1553 Coronation of Mary I

1558 Death of Mary I

1559 Coronation of Elizabeth I

Death of King Athelstan

On 27 Oct 939 King Æthelstan I of England (age 45) died in Gloucester [Map]. His half brother King Edmund I of England (age 18) succeeded King of England.

Death of King Edmund

On 26 May 946 King Edmund I of England (age 25) was murdered by Leofa, an exiled thief, whilst attending mass at Pucklechurch, Gloucestershire. He was buried at Glastonbury Abbey [Map]. His brother King Eadred I of England succeeded I King of England.

Death of King Eadred

On 23 Nov 955 King Eadred I of England died. His nephew King Eadwig I of England succeeded I King of England.

Death of King Eadwig

On 01 Oct 959 King Eadwig I of England died. He was buried at Winchester, Hampshire [Map]. His brother King Edgar I of England (age 16) succeeded I King of England.

Death of King Edgar Peaceful

On 08 Jul 975 King Edgar I of England (age 32) died at Winchester, Hampshire [Map]. He was buried in Glastonbury Abbey [Map]. His son King Edward I of England (age 13) succeeded I King of England.

Murder of King Edward the Martyr

On 18 Mar 978 King Edward I of England (age 16) was murdered at Corfe Castle, Dorset [Map] when visiting his younger half-brother Æthelred (age 12) and his [Æthelred's] mother Aelfthryth (age 33). He was buried in Wareham, Dorset [Map] without ceremony. His half brother King Æthelred II of England succeeded II King of England.

Death of King Sweyn "Forkbeard"

On 03 Feb 1014 Sweyn "Forkbeard" King of Denmark, Norway and England (age 54) died. His son Harald King Denmark succeeded King Denmark. There was a dispute as to who succeeded to the Kingdom of England with some supporting King Æthelred II of England (age 48) and some King Canute of England (age 19).

Death of King Æthelred "Unready"

On 23 Apr 1016 King Æthelred II of England (age 50) died. His son King Edmund "Ironside" I of England (age 26) succeeded I King of England although tthe Witan meeting at Southampton chose King Canute of England (age 21).

Coronation of Edmund Ironside

After 23 Apr 1016 King Edmund "Ironside" I of England (age 26) was crowned I King of England by Archbishop Ælfstan aka Lyfing. His reign lasted seven months.

Coronation of Cnut

In 1017 King Canute of England (age 22) was crowned King of England by Archbishop Ælfstan aka Lyfing.

Death of Canute

On 12 Nov 1035 King Canute of England (age 40) died at Shaftesbury, Dorset. His son Harold "Harefoot" King England (age 19) succeeded King of England.

Harold "Harefoot" King England succeeded King of England.

On 17 Mar 1040 Harold "Harefoot" King England (age 24) died at Oxford, Oxfordshire [Map]. His half brother King Harthacnut of Denmark and England (age 22) succeeded King of England.

Death of King Harthacnut

On 08 Jun 1042 King Harthacnut of Denmark and England (age 24) died. His half brother King Edward of England (age 39) succeeded King of England.

Coronation of Edward the Confessor

On 03 Apr 1043 King Edward of England (age 40) was crowned King of England at Winchester Cathedral [Map] by Archbishop Eadsige.

Coronation of King Harold

On 06 Jan 1066 King Harold II of England (age 44) was crowned II King of England having been selected by the Witan at Westminster Abbey [Map]. Harold quick to be crowned the day after the death of Edward the Confessor.

On 15 Oct 1066 King Edgar Ætheling II of England (age 15) was appointed II King of England.

Coronation of William The Conqueror

On 25 Dec 1066 King William "Conqueror" I of England (age 38) was crowned I King of England at Westminster Abbey [Map] by Archbishop Ealdred.

King William "The Conqueror" Dies King William II Succeeds

On 09 Sep 1087 King William "Conqueror" I of England (age 59) died at the Priory of St Gervaise, Rouen [Map]. He was buried at the Abbaye aux Hommes, Caen [Map], at a ceremony presided over by Gilbert Arques Bishop Evreux. King Henry I "Beauclerc" England (age 19) attended. His son King William II of England (age 31) succeeded II King of England. His son Robert Curthose III Duke Normandy (age 36) succeeded III Duke Normandy.

On 26 Sep 1087 King William II of England (age 31) was crowned II King of England.

Death of William II Accession of Henry I

On 02 Aug 1100 King William II of England (age 44) was killed whilst hunting, not known whether accidentally or otherwise, in the New Forest, Hampshire. His brother King Henry I "Beauclerc" England (age 32) succeeded I King of England. The brothers Robert Beaumont 1st Earl of Leicester Count Meulan (age 60) and Henry Beaumont 1st Earl Warwick (age 50), and Roger de Clare (age 34) and Gilbert de Clare (age 34) were present.

Coronation of Henry I

On 05 Aug 1100 King Henry I "Beauclerc" England (age 32) was crowned I King of England by Bishop Maurice at Westminster Abbey [Map].

Coronation of King Stephen

In Dec 1135 King Stephen I England (age 41) was crowned King of England by Archibishop of Canterbury William de Corbeil (age 65).

The date of his coronation described differently by many Chroniclers:

Florence of Worcester: "on the thirteenth of the calends of January" i.e. 20 Dec 1135.

Orderic Vitalis: "on the eighteenth of the calends of January" i.e. 15 Dec 1135; the editor provided a note suggesting this date is incorrect and the correct date is the 26 Dec 1135.

The Annals of Winchester: "on the 22nd day after the death of his uncle, on the 1st of January." We should note that if King Henry died on the 1st December this date would refer to the 22nd or 23rd of December.

Roger of Wendover's Flowers of History: "on the day of the proto-martyr St. Stephen" i.e. 26 Dec 1135.

Chronicle of Richard Baker: "and so upon St. Stephen's day, in Anno 1135" i.e. 26 Dec 1135.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: "on midwinter day" i.e. probably 20th or 21st of December but possibly the 25th.

Matthew Paris Chronica Majora: "on the Feast of Saint Stephen" i.e. 26 Dec 1135.

Death of King Stephen

On 25 Oct 1154 King Stephen I England (age 60) died at Priory of St Martin, Dover [Map]. His first cousin once removed King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 21) succeeded II King of England.

Coronation of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine

On 19 Dec 1154 King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 21) was crowned II King of England at Westminster Abbey [Map]. Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 32) was crowned Queen Consort England. Archbishop Theobald of Bec (age 64) presided.

Death of King Henry II

On 06 Jul 1189 King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 56) died at Chinon Castle [Map]. William Mandeville 3rd Earl Essex Count Aumale was present. He was buried at Fontevraud Abbey [Map]. His son King Richard "Lionheart" I of England (age 31) succeeded I King of England.

Coronation of Richard I

On 03 Sep 1189 King Richard "Lionheart" I of England (age 31) was crowned I King of England by Archbishop Baldwin Avigo (age 64) at Westminster Abbey [Map]. William Mandeville 3rd Earl Essex Count Aumale carried the Crown. The Coronation of Richard I was marred by violence against London's Jewish population. Prior to his Coronation Richard had issued a proclamation forbidding Jews to attend. When some did a riot broke out, which spread.

Richard I Re-crowned

On 11 Mar 1194 King Richard "Lionheart" I of England (age 36) was re-crowned I King of England at Winchester Cathedral [Map]. Bishop William de Vere was present.

Death of Richard I

On 06 Apr 1199 King Richard "Lionheart" I of England (age 41) was besieging Châlus Chabrol Castle, Domfront. During the course of the evening King Richard "Lionheart" I of England was shot by a crossbow. The wound quickly became gangrenous; Richard died in the arms of his mother Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 77). His brother King John of England (age 32) succeeded I King of England.

There was a brother between Richard and John named Geoffrey Duke of Brittany who had a son Arthur (age 12), who was around twelve, and a daughter Eleanor (age 15), who was around fifteen, whose mother was Constance Penthièvre Duchess Brittany (age 38).

King Philip II of France (age 33) had planned for Eleanor to marry his son, probably to bring Brittany into the French Royal family, possibly to pursue a claim on England.

King Philip II of France supported Arthur's claim to the English throne. In the resulting war Arthur was captured, imprisoned and never seen again. Eleanor was captured, probably around the same time as Arthur, and imprisoned, more or less, for the remainder of her life, even after King John's death through the reign of King Henry III since she represented a threat to Henry's succession.

Coronation of King John

On 27 May 1199 King John of England (age 32) was crowned I King of England by Archbishop Hubert Walter (age 39) at Westminster Abbey [Map]. Bishop Herbert Poore attended.

Death of King John

On 19 Oct 1216 King John of England (age 49) died at Newark Castle, Nottinghamshire [Map]. His son King Henry III of England (age 9) succeeded III King of England.

John Monmouth (age 34) was present.

On his deathbed, John appointed a council of thirteen executors to help Henry reclaim the kingdom and requested that his son be placed into the guardianship of William Marshal 1st Earl Pembroke (age 70).

King John's will is the earliest English royal will to survive in its original form. The document is quite small, roughly the size of a postcard and the seals of those who were present at the time would have been attached to it. Translation of the will taken from an article by Professor S.D. Church in the English Historical Review, June 2010:

I, John, by the grace of God king of England, lord of Ireland, duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, count of Anjou, hindered by grave infirmity and not being able at this time of my infirmity to itemize all my things so that I may make a testament, commit the arbitration and administration of my testament to the trust and to the legitimate administration of my faithful men whose names are written below, without whose counsel, even in good health, I would have by no means arranged my testament in their presence, so that what they will faithfully arrange and determine concerning my things as much as in making satisfaction to God and to holy Church for damages and injuries done to them as in sending succour to the land of Jerusalem and in providing support to my sons towards obtaining and defending their inheritance and in making reward to those who have served us faithfully and in making distribution to the poor and to religious houses for the salvation of my soul, be right and sure. I ask, furthermore, that whoever shall give them counsel and assistance in the arranging of my testament shall receive the grace and favour of God. Whoever shall infringe their arrangement and disposition, may he incur the curse and indignation of almighty God and the blessed Mary and all the saints.

In the first place, therefore, I desire that my body be buried in the church of St Mary and St Wulfstan at Worcester. I appoint, moreover, the following arbiters and administrators: the lord Guala, by the grace of God, cardinal-priest of the title of St Martin and legate of the apostolic see; the lord Peter bishop of Winchester; the lord Richard bishop of Chichester; the lord Silvester bishop of Worcester; Brother Aimery de St-Maur; William Marshal earl of Pembroke; Ranulf earl of Chester; William earl Ferrers; William Brewer; Walter de Lacy and John of Monmouth; Savaric de Mauléon; Falkes de Bréauté.

The signatories were:

Guala Bicchieri (ca 1150 - 1227) Papal Legate.

Bishop Peter de Roches, Bishop of Winchester.

Richard le Poer (? - 1237), Bishop of Chichester.

Sylvester of Worcester, Bishop of Worcester.

Aimery de St-Maur (? -?1219), Master of the English Templars.

William Marshal 1st Earl Pembroke.

Ranulf de Blondeville Gernon 6th Earl Chester 1st Earl Lincoln (age 46).

William Ferrers 4th Earl of Derby (age 48).

William Brewer (? - 1226), 1st Baron Brewer.

Walter de Lacy (ca 1172-1241) Lord of Meath.

John: (1182 - 1248) Lord of Monmouth.

Savaric de Mauléon (? - 1236) Seneschal of Poitou from 1205.

Falkes de Bréauté (? - 1226) Seneschal of Cardiff Castle.

Gloucester Coronation of Henry III

On 28 Oct 1216 King Henry III of England (age 9) was crowned III King of England at Gloucester Cathedral [Map] during the Gloucester Coronation of Henry III at which Cardinal Guala Bicchieri (age 66) presided, Bishop Sylvester and Bishop Simon Apulia anointed the King. The coronation took place in Gloucester since London was at the time held by rebels. John Monmouth (age 34) was present.

Westminster Coronation of Henry III

On 17 May 1220 King Henry III of England (age 12) was crowned III King of England at Westminster Abbey [Map] since the Pope didn't consider the earlier Gloucester Coronation of Henry III to have been performed correctly. Archbishop Stephen Langton (age 70) presided.

Death of Henry III

On 16 Nov 1272 King Henry III of England (age 65) died at Westminster [Map]. His son King Edward I of England (age 33) succeeded I King of England. Eleanor of Castile Queen Consort England (age 31) by marriage Queen Consort England.

Coronation Edward I

On 19 Aug 1274 King Edward I of England (age 35) was crowned I King of England at Westminster Abbey [Map]. Eleanor of Castile Queen Consort England (age 33) was crowned Queen Consort England.

King Alexander III of Scotland (age 32) and Margaret Queen of Scotland (age 33) attended.

Siege of Conwy Castle

In Dec 1294 Madog ap Llywelyn besieged King of England in Conwy Castle [Map] for three months.

Death of King Edward I

On 07 Jul 1307 King Edward I of England (age 68) died at Burgh by Sands [Map] whilst on his way north to Scotland. His son King Edward II of England (age 23) succeeded II King of England. Earl Chester merged with the Crown.

Edward had gathered around him Thomas Plantagenet 2nd Earl of Leicester, 2nd Earl Lancaster, Earl of Salisbury and Lincoln (age 29), Guy Beauchamp 10th Earl Warwick (age 35), Aymer de Valence 2nd Earl Pembroke (age 32) and Robert Clifford 1st Baron Clifford (age 33) and charged them with looking after his son in particular ensuring Piers Gaveston 1st Earl Cornwall (age 23) didn't return from exile.

Coronation of Edward II and Isabella

On 25 Feb 1308 King Edward II of England (age 23) was crowned II King of England at Westminster Abbey [Map] by Henry Woodlock, Bishop of Winchester. Isabella of France Queen Consort England (age 13) was crowned Queen Consort England.

Piers Gaveston 1st Earl Cornwall (age 24) carried the Royal Crown.

William Marshal 1st Baron Marshal (age 30) carried the Gilt Spurs.

Humphrey Bohun 4th Earl Hereford 3rd Earl Essex (age 32) carried the Royal Sceptre.

Henry Plantagenet 3rd Earl of Leicester 3rd Earl Lancaster (age 27) carried the Royal Rod.

Thomas Plantagenet 2nd Earl of Leicester, 2nd Earl Lancaster, Earl of Salisbury and Lincoln (age 30) carried the sword Curtana.

Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March (age 20) carried the table bearing the Royal Robes.

Thomas Grey (age 28) and Robert Fitzwalter 1st Baron Fitzwalter (age 61) attended.

Abdication of Edward II

On 25 Jan 1327 King Edward II of England (age 42) abdicated II King of England. His son King Edward III of England (age 14) succeeded III King of England.

Coronation of Edward III

On 01 Feb 1327 King Edward III of England (age 14) was crowned III King of England at Westminster Abbey [Map] by Archbishop Walter Reynolds.

Death of King Edward III

On 21 Jun 1377 King Edward III of England (age 64) died of a stroke at Sheen Palace [Map]. He was buried in the Chapel of St Edward the Confessor, Westminster Abbey [Map]. His grandson King Richard II of England (age 10) succeeded II King of England.Joan "Fair Maid of Kent" Princess Wales (age 48)

Coronation of Richard II

On 16 Jul 1377 King Richard II of England (age 10) was crowned II King of England at Westminster Abbey [Map] by Archbishop Simon Sudbury (age 61).

Richard Fitzalan 9th Earl of Surrey 4th or 11th Earl of Arundel (age 31) carried the Crown.

Guichard d'Angle 1st Earl Huntingdon was created 1st Earl Huntingdon for life.

John Mowbray 1st Earl Nottingham (age 11) was created 1st Earl Nottingham.

Edward 2nd Duke of York 1st Duke Albemarle (age 4) and Robert Harrington 3rd Baron Harington (age 21) were knighted.

Roger Scales 4th Baron Scales (age 23) attended.

Abdication of Richard II

On 29 Sep 1399 King Richard II of England (age 32) Abdicated II King of England at the Tower of London [Map]. William Ros 6th Baron Ros Helmsley (age 29), Thomas Grey (age 40), William Willoughby 5th Baron Willoughby (age 29), Hugh Burnell 2nd Baron Burnell (age 52) and Thomas Rempston were present.

On 30 Sep 1399 King Henry IV of England (age 32) became King of England usurping his cousin Richard II (age 32) and Richard's heir, the seven year old Edmund Mortimer 5th Earl of March (age 7) who was descended from Edward III's second son Lionel of Antwerp Duke of Clarence. This second usurption was to have far reaching consequences since it subsequently became the descent by which the House of York claimed precedence over the House of Lancaster being one of the causes of the Wars of the Roses.

Ralph Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland (age 35) was appointed Earl Marshal.

Coronation of Henry IV

On 13 Oct 1399 King Henry IV of England (age 32) was crowned IV King of England at Westminster Abbey [Map] by Archbishop Thomas Fitzalan aka Arundel (age 46).

Bishop Robert Braybrooke carried the sacraments and said mass. Duke Lancaster and Earl of Leicester Merged with the Crown.

The future King Henry V of England (age 13) carried the Sword Curtana. Thomas Beauchamp 12th Earl Warwick (age 61) and/or John Beaufort 1st Marquess Somerset and Dorset (age 26) carried a sword wrapped in red and bound with golden straps symbolising two-fold mercy. Henry Percy 1st Earl of Northumberland (age 57) carried the Lancaster Sword.

Thomas Percy 1st Earl of Worcester (age 56) carried the Steward's baton. Thomas Erpingham (age 44) carried a Sword.

Edmund Stafford 5th Earl Stafford (age 21) was appointed Knight of the Bath. John Lancaster 1st Duke Bedford (age 10), John Arundell (age 33) and Richard Beauchamp 13th Earl Warwick (age 17) were knighted.

Archbishop Richard Scrope (age 49) attended.

Earl Derby and Earl Lancaster merged with the Crown.

Death of King Henry IV Accession of Henry V

On 20 Mar 1413 King Henry IV of England (age 45) died in the Jerusalem Chamber, Cheyneygates, Westminster Abbey [Map] in Westminster Abbey confirming a prophesy that he would die in Jerusalem. His son King Henry V of England (age 26) succeeded V King of England. His sons King Henry V of England and Humphrey Lancaster 1st Duke Gloucester (age 22) were present. He was buried in the Chancel of Canterbury Cathedral [Map].

Coronation of Henry V

On 09 Apr 1413 King Henry V of England (age 26) was crowned V King of England by Archbishop Thomas Fitzalan aka Arundel (age 60) at Westminster Abbey [Map].

Richard Beauchamp 13th Earl Warwick (age 31) was appointed Lord High Steward. Henry Fitzhugh 3rd Baron Fitzhugh (age 55) was appointed Constable of England. Duke Lancaster merged with the Crown.

Death of Henry V

On 31 Aug 1422 King Henry V of England (age 36) died at Château de Vincennes, possibly from dysentery, possibly from heatstroke. John Sutton 1st Baron Dudley (age 21) brought the body back to England. His son King Henry VI of England and II of France succeeded VI King of England.

Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter (age 45) was appointed Governor to King Henry VI of England and II of France.

English Coronation of Henry VI

On 06 Nov 1429 King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 7) was crowned VI King of England by Cardinal Henry Beaufort (age 54) at Westminster Abbey [Map]. Richard Beauchamp 13th Earl Warwick (age 47) carried the child King. John Mowbray 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 14) attended. John Beaumont 1st Viscount Beaumont (age 20) was knighted.

Coronation of Edward IV

On 28 Jun 1461 King Edward IV of England (age 19) was crowned IV King of England by Cardinal Thomas Bourchier (age 43) who was assisted by Archbishop William Booth (age 73) at Westminster Abbey [Map] during the Coronation of Edward IV. Duke York, Earl March, Earl Ulster, Earl Cambridge, Baron Mortimer of Wigmore merged with the Crown.

King Henry VI Restored

On 03 Oct 1470 Henry VI (age 48) was re-adepted, ie restored, King of England.

Thomas Tresham (age 50) was released.

Death of King Edward IV

On 09 Apr 1483 King Edward IV of England (age 40) died at Westminster [Map]. His son King Edward V of England (age 12) succeeded V King of England. Those present included Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England (age 46), William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings (age 52) and Thomas Grey 1st Marquess Dorset (age 28).

Coronation of Richard III

On 06 Jul 1483 King Richard III of England (age 30) was crowned III King of England by Cardinal Thomas Bourchier (age 65) at Westminster Abbey [Map]. Anne Neville Queen Consort England (age 27) by marriage Queen Consort England. Duke Gloucester merged with the Crown.

John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 58) was appointed Lord High Steward. William Brandon (age 58), Thomas Fitzalan 10th or 17th Earl of Arundel (age 33), Thomas St Leger (age 43), Richard Hastings Baron Willoughby (age 50), Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England (age 46), Elizabeth York Duchess Suffolk (age 39), Giles Daubeney 1st Baron Daubeney (age 32) and Humphrey Dacre 1st Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 59) attended.

Robert Dymoke (age 22) attended as the Kings' Champion.

Edmund Grey 1st Earl Kent (age 66) carried The Pointed Sword of Justice. Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 40) carried the Crown. Francis Lovell 1st Viscount Lovell (age 27) carried the Third Sword of State. John de la Pole 2nd Duke of Suffolk (age 40) carried the Sceptre. John de la Pole 1st Earl Lincoln (age 21) carried the Cross and Ball. Henry Stafford 2nd Duke of Buckingham (age 28) carried the king's train. Edward Stafford 2nd Earl Wiltshire (age 13) bore the Queen's Crown.

Thomas Stanley 1st Earl of Derby (age 48) carried the Lord High Constable's Mace. Margaret Beaufort Countess Richmond (age 40) held Queen Anne's train. Henry Percy 4th Earl of Northumberland (age 34) carried The Blunt Sword of Mercy. Christopher Willoughby 10th Baron Willoughby (age 30) was appointed Knight of the Bath.

Humphrey Dacre 1st Baron Dacre Gilsland attended.

Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York (age 68) refused to attend the Coronation of Richard III. History doesn't record her reason.

Battle of Bosworth

On 22 Aug 1485 King Richard III of England (age 32) was killed during the Battle of Bosworth. His second cousin once removed Henry Tudor (age 28) succeeded VII King of England. Earl Richmond forfeit.

Humphrey Cotes (age 35) died. It isn't clear on which side he was fighting.

Those supporting Henry Tudor included:

John Blount 3rd Baron Mountjoy (age 35).

John Cheney 1st Baron Cheyne (age 43).

Richard Guildford (age 35).

Walter Hungerford (age 21).

Thomas Stanley 1st Earl of Derby (age 50).

John Wingfield.

Edward Woodville Lord Scales (age 29).

Edward Courtenay 1st Earl Devon (age 26).

Rhys ap Thomas Deheubarth (age 36).

Jasper Tudor 1st Duke Bedford (age 53).

William Beaumont 2nd Viscount Beaumont (age 47).

Giles Daubeney 1st Baron Daubeney (age 34).

William Stanley (age 50).

Roger Kynaston of Myddle and Hordley (age 52).

Henry Marney 1st Baron Marney (age 38).

William Brandon (age 29) was killed.

James Harrington (age 55) was killed.

John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 60) was killed and attainted. He was buried firstly at Thetford Priory, Norfolk [Map] and therafter at Church of St Michael the Archangel, Framlingham [Map]. Duke Norfolk, Baron Mowbray, Baron Segrave forfeit.

John Sacheverell (age 85) was killed.

Philibert Chandee 1st Earl Bath

William Norreys (age 44), Gilbert Talbot (age 33), John de Vere 13th Earl of Oxford (age 42) and John Savage (age 41) commanded,.

Robert Poyntz (age 35) was knighted.

Those who fought for Richard III included:

John Bourchier 6th Baron Ferrers of Groby (age 47).

John Conyers (age 74).

Thomas Dacre 2nd Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 17).

William Berkeley 1st Marquess Berkeley (age 59).

Richard Fitzhugh 6th Baron Fitzhugh (age 28).

John Scrope 5th Baron Scrope of Bolton (age 48).

Thomas Scrope 6th Baron Scrope of Masham (age 26).

Henry Grey 4th or 7th Baron Grey of Codnor (age 50).

Edmund Grey 1st Earl Kent (age 68).

Ralph Neville 3rd Earl of Westmoreland (age 29).

John de la Pole 1st Earl Lincoln (age 23).

Humphrey Stafford (age 59).

George Talbot 4th Earl of Shrewsbury (age 17).

Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 42) was wounded, captured and imprisoned in the Tower of London [Map] for three years. He was attainted; Earl Surrey forfeit.

Francis Lovell 1st Viscount Lovell (age 29) fought and escaped.

John Zouche 7th Baron Zouche Harringworth (age 26) was captured.

John Babington (age 62), William Alington (age 65), Robert Mortimer (age 43), Robert Brackenbury, Richard Ratclyffe (age 55) and Richard Bagot (age 73) were killed

Walter Devereux Baron Ferrers of Chartley (age 53) was killed.

William Catesby (age 35) was executed at Leicester, Leicestershire [Map] after the battle.

George Stanley 9th Baron Strange Knockin 5th Baron Mohun Dunster (age 25) held as a hostage by Richard III before the Battle of Bosworth.

Henry Percy 4th Earl of Northumberland (age 36) betrayed King Richard III of England by not committing his forces at the Battle of Bosworth.

John Iwardby (age 35) was killed.

Coronation of Henry VII

On 30 Oct 1485 King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 28) was crowned VII King of England by Cardinal Thomas Bourchier (age 67) at Westminster Abbey [Map]. Margaret Beaufort Countess Richmond (age 42), his mother, attended.

Robert Dymoke (age 24) attended as the Kings' Champion.

John de Vere 13th Earl of Oxford (age 43) carried the King's train.

Earl Richmondmerged with the Crown.

Death of Henry VII

On 21 Apr 1509 King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 52) died of tuberculosis at Richmond Palace [Map]. His son Henry VIII (age 17) succeeded VIII King of England. Duke York and Earl Chester merged with the Crown.

Coronation of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon

On 24 Jun 1509 Henry VIII (age 17) was crowned VIII King of England at Westminster Abbey [Map]. Catherine of Aragon (age 23) was crowned Queen Consort England.

Edward Stafford 3rd Duke of Buckingham (age 31), Thomas Boleyn 1st Earl Wiltshire and Ormonde (age 32) and Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 66) attended. Henry Clifford 1st Earl of Cumberland (age 16) was knighted. Robert Dymoke (age 48) attended as the Kings's Champion. Robert Radclyffe 1st Earl of Sussex (age 26) was created Knight of the Bath and served as Lord Sewer.

Death of Henry VIII Accession of Edward VI

On 28 Jan 1547 Henry VIII (age 55) died at Whitehall Palace [Map]. His son King Edward VI of England and Ireland (age 9) succeeded VI King of England. Earl Chester merged with the Crown.

Thomas Wendy (age 46) attended the King. He was one of the witnesses to the King's last will and testament, for which he received £100.

Coronation of Edward VI

On 20 Feb 1547 King Edward VI of England and Ireland (age 9) was crowned VI King of England at Westminster Abbey [Map].

John Russell 1st Earl Bedford (age 62) was appointed Lord High Steward. Henry Fitzalan 12th or 19th Earl of Arundel (age 34) was appointed Constable of England.

Anthony Browne 1st Viscount Montagu (age 18), George Vernon "King of the Peak" (age 39), Richard Devereux (age 34) and William Sharington (age 52) were created Knight of the Bath.

Francis Hastings 2nd Earl Huntingdon (age 33), Edward Courtenay, William Sharington, John Shelton (age 44) and Walter Buckler were knighted.

Edward Dymoke (age 39) attended as the King's Champion.

Alexander Unton (age 53) and Edward Rogers (age 49) were knighted.

Death of King Edward VI

On 06 Jul 1553 King Edward VI of England and Ireland (age 15) died at Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map]. His first cousin once removed Lady Jane Grey (age 17) succeeded I Queen of England.

Thomas Wendy (age 53) attended the King as physician.

On 19 Jul 1553 Lady Jane Grey (age 17) Abdicated I King of England. Her first cousin once removed Queen Mary I of England and Ireland (age 37) succeeded I Queen of England.

Coronation of Mary I

On 01 Oct 1553 Queen Mary I of England and Ireland (age 37) was crowned I Queen of England and Ireland at Westminster Abbey [Map].

Edward Courtenay 1st Earl Devon (age 26) carried the Sword of State.

John Gage (age 73) bore the queen's train. Edward Dymoke (age 45) attended as the Queen's Champion. James Blount 6th Baron Mountjoy (age 20) and Henry Parker 12th Baron Marshal 11th Baron Morley (age 20) were created Knight of the Bath. Thomas Hastings (age 38) and John Leigh (age 51) were knighted. Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 80) and Henry Neville 5th Earl of Westmoreland (age 28) attended.

Anne of Cleves Queen Consort England (age 38) took part in the procession.

Death of Mary I

On 17 Nov 1558 Queen Mary I of England and Ireland (age 42) died at St James's Palace [Map]. Her half sister Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 25) succeeded I Queen of England. William Brooke 10th Baron Cobham (age 31) was deputed with informing Philip "The Prudent" II King Spain (age 31).

Thomas Wendy (age 58) attended the Queen as physician; the third monarch's death he attended.

Coronation of Elizabeth I

On 15 Jan 1559 Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 25) was crowned I Queen of England by Bishop Owen Oglethorpe (age 52) at Westminster Abbey [Map].

Margaret Audley Duchess Norfolk (age 19) carried the train. Archbishop Nicholas Heath (age 58) censed. Edward Dymoke (age 51) attended as the Queen's Champion. Thomas Howard 4th Duke of Norfolk (age 22), Francis Talbot 5th Earl of Shrewsbury (age 59), Henry Fitzalan 12th or 19th Earl of Arundel (age 46), Thomas Cecil 1st Earl Exeter (age 16) and William Herbert 1st Earl Pembroke (age 58) attended.