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Culture, Royalty of England Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Prince of Wales

Prince of Wales is in Royalty of England Great Britain and the United Kingdom.

1282 Battle of Orewin Bridge

1301 Edward II Created Prince of Wales

1361 Marriage of Edward "The Black Prince" and Joan "The Fair Maid of Kent"

1460 Act of Accord 39 Hen VI

1471 Edward V created Prince of Wales

1483 Edward of Middleham created Prince of Wales

1490 Arthur Tudor created Prince of Wales

1504 Henry Tudor created Prince of Wales

1610 Prince Henry invested as Prince of Wales and Earl Chester

1616 Investiture of Charles as Prince of Wales

In 1240 Dafydd ap Llewellyn Aberffraw Prince of Wales (age 27) was created Prince of Wales. Isabella "Lady of Snowdon" Braose Princess Wales (age 18) by marriage Princess of Wales.

Battle of Orewin Bridge

On 11 Dec 1282 an English force including John Giffard 1st Baron Giffard Brimpsfield (age 50), Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn Mathrafal Prince Powys Wenwynwyn (age 71) and Owen de la Pole Mathrafal 1st Lord Powis (age 25) defeated a Welsh force at Builth Wells [Map] during the Battle of Orewin Bridge. The Welsh leader Llewellyn "Last" Aberffraw (age 49) was killed effectively bringing to an end the independence of Wales. His brother Dafydd ap Gruffudd Aberffraw Prince of Wales (age 44) succeeded Prince of Wales.

Edward II Created Prince of Wales

On 07 Feb 1301 King Edward II of England (age 16) was created Prince of Wales by his father King Edward I of England (age 61); the first English heir to receive the title. He was created 1st Earl Chester the same day.

On 12 May 1343 Edward "Black Prince" (age 12) was created Prince of Wales.

Marriage of Edward "The Black Prince" and Joan "The Fair Maid of Kent"

On 10 Oct 1361 Edward "Black Prince" (age 31) and Joan "Fair Maid of Kent" Princess Wales (age 33) were married at Windsor Castle [Map]. She by marriage Princess of Wales. His first wife, her second (or third depending on how you count them) husband. She had four children already. They had known each other since childhood. Thirty-one and thirty-three respectively. A curious choice for the heir to the throne; foreign princesses were usual. They were married nearly fifteen years and had two children. She the daughter of Edmund of Woodstock 1st Earl Kent and Margaret Wake Countess Kent. He the son of King Edward III of England (age 48) and Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England (age 47). They were half first cousin once removed. She a granddaughter of King Edward I of England.

In 1399 King Henry V of England (age 12) was created Prince of Wales.

In 1454 Edward of Westminster Prince of Wales was created Prince of Wales at Windsor Castle [Map].

Act of Accord 39 Hen VI

On 25 Oct 1460 Parliament enacted the Act of Accord 39 Hen VI by which Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 49) was declared heir to King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 38) disinheriting Edward of Westminster (age 7). At the same Parliament on 31 Oct 1460 Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York was created Prince of Wales, 1st Duke of Cornwall. He was also appointed Lord Protector.

Edward V created Prince of Wales

On 26 Jun 1471 Edward, the future Edward V, was created Prince of Wales. Thomas Vaughan (age 61) was knighted.

Edward of Middleham created Prince of Wales

On 08 Sep 1483 Edward York Prince of Wales (age 9) was created Prince of Wales and 1st Earl Chester at York Minster [Map]. His parents Richard III (age 30) and Anne Neville (age 27) attended as did Edward Stafford 2nd Earl Wiltshire (age 13).

Edward "Last Plantagenet" York 17th Earl Warwick (age 8) and John York (age 12) were knighted.

Note. Hall's Chronicle places the date at 05 Jul 1483.

Arthur Tudor created Prince of Wales

On 27 Feb 1490 Prince Arthur Tudor (age 3) was created Prince of Wales at Westminster Palace [Map].

Thomas West 8th Baron De La Warr 5th Baron West (age 33) was appointed Knight of the Bath.

Henry Tudor created Prince of Wales

On 18 Feb 1504 Henry VIII (age 12) was created Prince of Wales and 1st Earl Chester. John Mordaunt 1st Baron Mordaunt (age 24) was created Knight of the Bath. Richard Empson (age 54) was knighted.

Prince Henry invested as Prince of Wales and Earl Chester

On 01 Jun 1610 Prince Frederick (age 16) was created Prince of Wales and 1st Earl Chester. Peregrine Bertie (age 26) was appointed Knight of the Bath.

Investiture of Charles as Prince of Wales

On 04 Nov 1616 King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland (age 15) was created Prince of Wales. Robert Radclyffe 5th Earl of Sussex (age 43) carried the Purple Ermined Robe.

James Wriothesley (age 11), brothers Robert Howard (age 32) and William Howard, George Berkeley 8th Baron Berkeley (age 15), Henry Carey 1st Viscount Falkland (age 41) and John Cavendish were appointed Knight of the Bath.

On 29 Jul 1981 Prince Charles (age 32) and Diana Spencer Princess Wales (age 20) were married at St Paul's Cathedral [Map]. She by marriage Princess of Wales. She the daughter of John Spencer 8th Earl Spencer (age 57) and Frances Ruth Roche Countess Spencer (age 45). He the son of Philip Mountbatten Duke Edinburgh (age 60) and Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom (age 55).