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Paternal Family Tree: Capet
Maternal Family Tree: Isabella Metz Duchess Anjou I Duchess Lorraine 1400-1453
On 24 Oct 1420 [her father] René Valois Anjou I Duke Anjou (age 11) and [her mother] Isabella Metz Duchess Anjou I Duchess Lorraine (age 20) were married. She the daughter of [her grandfather] Charles Metz II Duke Lorraine (age 56). He the son of [her grandfather] King Louis of Naples and [her grandmother] Yolanda Barcelona Queen Consort Naples. They were third cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry III of England.
On 23 Mar 1430 Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England was born to René Valois Anjou I Duke Anjou (age 21) and Isabella Metz Duchess Anjou I Duchess Lorraine (age 30).
Chronicle of Gregory 1444. 1444. Ande that same year the Duke of Sowthefolke (age 47) and othyr whythe many worthy knyghtys and squyers wentte ovyr the see to fette home the quene (age 13).
On 28 May 1444 the Treaty of Tours was concluded. The terms included the marriage of [her future husband] King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 22) and Margaret of Anjou (age 14) in return for which England ceded the strategically important French County of Maine to France; she brought no dowry. The Treaty was negotiated by William de la Pole Duke of Suffolk (age 47). The cessation of Maine subsequently came as something of surprise to Edmund Beaufort Earl Somerset (age 38) who was its Governor. He, Somerset, was offered the Governorship of Normandy instead leading to a further rift between Somerset and Richard Duke of York (age 32) who had already been offered Normandy. These seeds of the Wars of the Roses were falling on fertile ground.
On 18 Mar 1445 Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 33) met Margaret of Anjou (age 14) at Pontoise [Map] on his mission to bring her back to England for her marriage to [her future husband] King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 23).
Chronicle of Gregory 1445. 01 Apr 1445. And a pon the first day of Aprylle Quene Margarete (age 15) landed at Portysmowthe [Map], and a-pon the x day of the same monythe sche was weddyd at a lytylle velage [Map] in Hampsehyre i-namyd.
On 23 Apr 1445 King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 23) and Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England (age 15) were married at Titchfield Abbey, Hampshire [Map] probably by Bishop William Ayscough (age 50), Bishop of Salisbury. She the daughter of René Valois Anjou I Duke Anjou (age 36) and Isabella Metz Duchess Anjou I Duchess Lorraine (age 45). He the son of King Henry V of England and Catherine of Valois Queen Consort England. They were third cousins.
Chronicle of Gregory 1445. 26 May 1445. And uppon Thorsday, the xxvj day of May, the [her husband] kyng (age 23) made xlvj [46] Knyghtys of the Bathe yn the Towre of London. And uppon the morowe, that was the Fry day, lordys of the realme, whythe nobylle and grete and costelowe araye, the Mayre of London and the aldyrmen in scharlet, whythe alle the craftys of London in blewe, wythe dyvers dyvysyngys, every crafte to be knowe from othyr, rydyng agayne Quene Margarete (age 15) and brought her unto the Toure of London [Map], the quene havynge whythe her xvij [17] charys with ladys.
Chronicle of Gregory 1445. 28 May 1445. And a-pon the morowe, the Satyrday, she was brought thoroughe London syttyng in a lytter by twyne ij [2] goode and nobylle stedys i-trappyd with whyte satton, and sche was conveyyde unto Westemyster. And apon the morowe the Sonday was the coronacyon, and ij [2] dayes aftyr there was grette revylle of justys of pes in the sayntewery at Westemyster, &c.
A Brief Latin Chronicle. 30 May 1445. In the year of our Lord 1445, on the 30th day of May, Margaret (age 15), the daughter of the [her father] King of Sicily (age 36), was crowned Queen of England at Westminster. However, it should be noted that shortly after the marriage contract was made with the said Margaret in overseas territories by William, Duke of Suffolk (age 48), Maine along with Anjou were lost. Then gradually (whose betrayal or cowardice God knows) all of Normandy with the city of Paris, etc., were lost. Similarly, Bordeaux along with all of Gascony, etc., were also lost.
Anno Domini millessimo cccc°.xlv., xxx die mensis Maii coronatur Margareta filia regis Ceciloie in reginam Anglie apud Vestmonasterium. Sed advertendum est quod infra breve post contractum factum cum dicta Margareta in partibus transmarinis per Willelmum ducem Suthfolk, amissa est Cenomannia cum Andegavia. Deinde paulatim (quorum prodicione aut ignavia novit Deus) amissa est tota Normannia cum civitatge Parisius, &. Deinde similiter amissa est Burdegalia cum tota Vascibua, &.
On 30 May 1445, five weeks after her marriage, Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England (age 15) was crowned Queen Consort England by Archbishop John Stafford at Westminster Abbey [Map].
On 15 Dec 1449 [her brother-in-law] Edmund Tudor (age 19) was created 1st Earl Richmond by [her husband] King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 28).
On 25 Nov 1452 [her brother-in-law] Jasper Tudor 1st Duke Bedford (age 21) was created 1st Earl Pembroke.
In 1453 [her mother] Isabella Metz Duchess Anjou I Duchess Lorraine (age 53) died. Her son [her brother] John Valois Anjou II Duke Lorraine (age 28) succeeded John II Duke Lorraine.
Chronicle of Robert Fabyan 1453. 13 Oct 1453. And in ende of this mayers yere, and begynnynge of the xxxii yere of the kyng, that is to meane, vpon the daye of Translancion of seynt Edwarde, or the xiii day of Octobre, the quene (age 23), at Westmynster, was delyuered of a [her son] fayre prynce, for the whiche great reioysynge and gladnesse was made in sundry placys of Englonde, and speciallye within the cytie of London, wherof the expressement of the cyrcumstance wolde axe longe leysoure to vtter. This prynce beynge with all honour and reuerence sacryd & crystened, was named Edwarde, and grewe after to perfyght and goodlye personage; and lastlye of Edwarde the iiii was slayen at Tewkysburye felde, as after to you shall be shewyd, whose noble mother susteynyd not a little dysclaunder and obsequye of the common people, sayinge that he was not the naturall sone of kynge Henrye, but changyd in ye the cradell, to hyr great dyshonour and heuynesse, which I ouer passe.
On 13 Oct 1453 [her son] Edward of Westminster Prince of Wales was born to [her husband] Henry VI (age 31) and Margaret of Anjou (age 23) at Westminster Palace [Map]. King Henry had suffered his first bout of mental illness three months before. When presented with Prince in January 1454 he made no response - see Paston Letters Volume 2 235. A letter from Prospero di Camulio, Milanese Ambassador to the Court of France, etc., to Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan makes reference to Henry having said that the child "must be the son of the Holy Spirit". Various online sources suggest the child was fathered by either Edmund Beaufort 1st or 2nd Duke of Somerset (age 47) or his son-in-law James Butler 1st Earl Wiltshire 5th Earl Ormonde (age 32) without referring to contemporarty sources. In 1459 the English Chronicle makes reference to Edward having illegitimate eight years after his birth ... "The quene was defamed and desclaundered, that he that was called Prince, was nat hir sone, but a bastard goten in avoutry [adultery]"
On 10 Sep 1454 [her father] René Valois Anjou I Duke Anjou (age 45) and [her step-mother] Jeanne Laval Duchess Anjou (age 20) were married at Abbey St Nicholas, Angers. She by marriage Duchess Anjou. The difference in their ages was 24 years. He the son of [her grandfather] King Louis of Naples and [her grandmother] Yolanda Barcelona Queen Consort Naples. They were half fourth cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry III of England. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.
On 01 Nov 1455 [her brother-in-law] Edmund Tudor 1st Earl Richmond (age 25) and Margaret Beaufort Countess Richmond (age 12) were married at Bletsoe Castle [Map]. She by marriage Countess Richmond. She the daughter of John Beaufort 1st Duke of Somerset and Margaret Beauchamp Duchess Somerset (age 45). He the son of Owen Tudor (age 55) and Catherine of Valois Queen Consort England. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward I of England. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
Paston Letters Volume 3 322. 09 Feb 1456. John Bocking To Sir John Fastolf1.
To the right reverent and worshipful Sir, and my right good maister, my maister Sir John Fastolf, at Castre.
Right reverent and my right worshipful maister, I recomaunde me to yow in my right humble wise. Please hit your right good maistership to wyte that on Sonday laste I sent yow many and divers lettres and writynges, by Lampet, of all matiers that I hadde knowlege at that tyme redy to answere. And now suche tidinges as ar here, but fewe that ar straunge, excepte that this day my Lordes York and Warwik comen to the Parlement in a good aray, to the noumbre of iijc. [300] men, all jakkid2 and in brigantiens3, and noo lord elles, wherof many men mervailed. It was seid on Saterday my Lord shuld have ben discharged this same day. And this day was seide, but if he hadde come stronge, he shuld have bene distrussid; and no man knoweth or can sey that ony prefe may be hadde by whom, for men thinken verily there is no man able to take ony suche enterprinse.
The Kyng, as it was tolde me by a grete man, wolde have hym chief and princepall counceller, and soo to be called hise chef counceller and lieutenant as longe as hit shuld lyke the Kyng; and hise patent to be made in that forme, and not soo large as it is by Parlement. But soome men thinken it wil ner can otherwise bee; and men speke and devyne moche matere of the comyng this day in suche array to Westminster. And the Lordes speken this day in the Parlement of a greet gleymyng sterre that but late hathe be seen diverse tymes, merveilous in apperyng. The resumpsion, men truste, shall forthe, and my Lordes of Yorkes first power of protectorship stande, and elles not, &c. The Quene (age 25) is a grete and strong labourid woman, for she spareth noo peyne to sue hire thinges to an intent and conclusion to hir power.
I have seid to the bringer here of more to declare yow alle a longe. And as for hise comyng, ye like to understande that your nevew, my Maister Filongley, hathe laboured and doon that he cowde or myght to hise preferraunce; but as for to make hym freman and at hise ease, to hise profite and worship, it can not bee with owte William Lyne be here, that boughte hise prentishode of his maister, to hise grete hurte and castyng of bakke by ij. or iij. yere of tyme loste; and ne were it that the maister and wardeyns of the Taillours tendre hym, be cause of yow and of Fynynglee, hise firste maister, that solde hym to William Lyne, as weel as the seide Lyne and Richard, shuld alle lese ther fredoms, as ye shall more pleinly understande by the reporte of the seid Richard, &c.
This day was my Lord Devenshire at Westminstre, and shuld have apperid, but he was countermaundid. As to youre matier of Wentworthe, the trety contynueth, and is putte by the arbitrours in Fortescu and Yelverton, and we have day of newe til Friday come sevenyght. God graunte it take a good ende. The lawe is with us clerly, as weel in th’atteynte as therinne as yette, blessid be our Lord, hoo have you in hise most noble governaunce.
Written in your place this Moneday of Fastyngange4, ml. cccclv.Your humble servaunt, J. B.
And that ye like to write a good lettre for Richard Fastolf to Sir Roger Chamberleyn, and to Thornton, Chamberleyn of London, and to both of hem, &c.
Note 1. [From MS. Phillipps, 9735, No. 265.]
Note 2. i.e. in coats of mail.—See vol. ii. p. 322, Note 3.
Note 3. See vol. ii. p. 155, Note 2.
Note 4. Fastingong was Shrovetide.—See vol. ii. p. 131, Note 1.
On 03 Nov 1456 [her brother-in-law] Edmund Tudor 1st Earl Richmond (age 26) died of plague at Carmarthen Castle [Map] leaving his thirteen year old wife Margaret Beaufort Countess Richmond (age 13) pregnant with their child Henry Tudor, the future King Henry VII. His son Henry Tudor succeeded 2nd Earl Richmond posthumously.
On 24 Mar 1458 at Westminster Hall [Map] [her husband] King Henry VI (age 36) made a great speech [See Chronicle of St Albans] the purpose of which was to ensure future peace in his Kingdom. Some were required to pay fines in recomponse for deaths at the First Battle of St Albans some three years before, some prisoners were released, some were bound to good behaviour, and future arbitration.
After the speech King Henry VI, Queen Margaret (age 28), John "Butcher" Clifford 9th Baron Clifford (age 22), Richard Neville Earl Salisbury (age 58), Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 29), Henry Beaufort 2nd or 3rd Duke of Somerset (age 22), Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 46), Henry Percy 3rd Earl of Northumberland (age 36) and Thomas Percy 1st Baron Egremont (age 35) processed, hand-in-hand to St Paul's Cathedral [Map] and a ttended a service presided over by Cardinal Thomas Bourchier (age 40).
Calendar of State Papers of Milan 1458. 1458. Oct. 24. Potenze Estere. Inghilterra. Milan Archives. 26. Raffaelo De Negra to Bianca Maria Visconti, Duchess of Milan.
I am writing to report what an Englishman told me about the magnificence of the Queen of England (age 28) and how she was brought to England. I will tell you something of the King of England. First of all the Englishman told me that the King of England took her without any dowry, and he even restored some lands which he held to her father. When the queen landed in England the king dressed himself as a squire, the Duke of Suffolk doing the same, and took her a letter which he said the King of England had written. When the queen read the letter the king took stock (amirò) of her, saying that a woman may be seen over well when she reads a letter, and the queen never found out that it was the king because she was so engrossed in reading the letter, and she never looked at the king in his squire's dress, who remained on his knees all the time. After the king had gone the Duke of Suffolk said: Most serene queen, what do you think of the squire who brought the letter? The queen replied: I did not notice him, as I was occupied in reading the letter he brought. The duke remarked: Most serene queen, the person dressed as a squire was the most serene King of England, and the queen was vexed at not having known it, because she had kept him on his knees. The queen afterwards went from thence. The king really wrote to her and they made great triumphs.
The Englishman told me that the queen is a most handsome woman, though somewhat dark and not so beautiful as your Serenity. He told me that his mistress is wise and charitable, and your Serenity has the reputation of being equally wise and more charitable. He said that his queen had an income of 80,000 gold crowns. She has a most handsome boy, six years old1. The following noblemen serve her: the Dukes of Somerset (… stre), York, Gloucester (Gozestre), Beaufort (bauforte), Clarence (Clarenza), (sen. re), Exeter (setre), Buckingham (borchaincay), Norfolk (noforcho) and Suffolk (soforcho). Their wives are at Court also, and when the wife of the Duke of Petro a Baylito, the king's [her son] son (age 5) and all the duchesses speak to the queen, they always go on their knees before her. She asked me when your Serenity was in the great hall at Milan what ladies were about you. I answered marchionesses and countesses; among others Madonna Antonia de Perora e Parmina. She asked who the ladies were. I told her that Madonna Antonia da Perora was Countess of Moltuni and Parmina and Marchioness of la Pieve da Cayré, and all the others were great ladies. I remarked that your Serenity has a splendid Court. I have mentioned these affairs of England because your Serenity delights in noble things.
Milan, the 24th October, 1458.
Note 1. Edward, Prince of Wales was born on the 13th October, 1453, and therefore was only five at this time.
Chronicle of Gregory 1459. 23 Sep 1459. Ande this year was done a grete jornaye at the Blowre Hethe by the Erle of Saulysbury (age 59) ande the Quenys galentys. And that day the King made vij knyghtys, first, Syr Robert Molyners, Syr John Daune, Syr Thomas Uttyng, Syr John Brembly, Syr Jon Stanley, Syr John Grysly, and Syr Rychard Hardon; and v of thes knyghtys were slayne full manly in the fylde, and many men of yemonry soore hurte, and a full nobylle knyght, the Lord Audeley (age 61), and Syr Thomas Hamdon, knyght, was the getynge of the fylde, and Thomas Squyer and Counteroller of the Pryncys house full sore hurte. And [the] batayle or jornay lastyd alle the aftyr none, fro one of the clocke tylle v aftyr non, and the chasse lastyd unto vij at the belle in the mornynge. And men were maymyd many one in the Quenys party. There were in the Quenys party vM [Note. 5000], and in that othyr party vC [Note. 500], a grete wondyr that evyr they might stonde the grete multytude not ferynge, the King beyng with yn x myle and the quene (age 29) with yn v myle at the castelle of Egyllyssale [Map]. But the Erle of Saulysbury hadde ben i-take, save only a Fryer Austyn schot gonnys [Note. shot guns] alle that nyght in a parke that was at the backe syde of the fylde, and by this mene the erle come to Duke of Yorke (age 48). And in the morowe they founde nothyr man ne ehylde in that parke but the fryer, and he said that for fere he a-bode in that parke alle that nyght. But in the mornyng, by-twyne the fylde and Chester, Syr John Dawne is son that was at home in his fadyrs place hadde worde that his fadyr was slayne; a-non he raysyd his tenantys and toke by-syde a lytyl towne i-namyd Torperlay [Map] Syr Thomas Nevyle (age 29), Syr John Nevyle (age 28), and Syr Thomas Haryngdon (age 59), and brought them unto the castelle of Chester, ande there they a-boode tylle the batayle of Northehampton was done, &c.
On 23 Sep 1459 John Sutton 1st Baron Dudley (age 58) attempted to ambush John Neville 1st Marquess Montagu (age 28) at Blore Heath, Staffordshire [Map] whilst he was travelling to Ludlow [Map] to join up with the main Yorkist army; the Battle of Blore Heath. Forewarned by scouts he arranged his troops into battle order. The Yorkist army included John Conyers (age 48), Thomas Harrington (age 59), James Harrington (age 29), Richard Neville Earl Salisbury (age 59), William Stanley (age 24), Roger Kynaston of Myddle and Hordley (age 26), John Savile, Walter Strickland (age 48) and John Wenlock 1st Baron Wenlock (age 59).
The Lancastrian army included brothers John Dutton, Thomas Dutton (age 38) and Peter Dutton who were killed.
James Tuchet 5th Baron Audley, 2nd Baron Tuchet (age 61) was killed by Roger Kynaston of Myddle and Hordley. His son John Tuchet 6th Baron Audley, 3rd Baron Tuchet (age 33) succeeded 6th Baron Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire, 3rd Baron Tuchet. Anne Echingham Baroness Audley Heighley (age 39) by marriage Baroness Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire, Baroness Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire.
John Sutton 1st Baron Dudley and Edmund Sutton (age 34) were captured. Lionel Welles 6th Baron Welles (age 53) fought.
Richard Molyneux of Sefton was killed.
John Egerton (age 55) was killed.
After the battle Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England (age 29) took refuge at Eccleshall Castle, Staffordshire [Map].
After the battle Thomas Harrington, John Neville 1st Marquess Montagu and Thomas Neville (age 29) were captured at Acton Bridge, Tarporley [Map] and imprisoned at Chester Castle [Map] having been detached from the main Yorkist force.
William Troutbeck (age 23) was killed.
Chronicle of Gregory 1460. 1460. And that same nyght the King remevyde unto London a-gayne his wylle, to the byschoppe is palys of London, and the Duke of Yorke (age 48) com unto him that same nyght by the torchelyght and toke a-pon him as kyng, and said in many placys that this is owrys by very ryght. Ande then the quene (age 29) hyrynge this she voydyde unto Walys, but she was met with be-syde the Castelle of Malepas [Map], and a servand of her owne that she hadde made bothe yeman and gentylman, and aftyr a-poyntyd for to be in offysce with her son the prynce, spoylyde her and robbyde hyr, and put her soo in dowt of her lyffe and sonys lyffe also. And then she com to the Castelle of Hardelowe [Probably Denbigh Castle, Possibly Hawarden, Flintshire] in Walys, and she hadde many grete gyftys and gretely comfortyd, for she hadde nede there of, for she hadde a full esy many a-boute hyr, the nombyr of iiij personnys. And moste comynly she rode by-hynde a yonge poore gentylle-man of xiiij year age, his name was Jon Combe, i-borne at Amysbery [Map] in Wyltschyre. And there hens she remevyd full prevely unto the [her brother-in-law] Lord Jesper, lord and Erle of Penbroke (age 28), for she durste not a byde in noo place that [was] a opyn but in pryvatt. The cause was that conter fete tokyns were sende unto her as thoughe that they hadde come from her moste dradde lord the Kyng Harry the VI; but it was not of his sendyng, nothyr of [his] a doynge, but forgyd thyngys, for they that brought the tokyns were of the kyngys howse, and some of the pryncys howse, and some of her owne howse, and bade her beware of the tokyns, that she gave noo credans there too; for at the kyngys departynge fro Covyntre towarde the fylde of Northehampton, he kyste her and blessyd the prynce, and commaundyd her that she shulde not com unto him tylle that [he] a sende a specyalle tokyn unto her that no man knew but the King and she. For the lordys wolde fayne hadde her unto Lundon, for they knew welle that alle the workyngys that were done growe by hyr, for she was more wyttyer then the King, and that apperythe by his dedys, &c.
Chronicle of Gregory 1460. Then the Quene (age 30) havynge knowelechynge of this praty whyle sche sende unto the Duke of Somersett (age 24), at that tyme beynge in Dorset schyre at the Castelle of Corffe [Map], and for the Erle of Devyschyre (age 28), and for Elysaundyr Hody, and prayde them to com to her as hastely as they might, with her tenantys as strong in her harnys as men of warre, for the Lord Rosse (age 33), the Lord Clyfforde (age 25), the Baron of Grestocke (age 46), the Lord Nevyle (age 50), the Lord Latymer (age 53), were waytyng a-pon the Duke of Excete[r] (age 30) to mete with her at Hulle [Map]. And this mater was not taryd but full prevely i-wrought; and she sende letters unto alle her ehyffe offycers that they wold doo the same, and that they shulde warne alle the servantys that lovyd her or purposyd to kepe and rejoyse her of Yysce, to wayte a-pon her at Hulle by that day as hit a-poyntyd by hyr. Alle thes pepylle were gaderyd and conveyde so prevely that they wer hole in nombyr of xvM [Note. 15000] or any man wolde be-leve it; in so moche yf any man said, or tolde, or talkyd of suche gaderyng, he shulde be schende, and some were in grete donger, for the common pepylle said by thoo that told the, troughthe, "Ye talke ryght ye wolde hit were," and gave noo credens of her sayynge. But the laste the lordys purposyd to knowe the troughthe. And the ix day of December nexte folowyng the Duke of Yorke (age 49), the Erle of Salysbury (age 60), the Erle Rutlond (age 17) (he was the Duke of Yorke is secunde sone, one the beste dysposyd lord in this londe), and Syr Thomas Haryngdon (age 60), whythe many mo knyghtys and quyers and grete pepylle with hem, and soo departyd out of London towarde Yorke, &c.
Letters. 1461. Letter XXXVII. Margaret of Anjou (age 30) Queen of Henry IV to the Citizens of London.
Right trusty and well-beloved, we greet you heartily well.
And whereas the late Duke of N. of extreme malice, long hid under colours, imagined by divers and many ways and means the destruction of my [her husband] lord's (age 39) good grace, whom God of his mercy ever preserve, hath now late, upon an untrue pretence, feigned a title to my lord's crown, and royal estate, and pre-eminence, contrary to his allegiance and divers solemn oaths of his own offer made, uncompelled or constrained, and fully proposed to have deposed him of his regality, he had been (had it not been for) the sad (firm) unchangeable and true dispositions of you and others, his true liegemen, for the which your worshipful dispositions we thank you as heartily as we can. And howbeit, that the same untrue, unsad, and unadvised person, of very pure malice, disposed to continue in his cruelness, to the utterest undoing, if he might, of us, and of my lord's son and ours the prince, which, with God's mercy, he shall not be of power to perform, by the help of you and all other my lord's faithful disposed subjects, hath thrown among you, as we be certainly informed, divers untrue and feigned matters and surmises; and in especial, that we and my lord's said son and ours should newly draw toward you with an unseen power of strangers, disposed to rob and to despoil you of your goods and havings (property); we will that you know for certain that, at such time as we or our said son shall be disposed to see my lord, as our duty is and so binds us to do, you, nor none of you, shall be robbed, despoiled, nor wronged by any person that at that time we or our said son shall be accompanied with, or any other sent in our or his name, praying you, in our most hearty and desirous wise, that [above] all earthly things you will diligently intend (attend) to the surety of my lord's royal person in the mean time; so that through malice of his said enemy he be no more troubled, vexed, nor jeoparded. And, so doing, we shall be unto you such lady as of reason you shall be largely content. Given under our signet, &c.
On 02 Feb 1461 following the battle Owen Tudor (age 61) was beheaded in the Market Place, Hereford [Map]. He was buried thereafter in Greyfriars Church, Hereford in a tomb paid for by his son David Owen (age 2). Somewhat curious that his other son [her brother-in-law] Jasper Tudor 1st Duke Bedford (age 29) didn't contribute although the political situation may have made it difficult to do so.
Memorial to Owen Tudor in the Market Place, Hereford [Map]. Somewhat incongruously between a toddlers merry-go-round and a baked potato stall on the day of our visit.
Chronicle of Gregory 1461. Ande the xvij day nexte folowynge [her husband] Kyng Harry (age 39) roode to Synt Albonys [Map], and the Duke of Northefolke (age 45) with hym, the Erle of Warwycke (age 32), the Erle of Arundelle (age 43), the Lord Bouser (age 30), the Lord Bonvyle (age 68), with many grete lordys, knyghtys, and squyers, and commyns of an C [Hundred] Ml men. And there they hadde a grete batayle whythe the Quene (age 30), for she come ever on fro the jornaye of Wackefylde tylle sche come to Synt Albonys, with alle the lordys a fore said; and her mayny and every lord is men bare her lordys leverey, that every man mighte knowe his owne feleschippe by his lyverey. And be-syde alle that, every man and lord bare the [her son] Pryncys (age 7) levery, that was a bende of crymesyn and blacke with esteryge is fetherys. The substance that gate that fylde were howseholde men and feyd men. I wene there were not v Mlmen that fought in the Quenys party, for [t]emoste parte of Northeryn men fledde a-way, and some were take and spoylyd out of her harnysse by the way as they fledde. And some of them robbyd evyr as they yede, a petyffulle thynge hit is to hyre hit. But the day before that batayle there was a jornay at Dunstapyl [Map]; but the kyngys mayny lackyd good gydyng, for some were but newe men of warre, for the chevyste captayne was a boucher of the same towne; and there were the kyngys mayny ovyr throughe only by the Northeryn men. And son aftyr the bocher, for schame of his sympylle gydynge and loste of the men, the nombyr of viij C, for very sorowe as it is said, hynge him selfe; and some men said that it was for loste of his goode, but dede he ys-God knowythe the trought.
And in the myddys of the batayle King Harry wente unto his Quene and for-soke alle his lordys, ande truste better to her party thenne unto his owne lordys. And then thoroughe grete labur the Duke of Northefolke and the Erle of Warwycke a schapyd a-waye; the Byschoppe of Exceter (age 29), that tyme Chaunceler of Ingelond, and brother unto the Erle of Warwycke, the Lord Bouser, whythe many othyr knyghtys, squyers, and comyns fledde, and many men slayne in bothe partys. And the Lord Bonevyle was be-heddyd, the common sayynge that his longage causyd him to dye. The Prynce was jugge is owne sylfe. Ande ther was slayne that manly knyght Syr Thomas Keryel (age 65). The nomber of ded men was xxxv C an moo [t]at were slayne. The lordys in Kyng Harrys party pycchyd a fylde and fortefyd it full stronge, and lyke unwyse men brake her raye and fyld and toke a-nothyr, and or that they were alle sette a buskyd to batayle, the Quenys parte was at hond whythe them in towne of Synt Albonys [Map], and then alle [t]yng was to seke and out of ordyr, for her pryckyers come not home to bryng no tydyng howe ny that the Quene was, save one come and sayd that she was ix myle of. And ar the goners and borgeners couthe levylle her gonnys they were besely fyghtyng, and many a gynne of wer was ordaynyd that stode in lytylle a-vayle or nought; for the burgeners hadde suche instrumentys that wolde schute bothe pellettys of ledde and arowys of an elle of lenghthe with vj fetherys, iij in myddys and iij at the othyr ende, with a grete mighty hedde of yryn at the othyr ende, and wylde fyre with alle. Alle thes iij thyngys they might schute welle and esely at onys, but in tyme of nede they couthe not schut not one of thes, but the fyre turnyd backe a-pon them that wold schute this iij thyngys. Also they hadde nettys made of grete cordys of iiij fethem of lengthe and of iiij fote brode, lyke unto an haye, and at every ij knott there was an nayl stondyng uppe ryght, that there couthe no man passe ovyr it by lyckely hode but he shulde be hurte. Alle so they hadde pavysse bore as a dore i-made with a staffe foldynge uppe and downe to sette the pavys where the lykyd, and loupys with schyttyng wyndowys to schute out at, they stondyng by hynde [t]e pavys, and the pavys as full of iijdnayle aftyr ordyr as they might stonde. And whenn her schotte was spende and done they caste the pavysse by-fore hem, then there might noo man come unto them ovyr the pavysse for the naylys that stode up-ryghte, but yf he wolde myschyffe him sylfe. Alle so they hadde a thynge made lyke unto a latysse full of naylys as the net was, but hit wolde be mevyd as a man wolde; a man might bryse it to-gedyr that the lengythe wolde be more then ij yerdys long, and yf he wolde he might hale it a brode, then hit wolde be iiij square. And that servyd to lye at gappys there at horsemen wolde entyr yn, and many a caltrappe. And as the substaunce of men of worschyppe that wylle not glose nor cory favyl for no parcyallyte, they cowthe not undyrstond that alle this ordenaunce dyd any goode or harme but yf it were a mong us in owre parte with Kyng Harry. There fore it is moche lefte, and men take them to mallys of ledde, bowys, swyrdys, gleyvys, and axys. As for speremen they ben good to ryde be-fore the foote men and ete and drynke uppe her vetayle, and many moo suche prety thyngys they doo, holde me excusyd thoughe I say the beste, for in the fote men is alle the tryste.
Chronicle of Gregory 1461. Before 25 Feb 1461. There the Erle of Warwycke (age 32) informyd him of the gydynge and dysposyscyon of [her husband] Kyng Harry (age 39), and of the Quene (age 30), and of the love and favyr that the comyns hadde unto hym, and by ryght to occupy the crowne of Inglonde, and soo his hert was some what made gladde and comfortyd. But he was sory that he was soo pore, for he hadde no mony, but the substance of his mayny come at her owne coste.
Chronicle of Gregory 1461. Ande the xxix [29] day of the same monythe of Marche, that was þe Palme Sunday, the kyng (age 18) mette with the lordys of the Northe at Schyrborne. And there was on Harrys party that was King-
[her son] Prynce Edwarde (age 7), Kyng Harrys son.
The Duke of Exceter (age 30).
The Duke of Somersett (age 25).
The Erle of Northehumberlond (age 39).
The Erle of Devynschyre (age 29).
The lord Bemound (age 33).
The lord Clyfforde (deceased).
The lord Nevyle.
The lord Wellys (age 51).
The lord Wylby (age 40).
The lord Harry of Bokyngham.
The lord Rivers (age 56).
The lord Schalys.
The lord Maule (age 50).
The lord Ferys of Groby (age 23).
The lord Foschewe. [Possibly John Fortescue (age 67)]
The lord Lovelle (age 28).
Syr Thomas Hammys, captayne of alle the fote men.
Syr Thomas Tressam (age 41).
Syr Robert Whytyngham (age 32).
Syr John Dawne.
And the yonge Lord of Schrouysbury (age 12), and many moo othyr, bothe lordys, knyghtys, and squyers.
Here ben the namys of the lordys that were slayne in the felde in [her husband] King Harrys (age 39) party.
The lord Nevyle (age 51),
And many moo then I can reherse; but whythe [t]es and othyr that were slayne in the fylde is a grete nombyr, by syde xlij [42] knyghtys that were slayne aftyr; the hoole nombyr is xxxv M1 [35000] of comeners. Jhesu be þou marcyfulle unto her soulys. Amen.
And the lordys before wretyn fledde, the substance in to Schotlond with the King Harry and Quene Margarete (age 31), and son the Prynce with hym, full of sorowe and hevynys, no wondyr. God knowythe, but every man deme the beste tylle the trought be tryde owte. For many a lady lost her beste be lovyd in that batayle.
Around Jun 1462 a Scottish and Lancastrian force, including King James III of Scotland (age 10), his mother Mary of Guelders Queen Consort Scotland (age 28), [her husband] King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 40) and his wife Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England (age 32), laid siege to Norham Castle [Map]. They held Norham for eighteen days until a force led by Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 33) and his brother John Neville 1st Marquess Montagu (age 31) advanced to Norham Castle [Map] at which time the Scottish and Lancastrian force fled in panic pursued by the Yorkist army. Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England and her son [her son] Edward of Westminster Prince of Wales (age 8) escaped to Berwick on Tweed, Northumberland [Map] and then to the continent. King Henry VI of England and II of France remained in Scotland - he and his wife never saw each other again.
Chronicle of Gregory 1462. Jul 1462. Thys year Quene Margarete (age 32) com owt of Frauns with lij [52] schyppys, with Freynysche men and some Engelysche men in the schyppys. And they londyd in Northe Humberlonde, it was vij dayes be-fore Alle Halwyn tyde. And there sche toke the castelle of Anwyke [Map] and put it full of Fraynyschemen. And then she retornyd in to Schotlonde by water. And there rosse suche a tempaste uppon her that she for soke her schippe, and a schapyd with the bote of þe schyppe. And the schyppe was drownyd with moche of her stuffe and iij [3] grete schippys moo. And iiij c and vj [406] Fraynysche men were take in the chyrche of Hooly Ylond [Map]. Thenn Kyng Edward (age 20) hyrde telle of thys, and made him redy towarde the Northe with many lordys, gentellys, and comyns with hym. And there he layde a sege to Anwyke Castelle [Map], and to the castelle of Bamborowe [Map], and to Dunsterborowe [Map]. Bamborowe [Map] and Dunsterborowe [Map] was kept by Syr Raffe Persy (age 37) and Syr Harry Bewforde (age 26), late Duke of Somersett, and the castelle of Anwyke [Map] with the Lord Hungerforde (age 31). And Bamborowe [Map] and Dunsterborowe [Map] were yoldyn be Syr Raffe Percy and Syr Harry Beuford, late Duke of Somersett, to the Kyngys wylle, whythe the condyscyons that the said Raffe Percy schulde have the kepynge of the ij castellys, Bamborowe [Map] and Dunstarborowe [Map]. The said Syr Raffe Percy and Syr Harry Beuforde, late Duke of Somersett, were sworne to be trewe and faythefulle as trewe lege men unto owre King and sovereign lord Edwarde the iiijthe. And they com to Derham [Map], and there they were sworne byfore owre King. And the King gaffe them his levery and grete rewardys. See 1464 Suppressing the Lancastrian Northern Resistance.
Chronicle of Gregory 1462. Dec 1462. And then Kyng Edward (age 20) made Syr John Ascheley, the knyght that fought so manly in Smethefylde with an alyon that calengyd, he was made captayne of the castelle, and Syr Raffe Gray (age 30) constabylle of the said castelle of Anwycke [Map]. And withyn iij or iiij monythys aftyr that fals knyght and traytoure, Syr Raffe Graye, by fals treson toke the said Syr John Ascheley presoner, and delyveryd him to Quene Margarete (age 32), and then delyveryde the castelle to the Lord Hungerforde (age 31) and unto the Fraynysche men accompanyd whythe hym; and by this mene he put the kyng owre sovereign lord out of possessyon.
In 1467 Thomas Cooke was charged with high treason for lending money to Margaret (age 36), the queen of the deposed Lancastrian [her husband] King Henry VI (age 45), on the strength of a confession of a statement obtained under torture from one Hawkins. Chief Justice Markham directed the jury to find it only misprision of treason, whereby Cooke's lands and life were saved, though he was heavily fined and long imprisoned. While awaiting his trial in the Tower his effects, both at his town house and at Gidea Hall [Map], were seized by Lord Rivers (age 62), then treasurer of England, and his wife was committed to the custody of the mayor. On his acquittal he was sent to the Bread Street compter [Map], and afterwards to the king's bench [Map], and was kept there until he paid eight thousand pounds to the king (age 24) and eight hundred pounds to the queen (age 30). Lord Rivers and his wife (age 52), the Duchess of Bedford, also obtained the dismissal of Markham from his office for having determined that Cooke was not guilty of treason.
On 22 Jul 1470 Warwick the Kingmaker (age 41), [her husband] King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 48) and Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England (age 40) signed the Angers Agreement at Angers Cathedral [Map]. The agreement had been brokered by King Louis XI of France (age 47). [her son] Edward of Westminster Prince of Wales (age 16) and [her future daughter-in-law] Anne Neville Queen Consort England (age 14) were betrothed as part of the Agreement.
On 13 Dec 1470 [her son] Edward of Westminster Prince of Wales (age 17) and [her daughter-in-law] Anne Neville Queen Consort England (age 14) were married at Angers Cathedral [Map]. She by marriage Princess of Wales. She the daughter of Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 42) and Anne Beauchamp 16th Countess Warwick (age 44). He the son of [her husband] King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 49) and Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England (age 40). They were half third cousins. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
On 14 Apr 1471 Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England (age 41) lands at Weymouth, Dorset with John Wenlock 1st Baron Wenlock (age 71).
After 14 Apr 1471 Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England (age 41) was imprisoned at Wallingford Castle [Map] then the Tower of London [Map].
A Brief Latin Chronicle. 04 May 1471. Margaret (age 41), formerly Queen, was captured there along with her son's [her daughter-in-law] wife (age 14), and was brought to London by carriage and put into custody.
Margareta olim Regina ibi capta, cum uxore filii sui, et London. in curru deducta et in custodiam tradita est.
A Brief Latin Chronicle. 04 May 1471. In the year of our Lord 1471, around the feast of Saint George, [the King], having heard that Queen Margaret (age 41) along with her son [her son] Edward (age 17) and many other lords and nobles had landed in the western parts of England, and that many were flocking to her, hastened with his army against them, and near Tewkesbury, fiercely attacked them, slaughtering many and beheading some of the nobles captured there. The names of those chiefly slain there are these: Edward, the son of Queen Margaret, the Earl of Devon (age 36), Lord John of Somerset, Lord John Wenlock (age 71), Henry the recorder of Bristol, along with many others. The names of those beheaded there are these: the Duke of Somerset (age 32), the prior of the house of Saint John in Smithfield, London, Lord Humphrey Audley, along with many others.
Anno Domini 1471°, circiter festum Sancti Georgii, [Rex], audito quod Regina Margareta cum Edwardo filio suo et aliis dominis et proceribus multis in partibus occiduis Anglorum applicuisset, et quod multi ad eam confluerent, cum suo exercitu etiam adversus eos festinavit, et juxta Tewkisberi acriter in eos insiliens multos trucidavit et quosdam nobiles ibi captos decollavit. Nomina precipurorum ibi interfectorum sunt hec:—Edwardus filius Regine Margarete, comes Devonie, dominus Johannes de Somersete, dominus Johnannes Wenloc, Henricus recorder de Bristow, cum multis aliis. Nomina decollatorum ibidem sunt hec: dux de Somersete, prior domus Sancti Johannis in Smythfeld, London., dominus Hunfredus Awdelaye, cum multis aliis.
On 04 May 1471 King Edward IV of England (age 29) was victorious at the Battle of Tewkesbury. His brother Richard (age 18), Richard Beauchamp 2nd Baron Beauchamp Powick (age 36), John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 46), George Neville 4th and 2nd Baron Bergavenny (age 31), John Savage (age 49), John Savage (age 27), Thomas St Leger (age 31), John Tuchet 6th Baron Audley, 3rd Baron Tuchet (age 45), Thomas Burgh 1st Baron Burgh of Gainsborough (age 40) fought. William Brandon (age 46), George Browne (age 31), Ralph Hastings, Richard Hastings Baron Willoughby (age 38), James Tyrrell (age 16), Roger Kynaston of Myddle and Hordley (age 38) were knighted. William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings (age 40) commanded.
Margaret of Anjou (age 41) was captured. Her son [her son] Edward of Westminster Prince of Wales (age 17) was killed. He was the last of the Lancastrian line excluding the illegitmate Charles Somerset 1st Earl of Worcester (age 11) whose line continues to the present.
John Courtenay 15th Earl Devon (age 36) was killed and attainted. Earl Devon, Baron Courtenay forfeit. Some sources refer to these titles as being abeyant?
John Wenlock 1st Baron Wenlock (age 71) was killed. Baron Wenlock extinct.
John Delves (age 49), John Beaufort (age 30), William Vaux of Harrowden (age 35) and Robert Whittingham (age 42) were killed.
Edmund Beaufort 3rd Duke of Somerset (age 32), Humphrey Tuchet (age 37) and Hugh Courtenay (age 44) were captured.
Henry Roos fought and escaped to Tewkesbury Abbey [Map] where he sought sanctuary. He was subsequently pardoned.
On 21 May 1471 [her husband] Henry VI (age 49) died (possibly murdered) in the Wakefield Tower in the Tower of London [Map]. He was buried at Altar, St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle [Map]. The Wakefield Tower [Map] at the Tower of London was
In 1472 Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England (age 41) was placed in the custody of Alice Chaucer Duchess Suffolk (age 68) with whom she remained until she was ransomed in 1475.
On 10 Jul 1480 [her father] René Valois Anjou I Duke Anjou (age 71) died at Aix en Provence. His nephew Charles Valois Anjou IV Duke Anjou (age 34) succeeded IV Duke Anjou. Joan Lorraine Duchess Anjou by marriage Duchess Anjou.
On 25 Aug 1482 Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England (age 52) died at Chateau Dampierre-sur-Loire, Dampierre-sur-Loire, Saumur. She was buried at Angers Cathedral [Map].
Kings Wessex: Great x 13 Grand Daughter of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England
Kings England: Great x 6 Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England
Kings Scotland: Great x 12 Grand Daughter of King Duncan I of Scotland
Kings Franks: Great x 8 Grand Daughter of Louis VII King Franks
Kings France: Great x 12 Grand Daughter of Robert "Pious" II King France
Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 17 Grand Daughter of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine
Great x 4 Grandfather: Charles Valois I Count Valois 3 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: King Philip "Fortunate" VI of France 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Capet Countess Valois 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 2 Grandfather: King John "The Good" II of France 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert II Duke Burgundy 5 x Great Grand Son of King William "Conqueror" I of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Joan "Lame" Burgundy Queen Consort France 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Agnes Capet Duchess Burgundy 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 1 Grandfather: Louis Valois Anjou I Duke Anjou 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Henry Luxemburg VII Holy Roman Emperor 5 x Great Grand Son of King William "Conqueror" I of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: King John I of Bohemia 6 x Great Grand Son of King William "Conqueror" I of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Brabant Countess Luxemburg and Namur
Great x 2 Grandmother: Bonne Luxemburg Queen Consort France 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King William "Conqueror" I of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: King Wenceslaus II of Bohemia and Poland
Great x 3 Grandmother: Queen Elizabeth of Bohemia
Great x 4 Grandmother: Queen Judith of Bohemia and Poland
GrandFather: King Louis of Naples 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Hugh Chatillon II Count Blois 3 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Guy Chatillon I Count Blois 4 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Beatrix Dampierre Countess Blois 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King William "Conqueror" I of England
Great x 2 Grandfather: Charles "Saint" Chatillon Duke Brittany 5 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Charles Valois I Count Valois 3 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Margaret Valois 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Capet Countess Valois 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 1 Grandmother: Marie Chatillon Duchess Anjou 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Arthur Capet Duke Brittany Grand Son of King Henry III of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Guy Capet Count Penthièvre Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Marie Limoges Duchess Brittany 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King William "Conqueror" I of England
Great x 2 Grandmother: Joan "Lame" Capet Countess Penthièvre 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Jeanne Avaugour Countess Penthièvre
Father: René Valois Anjou I Duke Anjou 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: James "The Just" II King Aragon 6 x Great Grand Son of King William "Conqueror" I of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Alfonso IV King Aragon 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Blanche Capet Queen Consort Aragon 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 2 Grandfather: Peter IV King Aragon 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Teresa Enteca Queen Consort Aragon
Great x 1 Grandfather: King John I of Aragon 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Frederick III King Sicily
Great x 3 Grandfather: Peter II King Sicily 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor Capet 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 2 Grandmother: Eleanor Barcelona Queen Consort Aragon 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
GrandMother: Yolanda Barcelona Queen Consort Naples 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Edward of Bar Grand Son of King Edward I of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Henry of Bar IV Count of Bar Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Mary Burgundy 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 2 Grandfather: Robert of Bar 1st Duke of Bar 2 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert Dampierre Count Marle 6 x Great Grand Son of King William "Conqueror" I of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Yolande Dampierre Countess of Bar 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan Montfort Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England
Great x 1 Grandmother: Yolande of Bar Queen Consort Aragon 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: King Philip "Fortunate" VI of France 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: King John "The Good" II of France 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan "Lame" Burgundy Queen Consort France 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 2 Grandmother: Marie Valois Duchess Bar 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: King John I of Bohemia 6 x Great Grand Son of King William "Conqueror" I of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Bonne Luxemburg Queen Consort France 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King William "Conqueror" I of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Queen Elizabeth of Bohemia
Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Theobald Metz II Duke Lorraine 5 x Great Grand Son of King William "Conqueror" I of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Frederick "Fighter" Metz IV Duke Lorraine 6 x Great Grand Son of King William "Conqueror" I of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Isabelle Lady Rumigny Duchess Lorraine
Great x 2 Grandfather: Rudolph "Valiant" Metz I Duke Lorraine 7 x Great Grand Son of King William "Conqueror" I of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Albert Habsburg I Duke Austria
Great x 3 Grandmother: Elizabeth Habsburg Duchess Lorraine
Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Carinthia Duchess Austria
Great x 1 Grandfather: John Metz I Duke Lorraine 6 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Hugh Chatillon II Count Blois 3 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Guy Chatillon I Count Blois 4 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Beatrix Dampierre Countess Blois 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King William "Conqueror" I of England
Great x 2 Grandmother: Marie Chatillon Duchess Lorraine 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Charles Valois I Count Valois 3 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Margaret Valois 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Capet Countess Valois 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
GrandFather: Charles Metz II Duke Lorraine 7 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England
Great x 2 Grandfather: Eberhard II Count of Württemberg
Great x 1 Grandmother: Sophie Württemberg Duchess Lorraine
Great x 2 Grandmother: Countess Elizabeth von Henneberg-Schleusingen
Mother: Isabella Metz Duchess Anjou I Duchess Lorraine 8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England