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Anjou is in France.
Continents, Europe, France, Anjou, Beaufort en Vallée [Map]
In 1391 Robert Ferrers (age 18) and Joan Beaufort Countess of Westmoreland (age 12) were married at Beaufort en Vallée [Map]. She the illegitmate daughter of John of Gaunt 1st Duke Lancaster (age 50) and Katherine Roet Duchess Lancaster (age 40). She a granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
Continents, Europe, France, Anjou, Chinon
In 1156 William Plantagenet (age 19) undertook a siege at Chinon.
Continents, Europe, France, Anjou, Chinon Castle [Map]
In 1156 King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 22) besieged Chinon Castle [Map].
The History of William Marshal 1189 Death of King Henry II.
Li reis Henriz a Chinon vint, | King Henry came to Chinon [Map], | |
Mais tels damages i avint | But such misfortunes happened there | 9040 |
Que puis n'i out bien ne delit | That afterwards there was neither good nor pleasure there | |
Ne puis ne leva de son lit. | Nor did he rise from his bed again. | |
Malades jut el lit mortal: | Ill he lay in mortal bed: | |
Si'n soufrirent ennui e mal | So they suffered distress and pain | |
E grant dolor cil qui I'amérent, | And great sorrow those who loved him, | 9045 |
& qui ovecques lui i érent. | And those who were with him there. | |
E nequedent molt volt saveir | And nevertheless he greatly wanted to know | |
& molt volt en escrit aveir | And greatly wanted to have in writing | |
Cels qui érent ses contrempris, | Those who were his adversaries, | |
E qu'en eüst les nons apris. | And that he might have found out their names. | 9050 |
A mestre Rog. Malchael, | To master Roger Malchael, | |
Qui lores portout son seel, | Who then carried his seal, | |
Dist k'il alast sanz demorance | He said that he should go without delay | |
A Tors de si qu'al rei de France, | To Tours to the king of France, | |
Que li feist en escrit metre, | That he should have written down, | 9055 |
Si comme li plout a prametre, | As it pleased him to promise, | |
Toz cels qui érent ses empris, | All those who were his adversaries, | |
Tant que lor nons eüst apris. | So that he might have learned their names. | |
Maistre Roger issi le fist: | Master Roger did it so: | |
A Tors ala e si escrist | He went to Tours and thus listed | 9060 |
Trestoz cels qui empris esteient | All those who were committed | |
Al rei de France e li aveient | To the king of France and had | |
Pramis a aidier de sa guerre | Promised to help in his war | |
Encontre le rei d'Engletere. | Against the king of England. | |
Maistre Roger issi le fist | Master Roger did it thus | 9065 |
Com li rei commanda e dist. | The king commanded and said. | |
Ci ne deit aveir demorance: | Here there should be no delay: | |
Revenuz fu del rei de France | He returned from the king of France | |
Maistre Roger devant le rei; | Master Roger before the king; | |
E il li dist ke en segrei | And he told him that in secret | 9070 |
Li recontast qui cil esteient | He recounted who those were | |
Qui chartres bailliées aveient | Who had given charters | |
En lor seels al rei de France | With their seals to the king of France | |
Contre lui e en sa nuisance. | Against him and to his detriment. | |
E cil en suspirant li dist: | And he sighing said to him: | 9075 |
"Sire, si m'ait Jhesu Crist, | "Sire, so help me if Jesus Christ, | |
"Li premiers qui est ci escriz, | "The first one who is written here, | |
"C'est li quens Johan vostre fiz." | "It is count John (age 22) your son." |
Instruction for a Ruler Book 3 Chapter 26. 06 Jul 1189, Therefore, with these things having been completed in this manner, the king (age 56) had himself carried to the castle of Chinon [Map]; where, his health worsening on Thursday, and having taken to his bed on the seventh day, on that day which physicians call critical, he was lethally struck down, repeating, indeed multiplying, these words, which the intensity of his thoughts, both of the illness and of the pain as well as indignation, extorted from him, because the mouth speaks from the abundance of the heart, 'Oh, the shame of a defeated king! Oh, the shame!' he struggled in his final moments. And thus, finally, among such wretched cries, the very herald of his own disgrace, he expired, overwhelmed and oppressed more than ended by natural death. From this, it is clear that the higher one is elevated by prosperity, the more forcefully they are cast down; and the more the bow is bent back, the more powerfully the arrow is propelled forward.
His igitur in hunc modum exactis, ad Chinonense castrum se rex deferri fecit; ubi invalescente valetudine feria quinta, et a qua decubuit septima, die videlicet quem physici criticum vocant, letaliter correptus, hæc ingeminando immo multiplicando verba, quae de reliquiis cogitationum vehementia tam morbi quam doloris pariter et indignationis extorsit, quoniam ex abundantia cordis os loqui solet, "Proh pudor de rege victo! proh pudor!" in extremis laboravit. Et sic demum inter aerumnosas hujusmodi voces, propria praco confusionis, exspiravit, obrutusque magis et oppressus quam naturali morte finitus occubuit. Ex quo patet quod, quanto [quis] secundis altius elevatur, tanto impetuosius ad imum demittitur; quantoque arcus magis retro curvatur, tanto sagitta fortius in anteriora propellitur.
On 06 Jul 1189 King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 56) died at Chinon Castle [Map]. William Mandeville 3rd Earl Essex Count Aumale was present. He was buried at Fontevraud Abbey [Map]. His son King Richard "Lionheart" I of England (age 31) succeeded I King of England.
Before 1202 Hubert de Burgh Count Mortain 1st Earl Kent (age 31) was appointed Count Mortain Mortagne, and as Constable of Dover Castle, Constable of Windsor Castle, Constable of Chinon Castle.
Annals of Margam. 1204. Rex Francorum cepit castrum de Chynim [Map], et postea omnes munitiones Normanniæ, Andegaviæ, et civitatem Pictavis, cum aliis castellis, oppidis, et civitatibus quas voluit habere, et hac ratione; cum rex Johannes cepisset Arthurum, eumque aliquamdiu in carcere vivum tenuisset, in turre tandem Rothomagensi, feria quinta ante Pascha, post prandium, ebrius et dæmonio plenus, propria manu interfecit, et grandi lapide ad corpus ejus alligato, projecit in Secanam; quod reti piscatorio, id est, sagena, inventum est, et ad littus tractum, cognitum; et in prioratu Becci, qui dicitur Sanctse Mariæ de Prato, occulte sepultum, propter metum tyranni. Quod cum fama vulgante audisset prædictus rex Francorum, et pro certo sciret Arthurum esse occisum, fecit summoneri interfectorem ejus Johannem ut veniret ad curiam Francise, uti solent duces Normannise, de occisione tanti viri responsurus, et se si posset defensurus: tanti, inquam, viri ; erat enim legitimus hseres Anglise, comes Britannise, et gener regis Franciæ. Illee tanti mali sibi conscius, nunquam ausus est comparere, sed fugit in Angliam, et in ea super homines suos gravissimam tyrannidem exercuit, usque ad mortem suam. Postquam autem nunquam venit ad respondendum de morte Arthuri, et se defendendum, per judicium curiæ regis et principum Francorum, abjudicatus est, et exhæredatus est cum omnibus hæredibus suis de universis terris et honoribus quos teniiit de corona Francise; et fixum et justum judicium hoc.
The king of the Franks took the castle of Chinon [Map], and afterwards all the fortifications of Normandy, Andes, and the city of the Poitevins [Poitiers], with other castles, towns, and states which he desired to have, and in this manner; when King John had taken Arthur, and kept him alive in prison for some time, in Rouen Castle, Thursday before Easter, after dinner, drunk and full of demons, he killed him with his own hand, and a great stone bound to his body, threw it in the Seine; which was found in a fishing net, that is, a sedge, it was found, and the tract of land known; and in the priory of Becci, which is called Sanctse Maria de Prato, buried secretly, for fear of the tyrant. The aforesaid king of the Franks had heard it by popular report and he knew for certain that Arthur had been slain, he summoned John, his murderer, to come to the court of Francis, Norman leaders usually use it, he would answer for the killing of such a great man, and would defend himself if he could: so much, I say, men; For he was the legitimate heir of England, earl of Britain, and son-in-law of the king of France. He was aware of so much evil, he never dared to appear, but fled to England, and in it he exercised the most severe tyranny over his men, until his death. But after he never came to answer for Arthur's death, by the judgment of the court of the king and the princes of the Franks, he was adjudged and he inherited with all his heirs all the lands and honors which he held from the crown of Francis; and this judgment is fixed and just.
On 08 Mar 1429 Joan of Arc (age 17) met with Charles "Victorious" VII King France (age 26) at Chinon Castle [Map]. Their first meeting.
Continents, Europe, France, Anjou, Saumur [Map]
Before 29 Aug 1156 King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 23) and Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 34) were reunited in Saumur [Map].
Continents, Europe, France, Anjou, Saumur, Dampierre sur Loire