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Apr 1483 Aug 1483 Richard III Accedes

Apr 1483 Aug 1483 Richard III Accedes is in 15th Century Events.

Edward V leaves Ludlow

On 23 Apr 1483 King Edward V of England (age 12) left Ludlow, Shropshire [Map] with his uncle Anthony Woodville 2nd Earl Rivers (age 43).

Edward Woodville puts to sea taking the Royal Treasure

On 26 Apr 1483 Edward Woodville Lord Scales (age 27) put to sea with around twenty ships taking a part of the Royal treasure with him eventually arriving in Brittany [Map].

Dinner and Arrest of the Woodville Affinity

Croyland Chronicle 1483. 30 Apr 1483. On reaching Northampton, where the duke of Buckingham (age 28) joined him, there came thither for the purpose of paying their respects to him, Antony, earl of Rivers (age 43), the king's uncle, and Richard Grey (age 26), a most noble knight, and uterine brother to the king, together with several others who had been sent by the king, his nephew, to submit the conduct of everything to the will and discretion of his uncle, the duke of Gloucester (age 30). On their first arrival, they were received with an especially cheerful and joyous countenance, and, sitting at supper at the duke's table, passed the whole time in very pleasant conversation. At last, Henry, duke of Buckingham, also arrived there, and, as it was now late, they all retired to their respective lodgings.

On 30 Apr 1483 King Richard III of England (age 30) met Richard Grey (age 26) and Anthony Woodville 2nd Earl Rivers (age 43) at Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire [Map] who were accompanying King Edward V of England (age 12) to from Ludlow to London. All three had dinner together.

Croyland Chronicle 1483. 01 May 1483. When the morning, and as it afterwards turned out, a most disastrous one, had come, having taken counsel during the night, all the lords took their departure together, in order to present themselves before the new king at Stony Stratford, a town a few miles distant firom Northampton; and now, lo and behold! when the two dukes had nearly arrived at the entrance of that town, they arrested the said earl of Rivers (age 43) and his nephew Richard (age 26), the king's brother, together with some others who had come with them, and commanded them to be led prisoners into the north of England. Immediately after, this circumstance being not yet known in the neighbouring town, where the king was understood to be, they suddenly rushed into the place where the youthful king was staying, and in like manner made prisoners of certain others of his servants who were in attendance on his person. One of these was Thomas Vaughan (age 73), an aged knight and chamberlain of the prince before-named.

Chronicle of Jean Molinet Chapter 100. [01 May 1483]. The Queen of England, recognizing the audacity of his courage, withdrew and took her children to a safe place called Westminster, so that the said Gloucester would not harm them. However, those from Wales, the princes of the blood, and relatives of King Edward, endeavored to crown the Prince of Wales, and headed towards London to do so; and the Duke of Gloucester at one point pretended to be joyful about this coronation, and at another time held completely opposite views; and he put so many obstacles in the way that the matter failed. He found a way, through some accusations, to dispatch the Lord Scales (age 26)1, nephew of the said children, and Lord Rivers (age 43), along with Thomas Vaughan (age 73);

La reine d'Angleterre cognoissant la protervie de son courage, se tira arrière et emmena ses enfans en une place franche nommée Vastremoustre (Westminster), afin que ledit de Glocestre ne leur fit quelque moleste. Néautuioins ceulx de Galles, les princes du sang et parenté du roy Edouard se mirent en peine de couronner le prince de Galles, et tirèrent vers Londres pour ce faire; et ledit duc de Glocestre l'une fois se faindoit estre joyeux de ce couronnement, l'aultre fois tenoit terme tout au contraire; et y mit tant d'entraves, que la chose suschey. Il trouva façon par aulcunes accusations de soi despescher du seigneur d'Escales nepveu desdits enfans, et seigneur de la Rivière, ensemble de Thomas Vayant;

Note 1. The Chronicler her appears to confuse Richard Grey with Lord Scales i.e. Anthony Woodville 2nd Earl Rivers, who was also known as Lord Scales since his wife was Elizabeth de Scales, 8th Baroness Scales.

The History of King Richard the Third by Thomas More. 01 May 1483. And as soon as they came in his presence, they alighted down with all their company about them. To whom the Duke of Buckingham (age 28) said, "Go before, gentlemen and yeomen, keep your rooms." And thus in a goodly array, they came to the King (age 12) and, on their knees in very humble fashion, assuaged his Grace, who received them in very joyous and amiable manner, nothing earthly knowing nor mistrusting as yet. But even by and by, in his presence, they picked a quarrel with the Lord Richard Grey (age 26), the King's other brother by his mother, saying that he, with the Lord Marquis (age 28) his brother and the Lord Rivers (age 43) his uncle, had planned to rule the King and the realm, and to set variance among the lords, and to subdue and destroy the noble blood of the realm. Toward the accomplishing whereof, they said that the Lord Marquis had entered into the Tower of London [Map], and thence taken out the King's treasure, and sent men to the sea. All of which things, these dukes knew well, were done for good purposes and necessary ones by the whole council at London, except that they must say something.

Unto which words, the King answered, "What my brother marquis has done I cannot say. But in good faith I dare well answer for mine uncle Rivers and my brother here, that they be innocent of any such matters.".

"Yea, my Liege," said the Duke of Buckingham, "they have kept their dealing in these matters far from the knowledge of your good Grace.".

And forthwith they arrested the Lord Richard and Sir Thomas Vaughan (age 73), knight, in the King's presence, and brought the King and all back unto Northampton [Map], where they took again further counsel. And there they sent away from the King whomever it pleased them, and set new servants about him, such as liked them better than him. At which dealing he wept and was nothing content, but it remedied not. And at dinner the Duke of Gloucester (age 30) sent a dish from his own table to the Lord Rivers, praying him to be of good cheer, all should be well enough. And he thanked the Duke, and prayed the messenger to bear it to his nephew, the Lord Richard, with the same message for his comfort, who he thought had more need of comfort, as one to whom such adversity was foreign. But for himself, he had been all his days used to a life therewith, and therefore could bear it the better. But for all this comfortable courtesy of the Duke of Gloucester, he sent the Lord Rivers and the Lord Richard with Sir Thomas Vaughan into the north country to different places to prison and, afterwards, all to Pomfrait [Map], where they were, in conclusion, beheaded.

On 01 May 1483 King Richard III of England (age 30) arrested Richard Grey (age 26), Anthony Woodville 2nd Earl Rivers (age 43) and Thomas Vaughan (age 73) at Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire [Map]. King Edward V of England (age 12) was taken under his uncle Richard's Protection to London.

Bishop John Alcock (age 53) was arrested and removed from office.

Elizabeth Woodville takes Sanctuary at Westminster Abbey

Croyland Chronicle 1483. Around 03 May 1483 . These reports having reached London on the following night, queen Elizabeth (age 46) betook herself, with all her children, to the sanctuary at Westminster. In the morning you might have seen there the adherents of both parties, some sincerely, others treacherously, on account of the uncertainty of events, siding with the one party or the other. For some collected their forces at Westminster in the queen's name, others at London under the shadow of the lord Hastings, and took up their position there.

Death of George Neville

On 04 May 1483 George Neville 1st Duke Bedford (age 22) died. He being the son of John Neville 1st Marquess Montagu, the nephew of Warwick the Kingmaker who should, perhaps, have inherited the Earldoms of Warwick and Salisbury from his mother that had been appropriated by George Neville 1st Duke Bedford and King Richard III of England (age 30). The timing somewhat suspicious. The future Richard III would now enjoy the whole of the Warwick inheritance.

Richard III appointed Lord Protector

Before 08 May 1483 King Richard III of England (age 30) was appointed Lord Protector.

John Russell appointed Lord Chancellor

On 13 May 1483 Bishop John Russell was appointed Lord Chancellor. He replaced Archbishop Thomas Rotherham (age 59).

Robert Stillington Claims Edward IV's Marriage to Elizabeth Woodville to be Bigamous

Around 09 Jun 1483 Bishop Robert Stillington (age 63) informed a Council meeting that the coronation of King Edward V of England (age 12) could not proceed since he was illegitimate since his father's marriage to his mother Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England (age 46) had been bigamous since King Edward IV of England had previously married Eleanor Talbot at which Bishop Robert Stillington presided. The only witness being Bishop Robert Stillington.

Execution of William Hastings by Richard III

Croyland Chronicle 1483. 13 Jun 1483. The lord Hastings (age 52), on the thirteenth day of the month of June, being the sixth day of the week, on coming to the Tower to join the council, was, by order of the Protector, beheaded. Two distinguished prelates, also, Thomas, archbishop of York, and John, bishop of Ely, being, out of respect for their order, held exempt from capital punishment, were carried prisoners to different castles in Wales. The three strongest supporters of the new king being thus removed without judgment or justice, and all the rest of his faithful subjects fearing the like treatment, the two dukes did thenceforth just as they pleased.

Chronicle of Jean Molinet Chapter 100. [13 Jun 1483]. That same day arrived at the Tower of London, the Duke of Buckingham (age 28), who was accused of having extinguished and killed the said children, because he claimed to have a right to the crown; and the Lord of Hastings (age 52), the Great Chamberlain of England, captain of Calais, and guardian of the said children, had his head severed on a block, as he was suspected of intending to betray the king in the said tower. The king inhumanely caused the Lord of Saint-Bove1 to die, to whom he had his genitals cut off, his heart and entrails pulled from his body, and had them burned in a pan full of fire before him; and he was asked if he wanted to drink, and he replied: 'If I drink, who will receive it?'2

Ce mesme jour arriva en la tour de Londres, le duc de Boucquinghen, lequel fut mecreu d'avoir estainct et occis lesdits enfants, à cause qu'il prétendoit avoir droict à la couronne; et le seigneur de Hastingues, grand chambellan d'Angleterre, capitaine de Calais, et nourrisseur desdits enfants, eut la teste tranchée sur un blocq, car il fut suspicîonné à vouloir trahir le roy en ladite tour. Lequel roy fit mourir inhumainement le seigneur de Sainct-Bouve, auquel il fit copper les gènitoires, tirer le cœur et les entrailles de son corps, et les fit brusler en une payelle plaine de feu devant lui; et il lui fut demandé s'il vouloit boire, et il répondit: "si je bois qui le recepvra!"

Note 1. Possibly Thomas St Leger (age 43) who was executed in November 1483 for his part in Buckingham's rebellion.

Note 2. A reference to his no longer having a stomach.

The History of King Richard the Third by Thomas More. 13 Jun 1483. Yet for the further appeasing of the people's mind, he sent immediately after dinner in all the haste, one herald of arms, with a proclamation to be made through the city in the King's name, containing that the Lord Hastings (age 52) with diverse others of his traitorous purpose had before conspired the same day to have slain the Lord Protector (age 30) and the Duke of Buckingham (age 28) while sitting in the Council, and after to have taken upon them to rule the King and the realm at their pleasure, and thereby to pillage and spoil whom they pleased, uncontrolled. And much matter was there in the proclamation devised to the slander of the Lord Chamberlain, as that he was an evil counselor to the King's father, enticing him to many things highly redounding to the diminishing of his honor and to the universal hurt of his realm, by his evil company, sinister procuring, and ungracious example, as well in many other things, as in the vicious living and inordinate misuse of his body, both with many others, and also especially with Shore's wife (age 38) - who was one also of his most secret counsel in this heinous treason, with whom he lay nightly, and, namely, the night last past before his death-so that it was the less marvel if ungracious living brought him to an unhappy ending, which he was now put unto, by the most dread commandment of the King's Highness and of his honorable and faithful Council, both for his demerits, being so openly taken in his falsely conceived treason, and also lest the delaying of his execution might have encouraged other mischievous persons and partners of his conspiracy to gather and assemble themselves together in making some great commotion for his deliverance; whose hope now being by his well deserved death prudently repressed, all the realm should by God's grace rest in good quiet and peace.

Now was this proclamation made within two hours after he was beheaded, and it was so curiously composed and so fair written in parchment in so well a set hand, and therewith of itself so long a process, that every child might well perceive that it was prepared before. For all the time between his death and the proclaiming could scant have sufficed unto the bare writing alone, had it all been but in paper and scribbled forth in haste at random. So that upon the proclaiming thereof, one that was schoolmaster of Paul's, who was by chance standing by and comparing the shortness of the time with the length of the matter, said unto them that stood about him, "Here is a gay goodly cast, foul cast away for haste." And a merchant answered him that it was written by prophecy.

The Usurpation of Richard III by Mancini. 13 Jun 1483. One day these three and several others came to the Tower about ten o’clock to salute the protector [King Richard III of England (age 30)], as was their custom. When they had been admitted to the innermost quarters, the protector, as prearranged, cried out that an ambush had been prepared for him, and they had come with hidden arms, that they might be first to open the attack. Thereupon the soldiers, who had been stationed there by their lord, rushed in with the duke of Buckingham (age 28), and cut down Hastings (age 52) on the false pretext of treason; they arrested the others, whose life, it was presumed, was spared out of respect for religion and holy orders. Thus fell Hastings, killed not by those enemies he had always feared, but by a friend whom he had never doubted. But whom will insane lust for power spare, if it dares violate the ties of kin and friendship? After this execution had been done in the citadel, the townsmen, who had heard the uproar but were uncertain of the cause, became panic-stricken, and each one seized his weapons.

Richard of Shrewsbury Removed from Sanctuary

Croyland Chronicle 1483. [16 Jun 1483]. On the Monday following, they came with a great multitude by water to Westminster, armed with swords and staves, and compelled the cardinal lord archbishop of Canterbury, with many others, to enter the sanctuary, in order to appeal to the good feelings of the queen and prompt her to allow her son Richard, duke of York, to come forth and proceed to the Tower, that he might comfort the king his brother. In words, assenting with many thanks to this proposal, she accordingly sent the boy, who was conducted by the lord cardinal to the king in the said Tower of London.

On 16 Jun 1483 Cardinal Thomas Bourchier (age 65) removed Edward IV's youngest son Richard of Shrewsbury 1st Duke of York (age 9) from Sanctuary in Westminster Abbey [Map] to the Tower of London [Map] so that he could join his brother in preparation for his Coronation. Henry Stafford 2nd Duke of Buckingham (age 28) was present.

Croyland Chronicle 1483. [After 16 Jun 1483]. From this day, these dukes acted no longer in secret, but openly manifested their intentions. For, having summoned armed men, in fearful and unheard-of numbers, from the north, Wales, and all other parts then subject to them, the said Protector Richard assumed the government of the kingdom, with the title of King, on the twentieth day of the aforesaid month of June; and on the same day, at the great Hall at Westminster, obtruded himself into the marble chair. The colour for this act of usurpation, and his thus taking possession of the throne, was the following:-It was set forth, by way of prayer, in an address in a certain roll of parchment, that the sons of king Edward were bastards, on the ground that he had contracted a marriage with one lady Eleanor Boteler, before his marriage to queen Elizabeth; added to which, the blood of his other brother, George, duke of Clarence, had been attainted; so that, at the present time, no certain and uncorrupted lineal blood could be found of Richard duke of York, except in the person of the said Richard, duke of Gloucester. For which reason, he was entreated, at the end of the said roll, on part of the lords and commons of the realm, to assume his lawful rights. However, it was at the time rumoured that this address had been got up in the north, whence such vast numbers were flocking to London; although, at the same time, there was not a person but what very well knew who was the 31 mover at London of such seditious and disgraceful proceedings.

Note 31. In allusion, no doubt, to the Duke of Buckingham.

The Princes of the Tower described as Illegitimate

On 22 Jun 1483 Ralph Shaa preached the bastardy of Edward IV's children by Elizabeth Woodville, including Edward V, and who were therefore ineligible to be King, at St Paul's Cross [Map].

The History of King Richard the Third by Thomas More. "For as that worshipful man thoroughly made clear to you, the children of King Edward the Fourth were never lawfully begotten, forasmuch as the King (while his true wife, Dame Elizabeth Lucy, was still living) was never lawfully married unto the Queen, their mother, whose blood, except that he set voluptuous pleasure before his honor, was fully unsuitable to be matched with his; and the mingling of their bloods together has been the effusion of the greater part of the noble blood of this realm. Whereby it may well seem that the marriage was not well made, out of which there is so much mischief grown. For lack of such lawful coupling, and also of other things which the said worshipful Doctor rather signified than fully explained, and which things shall not be spoken by me as the things wherein every man forbears to say because he knows to avoid the displeasure of my noble Lord Protector, who bears, as nature requires, a filial reverence to the Duchess his mother, for these causes before mentioned, I say, that is, for lack of other issue lawfully coming of the late noble Prince Richard, Duke of York, to whose royal blood the crown of England and of France is by the high authority of Parliament entailed, the right and title of the same is by the just course of inheritance, according to the common law of this land, handed down and come unto the most excellent Prince, the Lord Protector, as the very lawfully begotten son of the remembered noble Duke of York.

Execution of the Yorkists and their Affinity

Croyland Chronicle 1483. [25 Jun 1483]. These multitudes of people, accordingly, making a descent from the north to the south, under the especial conduct and guidance of Sir Richard Ratcliffe (age 53); on their arrival at the town of Pomfret, by command of the said Richard Ratcliffe, and without any form of trial being observed, Antony, earl of Rivers (age 43), Richard Grey (age 26), his nephew, and Thomas Vaughan (age 73), an aged knight, were, in presence of these people, beheaded. This was the second innocent blood which was shed on the occasion of this sudden change.

On 25 Jun 1483 supporters of the Woodviles were executed at Pontefract Castle [Map] ...

Anthony Woodville 2nd Earl Rivers (age 43) was beheaded. His brother Richard Woodville 3rd Earl Rivers (age 30) succeeded 3rd Earl Rivers, 3rd Baron Rivers.

Richard Grey (age 26) and Thomas Vaughan (age 73) were beheaded.

The History of King Richard the Third by Thomas More. Now was it so devised by the Protector and his Council that the same day in which the Lord Chamberlain was beheaded in the Tower of London, and about the same hour, was there-not without his assent-beheaded at Pomfret the before mentioned lords and knights [Anthony Woodville 2nd Earl Rivers, Richard Grey] that were taken from the King at Northampton and Stony Stratford. Which thing was done in the presence and by the order of Sir Richard Radcliff, knight, whose service the Protector specially used in the Council and in the execution of such lawless enterprises, as a man that had been long secret with him, having experience of the world and a shrewd wit, short and rude in speech, rough and boisterous of behavior, bold in mischief, as far from pity as from all fear of God. This knight, bringing them out of the prison to the scaffold, and showing to the people about that they were traitors, not suffering them to speak and declare their innocence lest their words might have inclined men to pity them and to hate the Protector and his part, caused them hastily, without judgment, process, or manner of order to be beheaded, and without other earthly guilt, but only that they were good men, too true to the King and too close to the Queen.

Richard III elected King by the Three Estates

On 26 Jun 1483 Richard III (age 30) accepted the invitation of the citizens of London to become King.

The History of King Richard the Third by Thomas More. "Which thing well considered, and the great knightly prowess pondered, with manifold virtues which in his noble person singularly abound, the nobles and commons also of this realm, and specially of the north parts, not willing any bastard blood to have the rule of the land, nor the shameful violations used before in the same way to continue, have agreed and fully determined to make humble petition unto the most powerful Prince, the Lord Protector, that it may like his Grace, at our humble request, to take upon him the guiding and governance of this realm, to the wealth and increase of the same, according to his very right and just title. Which thing, I know it well, he will be loath to take upon him, as he whose wisdom well perceives the labor and study, both of mind and of body, that shall come therewith to whosoever so well occupies that office, as I dare say he will if he take it. Which position, I warn you well, is no child's office. And the great wise man well perceived this when he said: Veh regno cuius rex puer est 'Woe is that realm that has a child for their King."

"Wherefore so much the more cause have we to thank God that this noble personage, who is so righteously entitled thereunto, is of such a mature age that great wisdom is joined with so great experience; who, although he will be loath, as I have said, to take it upon him, yet shall he to our petition in that behalf more graciously incline if ye, the worshipful citizens of this the chief city of this realm, join with us nobles in our said request. Which for your own benefit we doubt not but you will, and nevertheless I heartily pray you so to do, whereby you shall do great profit to all this realm, both in choosing them so good a king and in providing yourself special advantage, as those for whom His Majesty shall ever after bear so much the more tender favor, considering how much he shall perceive you more prone and benevolently minded toward his election. Wherein, dear friends, what mind you have, we require you plainly to show us."

When the Duke had spoken, expecting that the people (whom he hoped that the Mayor had framed before) should after this proposition have cried, "King Richard! King Richard!"-all was hushed and mute, and not one word answered thereunto. Wherewith the Duke was marvelously abashed, and taking the Mayor near to him, with the others that were about him privy to that matter, said unto them softly, "What means this that this people be so still?".

"Sir," said the Mayor, "perchance they perceive you not well."

"That shall we mend," said he, "if that will help."

And by and by, somewhat louder, he rehearsed to them the same matter again in other order and other words, so well and ornately, and nevertheless so evidently and plain, with voice, gesture, and countenance so comely and so proper that every man much marveled that heard him, and thought that they never had in their lives heard so evil a tale so well told. But were it for wonder or fear, or that each expected that another should speak first, not one word was there answered of all the people that stood before, but all was as still as midnight, not so much as whispering among them by which they might seem to confer what was best to do.

When the Mayor saw this, he with other partners of that counsel drew about the Duke and said that the people had not been accustomed there to be spoken unto except by the Recorder, who is the mouth of the city, and perhaps to him they will answer.

With that, the Recorder, called Fitzwilliam, a wise man and an honest one, who was so new come into that office that he never had spoken to the people before-and loath was he with that matter to begin, not withstanding being commanded to by the Mayor-made rehearsal to the commons of what the Duke had twice rehearsed to them himself. But the Recorder so tempered his tale that he showed everything as the Duke's words and no part of his own. But all this made no change in the people, who altogether stood as if they had been men amazed.

Whereupon the Duke whispered unto the Mayor and said: "This is a marvelous obstinate silence."

And therewith he turned unto the people again with these words:

"Dear friends we come to move you to that thing which perchance we not so greatly needed, but that the lords of this realm and the commons of other parts might have sufficed, except that we such love bear you and so much set by you that we would not gladly do without you that thing in which to be partners is your well-being and honor, which, as it seems, either you see not or weigh not. Wherefore we require you give answer one or other: whether you be minded, as all the nobles of the realm be, to have this noble prince, now Protector, to be your king, or not."

Note A. these words the people began to whisper among themselves secretly; the voice was neither loud nor distinct, but, as it were, the sound of a swarm of bees; till at the last, in the nether end of the hall, an ambush of the Duke's servants and of Nesfield's, and others belonging to the Protector, with some apprentices and lads that thrust into the hall among the crowd, began suddenly, at men's backs, to cry out as loud as their throats would give: "King Richard! King Richard!" and threw up their caps in token of joy. And they that stood before, cast back their heads, marveling thereof, but nothing they said. And when the Duke and the Mayor saw this manner, they wisely turned it to their purpose and said it was a goodly cry and a joyful to hear, every man with one voice, no man saying nay.

"Wherefore, friends," said the Duke, "since that we perceive it is all your whole minds to have this noble man for your king, whereof we shall make his Grace so effectual report that we doubt not but it shall redound unto your great well-being and advantage. We require that you tomorrow go with us, and we with you, unto his noble Grace, to make our humble request unto him in the manner before mentioned." And therewith, the lords came down, and the company dissolved and departed, the most part all sad, some with glad semblance who were not very merry, and some of those who came thither with the Duke, not able to hide their sorrow, were glad, at his back, to turn their face to the wall while the sadness of their hearts burst out of their eyes.

Richard III Rewards his Supporters

On 05 Jul 1483 John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 58) was created 1st Duke Norfolk by King Richard III of England (age 30). Margaret Chedworth Duchess Norfolk (age 47) by marriage Duchess Norfolk.

His son Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 40) was created 1st Earl Surrey. Elizabeth Tilney Countess of Surrey (age 39) by marriage Countess Surrey.

William Berkeley 1st Marquess Berkeley (age 57) was created 1st Earl Nottingham.

John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk and William Berkeley 1st Marquess Berkeley were heirs to the vast Mowbray estates that had been inherited by Anne Mowbray 8th Countess Norfolk who had been married to Richard of Shrewsbury 1st Duke of York (age 9).

Richard of Shrewsbury 1st Duke York 1473-'s father King Edward IV of England had legislated that in the event of Anne's death his son Richard would continue to benefit from the inheritance; she died in 1481.

Francis Lovell 1st Viscount Lovell (age 27) was created 1st Viscount Lovell. Anne Fitzhugh Viscountess Lovell by marriage Viscountess Lovell. [Note. Some sources place his created on 01 Jan 1483 although the source for that is unknown. ]

Coronation of Richard III

The History of King Richard the Third by Thomas More. When he had begun his reign, the twenty-sixth day of June, after this mockish election, then was he crowned on the sixth day of July. And that solemnity was furnished for the most part with the self same provision that was appointed for the coronation of his nephew.

Close Rolls Edward IV Edward V Richard III 1476-1485. 30 Jun 1483 King Richard III of England (age 30). Westminster Palace [Map]. Commission to the king's kinsman John duke of Norfolk (age 58), to execute the office of steward of England at the king's coronation. By K.

Croyland Chronicle 1483. [06 Jul 1483]. After these events, the said Richard, duke of Gloucester, having summoned Thomas, the cardinal archbishop of Canterbury, for the purpose, was on the sixth day of the month of July following, anointed and crowned king, at the conventual church of Saint Peter at Westminster, and, on the same day and place, his queen, Anne, received the crown. From this day forward, as long as he lived, this man was styled King Richard, the Third of that name from the Conquest.

On 06 Jul 1483 King Richard III of England (age 30) was crowned III King of England by Cardinal Thomas Bourchier (age 65) at Westminster Abbey [Map]. Anne Neville Queen Consort England (age 27) by marriage Queen Consort England. Duke Gloucester merged with the Crown.

John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 58) was appointed Lord High Steward. William Brandon (age 58), Thomas Fitzalan 10th or 17th Earl of Arundel (age 33), Thomas St Leger (age 43), Richard Hastings Baron Willoughby (age 50), Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England (age 46), Elizabeth York Duchess Suffolk (age 39), Giles Daubeney 1st Baron Daubeney (age 32) and Humphrey Dacre 1st Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 59) attended.

Robert Dymoke (age 22) attended as the Kings' Champion.

Edmund Grey 1st Earl Kent (age 66) carried The Pointed Sword of Justice. Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 40) carried the Crown. Francis Lovell 1st Viscount Lovell (age 27) carried the Third Sword of State. John de la Pole 2nd Duke of Suffolk (age 40) carried the Sceptre. John de la Pole 1st Earl Lincoln (age 21) carried the Cross and Ball. Henry Stafford 2nd Duke of Buckingham (age 28) carried the king's train. Edward Stafford 2nd Earl Wiltshire (age 13) bore the Queen's Crown.

Thomas Stanley 1st Earl of Derby (age 48) carried the Lord High Constable's Mace. Margaret Beaufort Countess Richmond (age 40) held Queen Anne's train. Henry Percy 4th Earl of Northumberland (age 34) carried The Blunt Sword of Mercy. Christopher Willoughby 10th Baron Willoughby (age 30) was appointed Knight of the Bath.

Humphrey Dacre 1st Baron Dacre Gilsland attended.

Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York (age 68) refused to attend the Coronation of Richard III. History doesn't record her reason.

Robert Brackenbury appointed Constable of the Tower of London

On 17 Jul 1483 Robert Brackenbury was appointed Constable of the Tower of London for life. As Constable he was in direct care of The Princes in the Tower: King Edward V of England (age 12) and his brother Richard of Shrewsbury 1st Duke of York (age 9).

Edward of Middleham created Prince of Wales

Croyland Chronicle 1483. [08 Sep 1483]. Being now desirous, with all speed, to show in the north, where in former years he had chiefly resided, the high and kingly station which he had by these means acquired, he entered the royal city of London, and passing through Windsor, Oxford, and Coventry, at length arrived at York. Here, on a day appointed for repeating his coronation in the metropolitan church, he also presented his only son, Edward, whom, on the same day, he had elevated to the rank of Prince of Wales, with the insignia of the golden wand, and the wreath upon the head; while, at the same time, he gave most gorgeous and sumptuous feasts and banquets, for the purpose of gaining the affections of the people. Nor were treasures by any means then wanting, with which to satisfy the desires of his haughty mind; since he had taken possession of all those which the most glorious king Edward, his deceased brother, had, by dint of the greatest care and scrupulousness, amassed, as already stated, many years before, and had entrusted to the disposal of his executors as a means whereby to carry out the dispositions of his last will: all these he had seized, the very moment that he had contemplated the usurpation of the throne.

On 08 Sep 1483 Edward York Prince of Wales (age 9) was created Prince of Wales and 1st Earl Chester at York Minster [Map]. His parents Richard III (age 30) and Anne Neville (age 27) attended as did Edward Stafford 2nd Earl Wiltshire (age 13).

Edward "Last Plantagenet" York 17th Earl Warwick (age 8) and John York (age 12) were knighted.

Note. Hall's Chronicle places the date at 05 Jul 1483.

1483 Creation of Garter Knights

Around Sep 1483 King Richard III of England (age 30) created a number of new Garter Knights from his key supporters to fill the stalls made vacant by his recent accession:

221st Francis Lovell 1st Viscount Lovell (age 27).

222nd Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 40).

223rd Richard Ratclyffe (age 53).

224th Thomas Stanley 1st Earl of Derby (age 48).

225th Thomas Burgh 1st Baron Burgh of Gainsborough (age 52).