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Battle of Boroughbridge

Battle of Boroughbridge is in 1320-1329 Despencer War.

Froissart Book 1 Chapter 6. 1322. THE foresaid king Edward the second (age 37), father to the noble king Edward the third (age 9), on whom our matter is founded, this said king governed right diversely his realm by the exhortation of sir Hugh Spencer (age 36), who had been nourished with him sith the beginning of his yongth; the which sir Hugh had so enticed the king, that his father and he were the greatest masters in all the realm, and by envy thought to surmount all other barons of England; whereby after the great discomfiture that the Scots had made at Stirling [Map] great murmuring there arose in England between. The noble barons and the king's council, and namely against sir Hugh Spencer. They put on him that by his counsel they were discomfited, and that he was favourable to the king of Scots. And on this point the barons had divers times communication together, to be advised what they might do, whereof Thomas earl of Lancaster (age 44), who was uncle to the king, was chief. And anon when sir Hugh Spencer had espied this, he purveyed for remedy, for he was so great with the king and so near him, that he was more beloved with the king than all the world after. So on a day he came to the king and said, 'Sir, certain lords of your realm have made alliance together against you, and without ye take heed thereto betimes, they purpose to put you out of your realm': and so by his malicious means he caused that the king made all the said lords to be taken, and their heads to be stricken off without delay, and without knowledge or answer to any cause. First of all sir Thomas earl of Lancaster, who was a noble and a wise, holy knight, and hath done sith many fair miracles in Pomfret, where he was beheaded, for the which deed the said sir Hugh Spencer achieved great hate in all the realm, and specially of the queen (age 27) and of the earl of Kent (age 20), brother to the king. And when he perceived the displeasure of the queen, by his subtle wit he set great discord between the king and the queen, so that the king would not see the queen nor come in her company, the which discord endured a long space. Then was it skewed to the queen secretly and to the earl of Kent, that without they took good heed to themselves, they were likely to be destroyage to Saint Thomas of Canterbury, and so to Winchelsea [Map], and in the night went into a ship that was ready for her, and her young son Edward with her, and the earl of Kent and sir Roger Mortimer (age 34), and in another ship they had put all their purveyance, and had wind at will, and the next morning they arrived in the haven of Boulogne [Map].

The Brut. 16 Mar 1322. Though might men seen Archers drawn ham in that on side and in that other; and Knights also fight together wonder sore; and among other, Sir Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford (age 46), a worthy knight of renown throughout all Christendom, stood and fought with his enemies upon the bridge. And as the noble lord stood and fought upon the bridge, a serf, a ribald, sculked under the bridge, and fiercely with a spear smote the noble knight into the fundement, so that his bowels come out there.

On 16 Mar 1322 the rebel army led by Thomas Plantagenet 2nd Earl of Leicester, 2nd Earl Lancaster, Earl of Salisbury and Lincoln (age 44) attempted to cross the bridge over the River Ure (between Ripon and York) at Boroughbridge Bridge [Map]. Their path was blocked by forces loyal to the King led by Andrew Harclay 1st Earl Carlisle (age 52). Bartholomew Badlesmere 1st Baron Badlesmere (age 46), Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March (age 34), John Botetort 1st Baron Botetort (age 57) and John Maltravers 1st Baron Maltravers (age 32) fought for the rebels. Roger Clifford 2nd Baron Clifford (age 22), Nicholas Longford (age 37), Thomas Plantagenet 2nd Earl of Leicester, 2nd Earl Lancaster, Earl of Salisbury and Lincoln, John Mowbray 2nd Baron Mowbray (age 35) were captured.

Warin Lisle (age 51) was hanged after the battle at Pontefract [Map].

Following the battle Hugh Audley 1st Earl Gloucester (age 31) and his wife Margaret Clare Countess Gloucester were both imprisoned. He in Nottingham Castle [Map] and she in Sempringham Priory [Map].

John Clinton 2nd Baron Clinton (age 22), Ralph Greystoke 1st Baron Greystoke (age 22), William Latimer 2nd Baron Latimer of Corby (age 46), Robert Lisle 1st Baron Lisle (age 34), Domhnall Mar II Earl Mar (age 29) and Peter Saltmarsh (age 42) fought for the King.

Adam Everingham 1st Baron Everingham of Laxton (age 43) was captured.

Humphrey Bohun 4th Earl Hereford 3rd Earl Essex (age 46) was killed. His son John Bohun 5th Earl Hereford 4th Earl Essex (age 15) succeeded 5th Earl Hereford, 4th Earl Essex.

Piers Grandison 2nd Baron Grandison (age 31) fough for the rebels, and was captured.

Hugh Audley 1st Baron Audley of Stratton Audley (age 55) surrendered before the battle and was imprisoned in Wallingford Castle [Map] for the rest of his life

John Giffard 2nd Baron Giffard Brimpsfield (age 34) was captured.

On 22 Mar 1322 Thomas Plantagenet 2nd Earl of Leicester, 2nd Earl Lancaster, Earl of Salisbury and Lincoln (age 44) was beheaded at Pontefract Castle [Map] following his capture six days before at the Battle of Boroughbridge. He was buried at Pontefract Priory [Map].

On 25 Mar 1322 Andrew Harclay 1st Earl Carlisle (age 52) was created 1st Earl Carlisle in reward for his capture of Thomas Plantagenet 2nd Earl of Leicester, 2nd Earl Lancaster, Earl of Salisbury and Lincoln (deceased) at the Battle of Boroughbridge.