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Paternal Family Tree: Tudor
1420 Marriage of Henry V and Catherine of Valois
1431 French Coronation of Henry VI
Around 1400 Owen Tudor was born to Maredudd Tudor (age 40).
Around 1406 [his father] Maredudd Tudor (age 46) died.
On 25 Oct 1415 King Henry V of England (age 29) defeated the French army at the Battle of Agincourt. King Henry V of England commanded the Main Battle. Thomas Camoys 1st Baron Camoys (age 64) commanded the Rearguard.
Richard de Vere 11th Earl of Oxford (age 30) commanded. Humphrey Lancaster 1st Duke Gloucester (age 25) was wounded, and was protected by his brother King Henry V of England.
Edward 2nd Duke of York 1st Duke Albemarle (age 42), commander of the Vanguard, was killed; the most senior English casualty. Duke Albemarle, Earl of Rutland and Earl Cork extinct. Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 4) inherited his estates including Conisbrough Castle [Map].
John Fortescue (age 35), Dafydd Gam Brecon (age 35) and Edward Burnell (age 44) and Roger Vaughan of Bredwardine (age 38) were killed.
Michael de la Pole 3rd Earl Suffolk (age 21) was killed. His brother William "Jackanapes" de la Pole 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 19) succeeded 4th Earl Suffolk, 4th Baron Pole.
The English included: Louis Robbessart (age 25), Richard Beauchamp 13th Earl Warwick (age 33), William Botreaux 3rd Baron Botreaux (age 26), William Bourchier 1st Count of Eu (age 41), John Cornwall 1st Baron Fanhope 1st Baron Milbroke (age 51), Edward Courtenay (age 30), Ralph Cromwell 3rd Baron Cromwell (age 12), Thomas Dutton (age 19), Edmund Ferrers 6th Baron Ferrers of Chartley (age 29), Roger Fiennes (age 31), Henry Fitzhugh 3rd Baron Fitzhugh (age 57), John Grey (age 28), John Grey 1st Earl Tankerville (age 31), William Harrington (age 42) as the King's Standard Bearer, Walter Hungerford 1st Baron Hungerford (age 37), Piers Legh (age 26) (wounded), Alfred Longford, Thomas Montagu 1st Count Perche 4th Earl Salisbury (age 27), Thomas Morley 6th Baron Marshal 5th Baron Morley (age 22), John Rodney, Richard Scrope 3rd Baron Scrope of Bolton (age 22), Robert Strelley (age 18), James Tuchet 5th Baron Audley, 2nd Baron Tuchet (age 17), Robert Umfraville (age 52), Thomas West 2nd Baron West (age 35), Robert Willoughby 6th Baron Willoughby (age 30). Thomas Erpingham (age 60) commanded the archers. Thomas Rempston (age 26) was present. Thomas Strickland (age 48) carried the Banner of St George.
Thomas Tunstall (age 57) was killed.
The Welsh included: William ap Thomas "Blue Knight of Gwent" Herbert (age 35), Walter Sais (age 95), Roger Vaughan (age 70) and his son Roger Vaughan (age 5). Owen Tudor (age 15) is believed to have been present as a squire.
The French army suffered significant casualties. Charles Albret (age 46), Philip Valois II Count Nevers (age 26), John of Bar (age 35), Jacques Chatillon (age 48), David Rambures (age 51) and his three sons: Jean Rambures, Hugues Rambures, Philippe Rambures, Waleran Luxemburg (age 60) and Hector de Chartres were killed.
Charles Valois Duke Orléans (age 20) was captured by Richard Waller (age 20) for which he was knighted on the battlefield by King Henry V of England.
John Bourbon I Duke Bourbon (age 34) and Charles Artois Count of Eu (age 21) were captured.
Robert of Bar Count Soissons Count Marle (age 25) was killed. His daughter Jeanne of Bar Countess Soissons succeeded Countess Soissons 1367.
Edward of Bar III Duke of Bar (age 38) was killed. His brother Cardinal Louis of Bar (age 38) succeeded I Duke Bar.
John Valois I Duke Alençon was killed. His son John Valois II Duke Alençon (age 6) succeeded II Duke Alençon.
Frederick Metz I Count Vaudémont (age 47) was killed. His son Antoine Count of Vaudémont (age 15) succeeded Count Vaudémont.
Anthony Valois Duke Brabant (age 31) was killed. His son John Valois IV Duke Brabant (age 12) succeeded IV Duke Brabant. Jacqueline Wittelsbach Duchess Brabant and Gloucester (age 14) by marriage Duchess Brabant.
Jean II Le Maingre "Boucicaut" (age 49) was captured.
Georges de La Trémoille (age 33) was captured.
On 02 Jun 1420 Henry V (age 33) and [his future wife] Catherine of Valois (age 18) were married at Troyes Cathedral [Map]. She the daughter of Charles "Beloved Mad" VI King France (age 51) and [his future mother-in-law] Isabeau Wittelsbach Queen Consort France (age 50). He the son of King Henry IV of England and Mary Bohun. They were half third cousin once removed. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.
Around 1430 Owen Tudor (age 30) and Catherine of Valois Queen Consort England (age 28) were married. She the daughter of Charles "Beloved Mad" VI King France and Isabeau Wittelsbach Queen Consort France (age 60). He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward I of England. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.
On 11 Jun 1430 [his son] Edmund Tudor 1st Earl Richmond was born to Owen Tudor (age 30) and [his wife] Catherine of Valois Queen Consort England (age 28) at Much Hadham Palace, Hertfordshire (which belonged to the Bishops of London). There was speculation[Source Unknown?] that the biological father was Edmund Beaufort 1st or 2nd Duke of Somerset (age 24) with whom Catherine of Valois Queen Consort England was rumoured to have had an affair. Interesting, perhaps, that he was named Edmund rather than Owen. Interesting that he took the Royal Arms of England differenced. Also interesting that his younger brother was named Jasper; a Persian name meaning 'Keeper of the Treasure'.
Around Nov 1431 [his son] Jasper Tudor 1st Duke Bedford was born to Owen Tudor (age 31) and [his wife] Catherine of Valois Queen Consort England (age 30) at Bishop's Hatfield, Hertfordshire [Map].
On 16 Dec 1431 [his step-son] Henry VI (age 10) was crowned II King France: Lancaster at Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral [Map] by Cardinal Henry Beaufort (age 56). A somewhat futile exercise; the last gasps of the Hundred Years War. The ceremony had been arranged by John Lancaster 1st Duke Bedford (age 42). His wife Anne Valois Duchess of Bedford (age 27) attended.
Walter Hungerford 1st Baron Hungerford (age 53) was appointed Carver.
Thomas Harrington (age 31), Richard Archer (age 44), Hugh Courtenay 12th Earl Devon and his son Thomas (age 17) attended.
Patent Rolls Henry VI 1432-1439. 12 May 1432. Letters of denization [citizenship], pursuant to act of the present Parliament, for Owen Fitz Meredith (age 32) [Owen Tudor], notwithstanding the statute of 2 Henry IV. [Cf. Roll of Parliament, Vol. IV. p. 415.] By pet. in Parliament and for 40«. paid in the hanaper.
On 03 Jan 1437 [his wife] Catherine of Valois Queen Consort England (age 35) died at Bermondsey Abbey [Map]. She had been married aged eighteen to King Henry V of England for two years three months. Their son was [his step-son] King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 15).
After Henry V died she disappears somewhat from the records other than for Parliament to legislate against her marrying without permission, which she then duly did, to Owen Tudor (age 37), and had two sons, the elder of which was father to [his grandson] King Henry VII of England and Ireland.
Her children [his son] Edmund (age 6) and [his son] Jasper (age 5) were subsequently placed in the care of Abbess Katherine Pole, then Abbess of Barking. Katherine's brother William "Jackanapes" de la Pole 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 40) had the wardship of Edmund's future wife [his future daughter-in-law] Margaret Beaufort Countess Richmond.
Patent Rolls Henry VI 1432-1439. 29 Jul 1438. Dogmersfield. Pardon to William Hales and William Chapman, sherijffs of London, or the escape from Newgate prison of Owen ap Tuder (age 38), esquire. [Foedera]. By K. Issued in duplicate.
Patent Rolls Henry VI 1432-1439. 12 Nov 1439. Kempton Manor. General pardon to Owen Meredeth (age 39) for all offences before 10 October last. By p.s.
Note. Believed to be Owen Tudor since he is referred to elsewhere as Owen Fitz Meredith.
On 01 Nov 1455 [his son] Edmund Tudor 1st Earl Richmond (age 25) and [his daughter-in-law] Margaret Beaufort Countess Richmond (age 12) were married at Bletsoe Castle [Map]. She by marriage Countess Richmond. She the daughter of John Beaufort 1st Duke of Somerset and Margaret Beauchamp Duchess Somerset (age 45). He the son of Owen Tudor (age 55) and [his former wife] Catherine of Valois Queen Consort England. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward I of England. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
Around 1459 [his illegitimate son] David Owen was born illegitimately to Owen Tudor (age 59) at Pembroke Castle [Map].
Chronicle of England by William of Worcester. 01 Feb 1461. On the eve of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary [02 Feb 1461], a battle [Battle of Mortimer's Cross] took place near Wigmore at Mortimer's Cross, where the Earl of March encountered the Earl of Pembroke with fifty thousand troops against eight thousand, where the [his son] Earl of Pembroke (age 29), the Earl of Wiltshire (age 40), and many others fled from the same field. Owen Tudor (age 61) (the father of the said Earl of Pembroke) and John Throckmorton, esquire, along with eight other captains, were beheaded at Hereford.
Vigilia Purificationis beatæ Marias factum est bellum prope Wigmore apud Mortimer Crose, ubi comes Marche occurrit cum li. millibus contra comitem Penbrochiæ cum octo mille, ubi fugerunt de eodem campo comes Penbrochiæ, comes Wyltescire, et multi alii. Ac Owenus Tedere (pater dicti comitis Penbrochiæ), et Johannes Throgmertone, armiger, cum viii. aliis capitaneis decollati sunt apud Herforde.
Chronicle of Gregory 1461. 02 Feb 1461. Alle so Edwarde Erle of Marche (age 18), the Duke of Yorke is son and heyre, hadde a gre jornaye at Mortymer is Crosse in Walys the secunde day of Februar nexte soo folowynge, and there he put to flyght the [his son] Erle of Penbroke (age 29), the Erle of Wylteschyre (age 40). And there he toke and slowe of knyghtys and squyers, and of the,a to the nomber of iij M1 [3000]., &c.
Ande in that jornay was Owyn Tetyr (age 61) take and brought unto Herforde este, an he was be heddyde at the market place [Map], and his hedde sette a-pone the hygheyste gryce of the market crosse, and a madde woman kembyd his here and wysche a way the blode of his face, and she gate candellys and sette a-boute him brennynge, moo then a C [Note. One hundred]. Thys Owyne Tytyr was fadyr unto the Erle of Penbroke, and hadde weddyd [his former wife] Quene Kateryn, [his former step-son] Kyng Harry the VI (age 39). is modyr, wenyng and trustyng all eway that he shulde not be hedyd tylle he sawe the axe and the blocke, and whenn that he was in his dobelet he trustyd on pardon and grace tylle the coler of his redde vellvet dobbelet was ryppyd of. Then he said, "That hede shalle ly on the stocke that was wonte to ly on Quene Kateryns lappe," and put his herte and mynde holy unto God, and full mekely toke his dethe.
Alle soo the same day that the Erle of Marche shulde take his jornaye towarde Mortymer is Crosse fro Herforde este [Map]b, he mousterd his many without the towne wallys in a mersche that is callyd Wyg mersche. And ovyr him men sayc iij [3] sonnys schynyng.
Note a. So in MS.
Note b. Haverfordwest. [Note. While the note suggests Haverfordwest we believe this is a reference to Hereford?]
Note c. And over him men say three suns shining. A reference to the Parhelion which occurred on the morning of the Battle of Mortimer's Cross.
Hall's Chronicle 1460. The duke of Yorke, called erle of Marche, somwhat spurred and quickened with these noueltyes, retired backe, & mett with his enemies in a faire playne, nere to Mortimers crosse, not farre from Herford east, on Candelmas day [02 Feb 1461] in the mornyng, at whiche tyme the sunne (as some write) appered to the erle of March, like. iii. sunnes [See Parhelion], and sodainly ioined all together in one, and that upon the sight therof, he toke suche courage, that he fiercely set on his enemies, & then shortly discomfited: for which cause, men imagined, that he gaue the sunne in his full brightnes for his cognisaunce or badge. Of his enemies were lefte dead on the ground, iii. M. &. viii. C [3,800]: The erles of [his son] Penbroke (age 29) and Wilshyre fled, and syr Owen Tewtber (age 61), father to the sayd erle of Penbroke, which Owen had marled kyng Henries mother (as you haue heard before) with Dauid floyde, Morgan ap reuther, & diuers other were taken and behedded at the citie of Herford.
On 02 Feb 1461 at the Battle of Mortimer's Cross at Mortimer's Cross, Herefordshire [Map] the future King Edward IV of England (age 18) commanded the Yorkist forces including William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings (age 30), John Wenlock 1st Baron Wenlock (age 61), John Tuchet 6th Baron Audley, 3rd Baron Tuchet (age 35), John Savage (age 17) and Roger Vaughan (age 51).
In the Lancastrian army Owen Tudor (age 61) (captured by Roger Vaughan) and his son [his son] Jasper Tudor 1st Duke Bedford (age 29) fought as well as James Butler 1st Earl Wiltshire 5th Earl Ormonde (age 40) and Henry Roos. Gruffydd ap Nicholas Deheubarth (age 68) were killed. Watkin Vaughan (age 66) and Henry Wogan (age 59) were killed.
Monument to the Battle of Mortimer's Cross at Mortimer's Cross, Herefordshire [Map]. Note the mistake - Edward IV described as Edward Mortimer. The monument was erected by subscription in 1799.
Gruffydd ap Nicholas Deheubarth: In 1393 he was born to Nicolas ap Philip Deheubarth and Jonet Unknown at Sheffield.
Watkin Vaughan: Around 1395 he was born to Roger Vaughan of Bredwardine and Gwladys ferch Dafydd Gam "Star of Abergavenny" Brecon. Around 1435 Watkin Vaughan and Elinor Wogan were married. The date based on his age being around twenty. The difference in their ages was 29 years.
Henry Wogan: In 1402 he was born to John Wogan at Wiston.
On 02 Feb 1461 following the battle Owen Tudor (age 61) was beheaded in the Market Place, Hereford [Map]. He was buried thereafter in Greyfriars Church, Hereford in a tomb paid for by his son [his illegitimate son] David Owen (age 2). Somewhat curious that his other son [his son] Jasper Tudor 1st Duke Bedford (age 29) didn't contribute although the political situation may have made it difficult to do so.
Memorial to Owen Tudor in the Market Place, Hereford [Map]. Somewhat incongruously between a toddlers merry-go-round and a baked potato stall on the day of our visit.
[his illegitimate son] Edward or Owen Tudor was born illegitimately to Owen Tudor at Pembroke Castle [Map].
Kings Wessex: Great x 12 Grand Son of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England
Kings Gwynedd: Great x 8 Grand Son of Bleddyn ap Cynfyn King Gwynedd King Powys
Kings Seisyllwg: Great x 12 Grand Son of Hywel "Dda aka Good" King Seisyllwg King Deheubarth
Kings Powys: Great x 7 Grand Son of Maredudd ap Bleddyn King Powys
Kings England: Great x 4 Grand Son of King Edward I of England
Kings Scotland: Great x 11 Grand Son of King Duncan I of Scotland
Kings Franks: Great x 8 Grand Son of Louis VII King Franks
Kings France: Great x 11 Grand Son of Robert "Pious" II King France
Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 16 Grand Son of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine
Great x 4 Grandfather: Ednyfed "Fychan aka Younger" Tudor
Great x 3 Grandfather: Goronwy ab Ednyfed Tudor
Great x 4 Grandmother: Gwenllian ferch Rhys Dinefwr
Great x 2 Grandfather: Tudur "Hen aka Elder" Tudor
Great x 1 Grandfather: Goronwy ap Tudur Hen Tudor
GrandFather: Tudur ap Goronwy Tudor
Great x 3 Grandfather: Iorwerth ap Madog Hendwr
Great x 2 Grandfather: Madog ab Iorwerth Hendwr
Great x 1 Grandmother: Gwerfyl verch Madog Hendwr
Father: Maredudd Tudor 3 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Owain ap Meredudd
Great x 2 Grandfather: Llewelyn ap Owen
Great x 1 Grandfather: Thomas ap Llywelyn Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Theobald of Bar II Count of Bar 4 x Great Grand Son of King William "Conqueror" I of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Henry of Bar III Count of Bar 5 x Great Grand Son of King William "Conqueror" I of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Jeanne Toucy Countess Bar
Great x 2 Grandmother: Eleanor of Bar Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: King Edward I of England Son of King Henry III of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Eleanor Plantagenet Daughter of King Edward I of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor of Castile Queen Consort England 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
GrandMother: Marged verch Thomas 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England
Owen Tudor 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England